I don't believe auto-particles works for anything but DVD/Blu-ray, so you'll have to make them manually.
The choice of Media Type and Media Sub Type will affect where the particles appear in the default views, and which functions (e.g. metadata lookups) and fields are available in a view.
Since Duration of a particle is the parents duration, you can calculate from Playback Range. Assuming a Playback Range in the form of HH:MM::SS-HH:MM:SS, you can obtain a duration (in seconds with the expression):
if(isempty([playback range,0]),
regex([playback range,0],
math( ( ( 0[R4] * 3600 ) + ( 0[R5] * 60 ) + [R6] ) - ( ( 0[R1] * 3600 ) + ( 0[R2] * 60 ) + [R3] ) ) )
This uses [Duration] (presented in seconds) when Playback Range is empty, and parses Playback Range otherwise, converted to seconds. Create you own field for this value if you want; let's assume it is My Duration.
The, you can use Compare() in a custom search query to compare duration:
[=compare([My Duration], <=, 600)]=1
to compare the duration or playback range's duration to be less than or equal to 600 seconds.