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Author Topic: New to J River - couple of questions  (Read 1557 times)


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New to J River - couple of questions
« on: January 09, 2014, 01:58:52 am »


Just trying out J River as an alternative to Mediaportal, I only use the theater view on a PC dedicated as a media player on my TV.

So far I have managed to get all the important stuff working, but have a couple of nice to haves that I can't seem to find.

1. UK weather.
The weather config only seem to allow US zip codes, is there a UK version available?

2. Last.FM
I have set up an account and configured it but cannot see an option to use this in Theater view, should it be available in that view?

3. Internet Radio
I have previously use tuneln to listen to radio, is there a way to do this in theater view?

I have searched but couldn't find any info in these, so if someone can help or point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: New to J River - couple of questions
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2014, 08:33:10 am »

Welcome to Interact!

1. UK weather.
The weather config only seem to allow US zip codes, is there a UK version available?
Tools / Options / Theater View
In the "Items to Show" box under Gadgets, click "Weather".  Click "Configure", then "Add...", select "World Weather Online", use the Location and Search button to find your location (e.g. city name), give it a Display Name, then use it from Theater View - Gadgets - Weather.

2. Last.FM
I have set up an account and configured it but cannot see an option to use this in Theater view, should it be available in that view?
Try using "Play Doctor" to create a playlist with input from LastFM (enable it in Play Doctor Options) and then access it in Theater View playlists.
More info:

3. Internet Radio
I have previously use tuneln to listen to radio, is there a way to do this in theater view?
Try "SHOUTcast" on the Theater View main menu.  It has a search function.
Alternatively, after starting any radio station playing, you can save it as a playlist and then play that playlist from Theater View.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: New to J River - couple of questions
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2014, 01:07:56 am »

Thanks John  :)

Weather is now how I want it.

Can't get last FM to work, I'll have another go over the weekend.

Shoutcast also works, but I couldn't find some of the radio station I wanted (i.e Absolute 80's 90's etc, planet rock, etc). Why is it called shout?

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