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Author Topic: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver  (Read 9676 times)


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MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« on: October 27, 2013, 07:14:41 pm »

MC does not play PCM using Yulong DA8 ASIO driver, however it plays DSD64 and DSD128.

MC shows this error message:

"(?) Something went wrong with playback.

Playback could not be started on the output 'ASIO' using the format "44,1KHz 16bit 2ch'.

This output format may not be supported by your hardware. You can use DSP Studio to change the output to a compatible format.
Also, make sure that your system has a valid sound playback device and that it is properly configured in playback options."

This happens with MC18 and MC19. Foobar2000 and Korg AudioGate can play using the same driver.

Sometimes I get to play PCM using ASIO, just after a MC update. I noticed this because I always try it after upgrading to a new version.
It plays normally the first time and keep playing if I do not hit the stop button. I can even change tracks but after stopping playing it will never play again.



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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2013, 11:49:16 am »

Could you use Help > Logging to capture a log of playback failing?  Then mail it to logs (at) jriver [dot] com and include a link to this thread.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2013, 06:59:42 pm »

Hello Matt,

I've captured the log and emailed it to the address you indicated.

I also had the same problem in a different computer running Windows 8 and Windows 7 (dual boot).
The Windows 7 partition had a freshly installed MC.

If you need anything else to helping you to debbug this issue, let me know.

Thanks and regards,



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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2013, 07:55:05 pm »

I see this in the log:
0227402: 6032: Playback: CASIOPlugin::Open: kAsioSetIoFormat failed on format 0
0227402: 6032: Playback: CASIOPlugin::Open: Format not supported

I think the driver probably rejects setting the format to PCM.  I would call this a driver bug (they should return not implemented if they don't honor this call).

It would be good to bring this to the attention of the driver maker.

We might be able to work around it on our side as well.  I'll have to look at the code.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2013, 09:32:12 pm »

It may be a driver bug, indeed. I wonder why other players have no problems with it?
Does MC perform more checks than other players to assure that the DAC can handle the audio format to be played?


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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2013, 10:04:58 pm »

I got to play some PCM files through Yulong ASIO output. I was playing with the "device settings...".
Changing something there make the trick. Is is not always the same changes that work. I change something then try. If the file does not play, I try changing something else until I get to play. I sent a new log with MC playing PCM files using the ASIO output until the problems happen again.

Thanks and regards.


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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2013, 10:21:15 pm »

I found out that going to "device settings..." and trying to open the driver control panel (the drive does not have it) makes MC playing PCM on the ASIO output.
Again, stopping or playing DSD causes the problem on the next PCM playback.


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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2013, 09:10:54 am »

I can't see how to work around this cleanly.

We only set the format if the device returns success from kAsioGetIoFormat and the format it returns doesn't match the format we're trying to play.

In this case, it must return kASIODSDFormat and we're trying to play kASIOPCMFormat.

When we call kAsioSetIoFormat with kASIOPCMFormat, it seems to fail.

Could you write to Yulong?  Send them a link to this thread, and feel free to share my contact information (matt at jriver [dot] com) -- we'll do whatever we can to help.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2013, 08:06:32 pm »

Hello Matt,

MC plays PCM using ASIO output with no problems in my notebook.
I've emailed you the logs.

It is curious. The notebook is fine, two different desktops have the same problem.

I will email Yulong to report this problem.




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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2013, 02:28:47 pm »

Hi Matt,

I reported this issue to Yulong. He just recommended using WASAPI. He said that WASAPI is better than ASIO for Windows 7 and above.
It looks like they will not do anything to fix their driver.
I appreciate your good will in trying to resolve this problem but I believe there is nothing else you can do if the issue is in the driver.


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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2013, 04:17:23 am »

I reported this issue to Yulong. He just recommended using WASAPI. He said that WASAPI is better than ASIO for Windows 7 and above.
It looks like they will not do anything to fix their driver.
I appreciate your good will in trying to resolve this problem but I believe there is nothing else you can do if the issue is in the driver.

Just found this thread, and I'm having exactly the same issues with my Yulong DA8 and new JRiver license. Thanks to your observation that attempting to open the Yulong ASIO driver control panel in JRiver that somehow magically makes it work, I'm now able to get it to play ASIO PCM when I want to without the random arcane rituals of changing every setting in reach back and forth repeatedly until it works, which is a big improvement on sacrificing a rooster or two, but still not really ideal.

But still, based on that observation, it strikes me that there IS something that can be done on the JRiver end, especially since they seem willing to help, while apparently Yulong don't care whether their customers can actually use their products, as long as they've bought them. (And despite the DA8 costing about 30 times what JRiver does, too...)

If trying to open the (non-existant) driver panel somehow clears whatever is making the driver refuse to set PCM mode, in a situation where JRiver wants to play PCM but the Yulong driver responded to kAsioGetIoFormat with kASIODSDFormat, indicating it will fail if a change to PCM is attempted before trying to open the panel, can't JRiver send the call that attempts to launch the dialog (and also clear said dialog), then play? Basically, have the software do the dance we're doing manually through the UI every time we want to get PCM working again after playing native DSD content?

(Also, it might be a good idea to add the word "JRiver" to the forum spellcheck custom dictionary so it stops underlining it as a mistake when typing posts?)


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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2013, 07:42:20 pm »

Just found this thread, and I'm having exactly the same issues with my Yulong DA8 and new JRiver license. Thanks to your observation that attempting to open the Yulong ASIO driver control panel in JRiver that somehow magically makes it work, I'm now able to get it to play ASIO PCM when I want to without the random arcane rituals of changing every setting in reach back and forth repeatedly until it works, which is a big improvement on sacrificing a rooster or two, but still not really ideal.

But still, based on that observation, it strikes me that there IS something that can be done on the JRiver end, especially since they seem willing to help, while apparently Yulong don't care whether their customers can actually use their products, as long as they've bought them. (And despite the DA8 costing about 30 times what JRiver does, too...)

If trying to open the (non-existant) driver panel somehow clears whatever is making the driver refuse to set PCM mode, in a situation where JRiver wants to play PCM but the Yulong driver responded to kAsioGetIoFormat with kASIODSDFormat, indicating it will fail if a change to PCM is attempted before trying to open the panel, can't JRiver send the call that attempts to launch the dialog (and also clear said dialog), then play? Basically, have the software do the dance we're doing manually through the UI every time we want to get PCM working again after playing native DSD content?

(Also, it might be a good idea to add the word "JRiver" to the forum spellcheck custom dictionary so it stops underlining it as a mistake when typing posts?)

The fact that other players seem to have no problems playing through Youlong ASIO driver puzzles me. May be other players do not take so many precautions as JRiver does to be sure that the DAC will replay the audio stream correctly.

There is something else. With my notebook JRiver MC can play using the DA8's ASIO driver. Maybe this is due to the slower processor.

Anyway, it looks like the DA8's ASIO driver is not well implemented. When we get it playing, switching from DSD to PCM causes some pops. Also switching from DSD DoP to native ASIO DSD causes a high pitch tone on the left channel. I have to top and start playing again to stop it.

Using WASAPI seems to be better. I noticed no improvement using ASIO and WASAPI replay is flawless.
Using ASIO is only required when playing DSD 256 and 512. I tried these two using the foobar ASIO proxy's upsampling feature. The result was not good. There were some noises and distortions. My DA8 has a fault in the DSD switch (according with Yulong) causing some noises while playing DSD on hot days when the DAC gets hotter (no matter what driver is being used). I was advised to return it for replacement. May be the pops and the high pitch tone that I mentioned before are related to this fault, however they only happens with ASIO. I'll try again when it is back.


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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2013, 08:53:01 pm »

Yulong told a distributor that they'd look into it, but it sounded pretty vague. See "Discussion" from page 3 onwards:

Let's see if anything comes from it. <crosses fingers>

It's a pretty darn annoying issue. It doesn't prevent you using the product, but it does make you continuously jump through hoops just to do so. :c


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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2013, 04:11:39 pm »

I haven't heard anything from Yulong.

Like I said above, I'm happy to help if they ask:
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2013, 12:34:07 pm »

I've received this mail after I've sent the link of this discussion to Yulong:

"Thank you, please try new driver 1.057 and asio updated available:
the setup is a full one, it installs automatically 32bit or 64bit version and ASIO support too.
It can require to remove from the control panel a previous Asio installed.
I think it can solve the problem depicted on the forum.
Merry Christmas"


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Re: MC Does Not Play PCM Using Yulong DA8 ASIO Driver
« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2013, 06:05:29 pm »

I've received this mail after I've sent the link of this discussion to Yulong:

"Thank you, please try new driver 1.057 and asio updated available:
the setup is a full one, it installs automatically 32bit or 64bit version and ASIO support too.
It can require to remove from the control panel a previous Asio installed.
I think it can solve the problem depicted on the forum.
Merry Christmas"

I installed this new ASIO driver and now PCM works fine.

Esprit, thank you for the help.

Matt, if you want me to provide a log with the new driver, just let me know.

Happy Holidays!

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