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Author Topic: 'Trial period expired' dialog displayed although the licence has been installed  (Read 5717 times)


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Hi all,

The following situation occurs on my Windows Server 2008 R2:

I am using Version 18 on a Windows 7 PC for some time. Some weeks ago I did install Version 19 on my Windows Server 2008 R2 machine. Due to limitations with the remote desktop functionality, I could not really use the trial version. As the trial period did expire meanwhile, I today purchased an update licence for Version 19. I received the mjr file, which I did process with double clicking on the file. The message was displayed, that the licence was successfully installed. Unfortunately, when I try to start JRMC19, the licence dialog is still displayed and I cannot start the MC. I've tried to licence multiple times and I've also restarted the Server. The only 'success' I could reach is, that the number of remaining restores was reduced from 10 to 6. I received several identical files, when retrying to licence.

Any hints welcome, which could help me to get my JRMC19 running. Thank you very much in advance.





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I actually have the same issue. I've installed license on HTPC without problems, but on my laptop it becomes "trial" after restart.


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Hi all,

As I could not get any hints by now, some additional questions:

1. Does anyone successfully run Version 19 on Windows Server 2008R2?
2. Would it make sense to uninstall and then reinstall the same version and licence it with the same code?
3. Maybe the received code is not correct. Would it make sense to get another one? If so, how I can get it without paying again?

Thanks for your help,


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Make sure the version you have installed matches the version of your license.  This should help:


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Hi Jim,

The version should be ok, because the name of the file, I received from buy-button at jriver, is  'Media Center 19 Windows-########.mjr.

The file content starts with:
JRiver, Inc. Media Center 19 Windows


Vendor:JRiver, Inc.

Product:Media Center

Version:19 Windows


And after having performed the mjr, there was a success message displayed twice.

Is there any entry in the registry I can check or remove?



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The mjr file is the Install Key.  It is good for 14 days.  Please read more in the topic on our wiki.

A Mac license won't work on a PC and vice versa.

Make sure you are installing the license with MC19.


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Just checking... Are you trying to license a portable install?

Because that's not how those work.
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I tried it with an mjr for Windows, as it can be seen above, on the same day as I purchased the update.

I am not sure, whether I did install the portable version. If it is possible on Windows Server, then I maybe did. How I can find out whether the portable is installed and how I have to license this version? If this is the reason (unfortunately I cannot check becore Friday), it would be best, if a helpful message would be displayed instead of the success dialog.

Thanks for your help. I will let you know on Friday.



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when I try to start JRMC19, the licence dialog is still displayed

Just enter your MC19 code on that dialog.

You only need to use MJR files if your computer does not have an Internet connection.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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After having uninstalled the version and reinstalled it, everything was fine. I have no idea what the reason was for this situation. I don't think that it was a portable installation, because JR MC 19 was listed as installed program in the control panel.

Anyway, it is ok now. Thanks for you help.

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