I've suggested this in the past, and this became more desired with the new Audio Analysis features.
An Album name should be the conglomerate of [Album] and some new tag [Album Version].
- [Album] would be the base album name (thus allowing cover art look-ups to succeed w/out the confounding supplemental stuff)
- [Album Version] would be the supplemental stuff folks like to add, such as HD, 24-bit, Remastered, etc.
- [Album] [Album Version] could be used by Views, sorting, and grouping, and Rename, when you asked for the [Album] (like Artist often means [Album Artist (auto)] in some places in the UI*.
The album analyzer would consider [Album] [Album Version] (not just [Album] as it does today).
This almost begs for an Album (auto) field.
*Note: I would personally do away with all this magic mapping of Album Artist (auto) --> Artist, etc. in the UI, and relabel overloaded terms like "Artist" (for example, in Group By, or column headers) to something distinct from the non-magic simple Artist field and label, for example, Artist (auto), or *Artist, or your chosen label goes here). This overloading confuses users frequently.