Hello All, this is my first post and need advise from members who have used JRiver MC. I am interested in purchasing the Exasound e18 8 channel dac for tri-amping my speakers. I have searched the web for different solutions but all of them are either very expensive or too cumbersome with a lot of equipment.
The above dac with MC looks simple and straightforward. I need to verify it the following is possible with MC
1. Define multiple crossover (LP and HP) for each channel, define the xover point, the slope and type of filter
2. Define for each channel multiple PEQ for room correction and taming the resonance peaks. Should have control for freq, gain and Q. How many PEQ's can I allocate per channel. Is there a limit
3. Control the gain for each channel for proper balance
4. Some sort of remote vol control using iphone.
Appreciate the feedback
Welcome to the forum; I currently bi-amp with JRiver (And love it) and am always glad to see more bi and tri-ampers here.
Some folks have used the Exasound with JRiver and liked it quite a lot, see here:
http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=73027.0As for your specific EQ questions:
1) JRiver has user configurable crossovers. You can use two (or more) per channel. You asked about the "xover point, the slope and type of filter": you can select the crossover point and the slope, but there are some limitations on the types of filters available. Currently JRiver supports 1st order, 2nd order, 4th order, 6th order, and 8th order butterworth filters. By extension, those can be used to create 2nd order, 4th order, 8th order, etc. Linkwitz Riley filters. There is currently no third order butterworth, sixth order linkwitz-riley, or other non-butterworth/LR topographies of crossover filter (bessel, etc.). Some of these limitations can be overcome by using external filter design software and convolution.
2) JRiver has PEQ with frequency, gain, and Q controls. All parameters are (to my knowledge) unbounded, and you can create an arbitrary number of PEQ entries per channel (I've used more than 20 per channel at one point). JRiver also supports shelving filters (i.e. for baffle step correction) and a few other EQ options.
3) Each channel can be levelled individually in JRiver.
4) There's a popular third party iOS app called JRemote that allows control of the software with an iphone:
http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=79104.0 . I haven't used it myself (no iphone), but it gets rave reviews here. JRiver also supports a normal WMC remote, and provides an android app (Gizmo).
EDIT: Matt beat me to the punch