The thing with the people at work is ok, but what about the machine at home, where whole family is sharing one machine!
Here in my home, there is one administrator profile (me
), and the rest of family have normal user profiles.
It would be really a lot of work to install MJ for all users separately!
Why didn't MJ work with LOCAL_MACHINE-entries??
The rest of the family should only be able to use MJ without changing my configuration of MJ (which took really long!!)
I think read-access to LOCAL_MACHINE do all users have, shouldn't this be enough??
Those people at work who have no admin-right can't even install MJ, because NT-admins in offices often prohibit program-installation for normal users.
So they would have to ask admin for installation, thsi guy could also make the ground-configuration of MJ.
Adding more music or deleting some is possible without registry access, so where is then the problem for people in the office with LOCAL_MACHINE??