If that sounds harsh, consider that JRiver has no bug logging. Even $1 apps have support ticket systems and bug databases (such as https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/ ).
The presence of such a bug tracker doesn't change how a company works, at all.
In fact, in my experience public bug trackers are not generally all that useful, unless you're willing to invest a whole lot of effort into maintaining them - or it'll slowly degrade into an unsorted mess of unanswered tickets.
The problem is that users are usually notoriously bad at reporting bugs - and thats OK, since they are users, and not developers.
Having such a forum like Interact with many great people here willing to spend a bit of their free time helping others will automatically filter out those users that just need a bit of support, and reveal those that actually found a bug. This doesn't work on a bug tracker.
Anyway, don't misinterpret the lack of a public bug tracker as a lack of interest in fixing bugs. There is just no list of bugs for you to look at, but who says we don't have one?