Man, I hadn't seen this before...

But I gotta say, I think 6233638 is pretty close here. That, or something close to it, would be a big improvement, I think. Something where there was a catch all "latest version, not really platform relevant" board, and then sub-boards for OS-specific stuff (Windows, OSX, Linux).
The admins would probably end up having to move stuff to sub-boards when they were hardware specific, but I think it would be better to have the "communities" all together, for sure. I don't use the Mac version very heavily (just for music listening here and there), so I don't troll those boards as often. But LOTS of the stuff is cross platform.
Perhaps the idea is to wait until the OSX version has Video and Theater View, which makes it much closer to the Windows version. But already, the View construction, searching, expressions and all of that are common to all platforms. I think it would help unify the community, and give the Mac users better help.