Every so many milleniums, the polarity of the Earth's poles is said to change. They reverse. What was North becomes South, and what was South becomes North. No one seems to really know why. No matter, the strange thing is it works just as well; who know maybe better.
So, King, what if we tried to reverse the so called economic system? You would pay people to use your rat poisoning service and chemicals. The less effective, people felt your service was, the more you would have to pay them to use it. Maybe money would have an expiration date as well? That way you had better find something productive to produce, soon, or the money you might need to pay people to use was you produce would expire without value.
[former member]
I have been working on my own interactive media kit, and may post here, where anyone here can download the documented data structures and source code and try it out. If it works as well as I think it will, I won't have to pay you a dime to use it. Otherwise, I might have to give you a little money or coupons to try and improve it.