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Author Topic: help with music video, particles and views (rules for file inclusion) [Solved]  (Read 1928 times)


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MC 19.0.114.

Tried to use particles tonight on a MKV file containing music video clips.  Each chapter is an individual clip.  When I selected the auto create particles option nothing happened.  No error messages, but no visible output.  Should the auto create function work with MKV files / am I missing something obvious?

Next step was to create the particles manually.  Worked fine, but am having a problem getting them to appear in the correct view.  I currently 'adhere' to the following for music related video.  With Media Type = Video
  • Media subtype = Music is used for full concerts
  • Media subtype = Music video is used for Video clips

Any suggestions on how other people categorise?

For Music Videos - until recently each one has its own file.  One of my recent purchases included all of the artist's video clips so I used particles to split it up. In the view I want to only show the individual tracks, not the entire set.  Is there a way to interrogate the duration of the particle or it's playback range as I'd like to only include entries less than 10mins.  The particle's duration appears to inherit its parents' duration so I cannot use that.  

The current view is [Media Sub Type]=[Music Video] [Duration]=<600.  I think I need to update this to reference [Stack Tag]=[Particle] & the duration of the playback range <600.  I'd appreciate some help with this expression




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Re: help with music video, particles and views (rules for file inclusion)
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2014, 04:23:55 pm »

I don't believe auto-particles works for anything but DVD/Blu-ray, so you'll have to make them manually.

The choice of Media Type and Media Sub Type will affect where the particles appear in the default views, and which functions (e.g. metadata lookups) and fields are available in a view.

Since Duration of a particle is the parents duration, you can calculate from Playback Range.  Assuming a Playback Range in the form of HH:MM::SS-HH:MM:SS, you can obtain a duration (in seconds with the expression):

if(isempty([playback range,0]),
    regex([playback range,0],
    math( ( ( 0[R4] * 3600 ) + ( 0[R5] * 60 ) + [R6] ) - ( ( 0[R1] * 3600 ) + ( 0[R2] * 60 ) + [R3] ) ) )

This uses [Duration] (presented in seconds) when Playback Range is empty, and parses Playback Range otherwise, converted to seconds.  Create you own field for this value if you want; let's assume it is My Duration.

The, you can use Compare() in a custom search query to compare duration:

   [=compare([My Duration], <=, 600)]=1

to compare the duration or playback range's duration to be less than or equal to 600 seconds.
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Re: help with music video, particles and views (rules for file inclusion)
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2014, 04:51:11 am »

MrC - thankyou for your help & your time.  It works perfectly


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