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Author Topic: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please  (Read 11590 times)


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Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« on: December 12, 2013, 11:45:35 am »

I have populated my Involved People field as role:individual.
For example bass:Bill Wyman or drums:Butch Trucks.

I realise this isn't working for me and I need swap them round so that the individual is before the role.
Such as Carl Palmer:drums or David Gilmour:guitar.

How can I do this please.
Perhaps an expression (?) will do the trick.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2013, 12:56:00 pm »

There is no way to do this generally in MC if Involved People is a list type and has more than a few entries.

Please confirm it is a list, as I suspect.

The only way to do this would be to select all the files with a non-empty Involved People and create an MPL playlist export.  Then, you can externally massage the Involved People entry, reversing the components.  I can write you a quick script to do the reversing if you need, but it is going to be in Perl, so you'll need to install a (free) perl interpreter if you don't already have one.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2013, 07:00:42 am »

Please confirm it is a list, as I suspect.
Yeah you're correct it is a list.
Too bad we have to faff about externally but that would be necessary.

And yes please, I should be grateful if you would write me the script.
As you suppose I have never used perl interpreter.
Take your time there is no hurry for this.
Do it when convenient for you.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2013, 12:10:53 pm »

Please attach an MPL playlist of a few files that have Involved People populated.

Select the files in question, and use File > Export Playlist.  Select:

   Format: MPL Playlist (Media Center oniy)
   Output Range: Selection

Save it to the Desktop, zip it, and attach it in a reply here. 
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2013, 01:47:26 pm »

Hope I've done this correct  ?
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2013, 03:32:55 pm »

Got it.

But your INVOLVED PEOPLE field is formatted a little differently than you'd mentioned.  Ok, a lot differently.

In fact, its a mess of formats.  Sometimes it uses " • " as a list separator, sometimes semicolon, sometimes newlines, sometimes there is sentence text included.  And for the pairing separator, there is " - ", and colon, and forward-slash, and "- " and " – ".  And the roles separator is sometimes comma, sometimes forward slash, sometimes enclosed in parens.  And sometimes there are no roles.  Here are some examples:

   • Rick Derringer - vocals, guitar, organ • David Bromberg - guitar, dobro • Joe Walsh - electric guitar

    guitar:Leslie West; bass:Jack Bruce; drums:Corky Laing

    guitar:Laurie Wisefield; singer/guitar:Mick Stubbs; keyboards:Clive Johns; bass:Cliff Williams; drums:Mick Cook

    Lanny Cordola, Gary Griffin, Sandra Stephens, Tony Guerrero, John Stamos, David Enos

    Line up on first two albums: Paul Butler: guitar, vocals/Pete Wingfield: keyboard, vocals/ John Best: bass/Chris Waters (drums). Band often used as backing band on Mike Vernon's recordings of solo artists.

    Andrew Latimer: Electric, Acoustic and Slide Guitars, Flute, Vocals

    Gary Wright- vocals, keyboards
    Ringo Starr – Drums (on “Satisfied”)
    Joe Walsh – Guitar (on “Satisfied” and “You Make Me Feel Better”)
    Jeff ‘Skunk’ Baxter – Guitar (on “Satisfied” and “Gimme Some Time”)
    Will Kennedy – Drums
    Valerie Pinkston – Backing Vocals
    Lisa Vaughn – Backing Vocals

So we can say the data is fairly free format, and automated processing is much more work in this case.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2013, 03:47:47 pm »

Thanks.You are very good at summarising the mess.
I think we would both agree the data is in need of "much work".

Is it pos to do a simple swap of for example:
guitar:Leslie West; bass:Jack Bruce; drums:Corky Laing

swap to

Leslie West:guitar; Jack Bruce:bass; Corky Laing:drums

What then remains as a mess I am prepared to edit manually.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2013, 05:44:23 pm »

When you work in "patterns", you have to think through how your pattern matching will affect all the cases (not just the ones you're examining at the moment).   Your rule is essentially:

    <stuff without a colon>:<whitespace><stuff to next semicolon or end of line>

But let's look at one of your entries:

     Line up on first two albums: Paul Butler: guitar, vocals/Pete Wingfield: keyboard, vocals/ John Best: bass/Chris Waters (drums). Band often used as backing band on Mike Vernon's recordings of solo artists.

With the rule above, this would move this part "Line up on first two albums" to the end.  So we'd need a rule which is more strict.  For example, if we could force the rule to match only items that matched the pattern, but <stuff without a colon> must be in lowercase (like "guitar"), then the entry above would be ignored.  I don't know if that rule is sufficient though.  Maybe we can match against entries that have no whitespace around the colon.

I'm happy to let it rip.  Worst case, some entries are a little more borked, but you can always revert be re-importing the original MPL (or library backup).
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2013, 03:43:25 am »

"I'm happy to let it rip."
Me too.
I am not a coder and all this programming amazes me.

Happy for guitar (role) to be in lowercase - in fact I prefer it.
If goes haywire as you say I can always replace with a Library Backup.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2013, 02:09:14 pm »

Before I do the code, I have something in mind that would allow flexible scripted-based field data modifications in a general way.

Here's what I'm thinking.

First, rather than do an MPL export, you would just select the files in a view you want modified (all or any) and Copy (place data on the clipboard).  The view minimally would need to show the Filename field and the field(s) you want modified.

You run the script, supplying it some code to make the change (I'll give you the code for this).  This code would run against one or more fields (you tell the script which fields), and the script does the changes.  It can either make the changes directly to MC (via MCWS), or produce an MPL which you can manually import.

It would look something like this when you run the script (via Windows cmd shell):

   perl -F "INVOLVED PEOPLE" scriptfile

and the scriptfile would be a file with code I'll give you (this part is really simple).  And for quick, simple operations (like regular expression global substitutions), you could specify the code on the command line:

   perl -F "INVOLVED PEOPLE" -e 's/([^:]:)/ucfirst($1)/ge'

(the code above uppercase the first letter of any word that ends with a : character.)
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2013, 05:18:10 pm »

Umm, this is getting a bit deep for me now.
I'll say yes please. Just give me the instructions to follow...
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2013, 10:21:20 pm »

Ok, here you go.  Start here:

Installation and Setup

1. Download and install ActivePerl 5.16 (not 5.18) for your version of Windows:

2. Download the attached file and unzip it.  Place the folder's contents somewhere convenient, like your Desktop.  Later you can move it once you become familiar with how to use it.  Inside is the script, a configuration file, and a Change log.

3. After ActivePerl is installed, open a Windows command shell (Start and type cmd in the Search box hit Enter) to install a couple of required Perl package modules.  Enter the commands below, one at a time after each has completed:

    ppm install Win32-Clipboard
    ppm install XML-LibXML
    ppm install Text-CSV

Keep this command shell open for later use.

4. Edit the file pscriptor-config.txt.  Read the comments under the MCWS section, and configure the MCWS_server, MCWS_username and MCWS_password values.  You don't need to use MCWS, but the steps below will be different.


1. In Media Center, add columns for the field(s) you want modified to the file list of a view.  The Filename field must also be shown.

2. Select the files you want modified.  To test, just select a couple.

3. Since there is no UNDO after you run the script, you might want to save an MPL now of the selected files (File > Export Playlist, select Format MPL Playlist, and choose the Output Range: Selection).  You can use this to restore values should something go wrong (via File > Import Playlist).  Alternatively, you could backup your library.  Note: in the future, I'll have the script automatically generate a previous.mpl file, so you can undo the last operation by importing this file.

4. In your still-open Command Shell window, type:

    cd Desktop

and hit Enter.

5. Now enter the command below.  It would be best if you copied and pasted it into the command window (after copying the text line, right-click onto the command window to paste):

    perl -c pscriptor-config.txt  -f "INVOLVED PEOPLE" -e "s/([a-z \/]+):(.+?)(; ?|$)/$2:$1$3/g" -v -t

Hit Enter once you've typed the command.  If all worked correctly, you should see your INVOLVED PEOPLE values changed on the command line's output for the selected files.  If things did not work, you'll see some error message, and we'll go from there.

The command line above runs the perl interpreter on the script  It is supplied with the -c argument to specify the config file to use, the -f option specifies the field you want changed in MC, the -e option specifies the perl code to be executed against the field values supplied with -f, and the -v option turns on verbose output, and -t says to run in test-only mode (no MCWS writes are done, so no values in MC are changed).

If the values look correct on the command line output, remove the -t option above and run it again to actually make the changes.  You can recall the previous Windows command line with the up arrow, and left or right arrows, delete and keystrokes edit the command line currently shown.

While Step 5 uses a specific field and perl script, was written so that any MC field(s) can be affected by any arbitrary perl script supplied.  I'll explain later how this works in another thread.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2013, 04:29:30 am »

"If things did not work, you'll see some error message, and we'll go from there."

Cmd error tells me:
'$)' is not recognised as an int or ext command, operable program or batch file.


cd Desktop

does not change dir to Desktop.
My prompt stays on C:\Windows\System32

[Note: In case it helped, I copied the folder Perl64 from C:\(root) to C:\Windows\System32]

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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2013, 12:44:28 pm »

"If things did not work, you'll see some error message, and we'll go from there."

Cmd error tells me:
'$)' is not recognised as an int or ext command, operable program or batch file.

Sorry, my fault.  I used the wrong quotes for using the cmd shell in Windows (I work/test in other environments).  Copy and paste the corrected command above.

Quote from: MusicBringer

cd Desktop

does not change dir to Desktop.
My prompt stays on C:\Windows\System32

I'm not sure why your command prompt starts in System32 (are you admin?).  Anyway, you'll need to cd into your profile's path, and from under there you'll find Desktop.  Alternatively, you could place the script and config files in System32, and ignore the cd Desktop.

Quote from: MusicBringer
[Note: In case it helped, I copied the folder Perl64 from C:\(root) to C:\Windows\System32]

This you don't need or want to do.  /Perl64 is the path that is required, so leave it there.  There are dependencies created when the package installations are done.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2013, 01:56:15 pm »

I managed to cd to Desktop. Hooray

From the prompt I ran cmd:

perl -c pscriptor-config.txt  -f "INVOLVED PEOPLE" -e "s/([a-z \/]+):(.+?)(; ?|$)/$2:$1$3/g" -v -t

Shows error message:
Clipboard does not appear to have copied track data.
Stopped at line 144, <$io> line 1.

I ran it a few times with different small Exported Playlists; all showed the same error message.

I ran it again without the final -t.
I can see no change in my selected MC PLaylist.

Q. does it matter what the Exported Playlist is called?
I am to understand the script is only supposed to look at and change the tracks listed in the Exported Playlist.mpl.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2013, 02:08:15 pm »

Just tried without final -t again.

Here's an image of the cmd box:
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2013, 02:43:41 pm »

Here's a new version, which will allow you to place the script into a file, so it will simplify your command line.  Download the two files, unzip the archive file and replace the script (no need to update the config file).  The musicbringer.txt file is the script file.  The new command line will be:

    perl -c pscriptor-config.txt  -f "INVOLVED PEOPLE" -E musicbringer.txt -v -t

I managed to cd to Desktop. Hooray


Quote from: MusicBringer
Shows error message:
Clipboard does not appear to have copied track data.
Stopped at line 144, <$io> line 1.

Do you have one or more files selected in the File List in a view?

Quote from: MusicBringer
I ran it a few times with different small Exported Playlists; all showed the same error message.
I can see no change in my selected MC PLaylist.

What do you mean by this?  All you want to do is select the files in a file list in MC and then run the script.

Quote from: MusicBringer
I ran it again without the final -t.

Probably you don't want to do this until the results look correct.  It should look something like:
Code: [Select]
C:\Users\MrC\Desktop>perl -c pscriptor-config.txt  -f "INVOLVED PEOPLE" -E musicbringer.txt  -v -t
Filename: M:\Testing\Abbey Lincoln\You Gotta Pay the Band\01 Bird Alone.mp3
        old(INVOLVED PEOPLE): 'guitar:Laurie Wisefield; singer/guitar:Mick Stubbs; keyboards:Clive Johns; bass:Cliff Williams; drums:Mick Cook'
        new(INVOLVED PEOPLE): Laurie Wisefield:guitar; Mick Stubbs:singer/guitar; Clive Johns:keyboards; Cliff Williams:bass; Mick Cook:drums
Filename: M:\Testing\Abbey Lincoln\You Gotta Pay the Band\02 I'm in Love.mp3
        old(INVOLVED PEOPLE): 'Lanny Cordola, Gary Griffin, Sandra Stephens, Tony Guerrero, John Stamos, David Enos'
Filename: M:\Testing\Abbey Lincoln\You Gotta Pay the Band\03 You Gotta Pay the Band.mp3
        old(INVOLVED PEOPLE): 'guitar:Leslie West; bass:Jack Bruce; drums:Corky Laing'
        new(INVOLVED PEOPLE): Leslie West:guitar; Jack Bruce:bass; Corky Laing:drums

You might want to make your command shell window wider.  Right-click the title bar, and select Properties.  Select the Layout tab, and make the Window Size Width be 132 or wider.  Increase the Height too if you want to see more lines.

Quote from: MusicBringer
Q. does it matter what the Exported Playlist is called?
I am to understand the script is only supposed to look at and change the tracks listed in the Exported Playlist.mpl.

The script does not use an exported MPL file.  It acts directly on MC's selected files.  I'm not sure why you're using an MPL file.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2013, 02:54:09 pm »

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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2013, 03:11:11 pm »

Here's an image of the cmd box:

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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2013, 03:18:28 pm »

...and without final -t

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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2013, 04:37:23 pm »

Can you run the script again (with -t), and then immediately after it is done, paste the contents of the clipboard into a text file, and attach the text file here?
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2013, 04:56:54 pm »

Here is the text file:
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2013, 06:58:15 pm »

The clipboard data is fine.  I think I see what may be happening, and hopefully corrected the problem.  Give this new version a shot (just the script is zipped).  I'm adding some additional changes, so there will be updates in a separate post.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2013, 11:31:20 pm »

Let's keep our questions specific to your use and roles:Artist swapping help here for now, but I've created a release thead for pscriptor:

I'll post future updates and provide general help over there.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2013, 02:45:01 am »

Sorry to say new pl pscriptor_1.02 still fails for me.
Here is txt of clipboard:
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2013, 02:50:39 am »

...and cmd box error:
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2013, 10:45:38 am »

Hmmph, well....

I have two possible theories as to why the script is failing to obtain the clipboard contents:

   - You're running the command shell as admin (and I'm not)
   - some anti-virus is blocking the clipboard read

I just tested the cmd-as-admin theory.  It ran fine.  So now I'll ask about your A/V software.  Got any?

Edit: I have a third, but more of a curiosity and possibility.  Your command shell is labeled as "Administrator: cmd.exe - Check Run as Admin".  Mine is just "Administrator: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe".  What have you setup so that you get the title "Check Run as Admin" ?
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #27 on: December 16, 2013, 11:21:14 am »

"What have you setup so that you get the title "Check Run as Admin" ?"

The item in my Start Menu List (from the bottom left globe) has narrative: cmd.exe - Check Run as Admin.

I was always told to ensure cmd was run as Admin hence the reminder.

AV is common or garden MSE. [Antimalware Client Version: 4.4.304.0]
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2013, 11:24:10 am »

Tried it with MSE turned off.

Here is cmd box errors image [run from run cmd, not start menu]

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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2013, 11:32:30 am »

Good, you've found the problem.  MSE was blocking the clipboard.

Don't run your cmd.exe as Admin unless you know why you need it.  (That's why your working directory was C:\Windows\System32 instead of your user profile).  In the windows Search programs and files box that comes up when you hit the Start button, just type cmd and hit Enter.

For the files now showing errors, can you select that album, do a Copy, and paste the clipboard into a file and attach it here.  I see what is going wrong, but need the data to test here.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2013, 11:38:36 am »

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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #31 on: December 16, 2013, 11:50:38 am »

sorry did you mean Edit Copy  ::)
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #32 on: December 16, 2013, 11:54:12 am »

Got it, thanks.

You are specifying "INVOLVED PEOPLE" with -f but your column shows "Involved People".  As mentioned, you need to use the exact field name.   I'm thinking I'll make changes so that case doesn't matter, but need to test that it will work with MCWS.

I'll fix the errors you get when this mismatch occurs.
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2013, 12:09:25 pm »

perl -c pscriptor-config.txt  -f "Involved People" -E musicbringer.txt -v

The result is in the following cmd box image:
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #34 on: December 16, 2013, 12:23:53 pm »

Excellent!  So the results should be inside MC now too (since there's no -t specified).
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #35 on: December 16, 2013, 12:59:16 pm »

I've posted version 1.03 to the thread:

Which ignores case in the -f field names.  It also checks to ensure the field names you specified with -f are in the view (and available on the clipboard).
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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #36 on: December 16, 2013, 01:11:00 pm »

Excellent! Indeed!

tenacious determined resolute

MrC your skills amaze me.
Not least your ability to give clear concise instructions.
I was completely out of my depth.
I remember as an eight year old putting my faith in my swimming instructor who got in the pool with me.
I learned to swim that afternoon and swam a width of the pool. Mum was very pleased with me.
I sort of relived that here. I simply put my faith in MrC....and we reached the other side of the pool.
Saying thank you hardly seems enough.
But I'll say it anyway.
Thank You  :D
Caesar adsum jam forte. Brutus aderat. Caesar sic in omnibus. Brutus sic inat.


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Re: Involved People swap round role:individual - help please
« Reply #37 on: December 16, 2013, 01:23:18 pm »

What a nice post - thank you.
The opinions I express represent my own folly.
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