In all of my audio views, if I look at the initial parent view, Sort Inside Groups By works perfectly. However, if I drill down into a child level, it appears to be set to some random default. It shows as using the sort from the parent level, but it isn't actually using it. Also, if I try to change it to something, no change actually occurs.
For example, I have it set to Custom: Description -> Disc # -> Track #. If I look at Artists, it works correctly. However, if I drill down into the Artists -> Album, it no longer holds the same sort order. It is not associated with one particular category, but rather with the drill down. For example, if I start viewing Genres, it works, but if I drill down to Artists level it no longer works, even though that same Artist sorted correctly if I started in Artists view.
I have read quite a few old threads regarding issues with Sort Inside Groups By, and it sounds like the root of other people's problems is that it holds the sort order of the parent view. However, this is not what I am seeing. Can anyone else repeat this issue or chime in with their experience?