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JRiver Synapse -- Would you consider a $395 Audiophile DLNA Renderer?

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Hi Jim,

I am very interested in highest-quality audio. YES, I would consider it strongly. I have tried some of the current high-end renderers, and many are annoyingly buggy. Compared to what you propose, they are two, three, or four times the price. It's hard to see why something so relatively simple should cost so much.

For me, the following would be MUSTS:

* Must work with a standard DLNA control point. Of the ones I've tried for Android, BubblePnP has been the best for quite a while.
* Must support gapless playback flawlessly, along with pause and resume, seek within track, etc.
* Must have S/PDIF or AES-EBU digital out at up to 192/24. I would be less inclined to buy something with only USB out, as many excellent older DACs don't accept  USB. Almost no audiophile DACs have HDMI inputs.
* It must be SILENT. No fan, no transformer hum, and so on.
* Must support Ethernet. Wifi is optional.
It would be great to see a true audiophile product at a reasonable price.



--- Quote from: GreggP on April 06, 2014, 11:42:34 pm ---HDMI and S/PDIF aren't ideal for DACs. Both have problems with clocking (and jitter). If you are looking for a high quality, well engineered audio solution, you need an interface that has the master clock on the DAC.

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There are no absolutes with respect to the best DAC configurations.

I am fine without a USB DAC.  Just fine.



--- Quote from: JimH on March 05, 2014, 05:07:29 pm ---They're also not audiophile quality.

--- End quote ---
apologies if going over old ground.......for me, a no vote. the devil here is in the word "audiophile" ...I would be expecting something more along a CAPS server design if it is marketed as playing audiophile quality music ( whether rendering or serving music it still has to play audiophile quality). Your audiophiles will want better attention to power (emi noise) isolation and clocking with attention to the implementations for usb and coax/optical spdif (or aes/ebu) digital interfaces. This is not a subjectivist/objectivist debate , just a marketing one. Your videophiles are going to want more grunt for madvr rendering. Maybe pitching it as a bit perfect media player ? But I would rather have a cheaper dlna renderer and tweak any incompatibilities...or just re-purpose an old laptop (with windows)... where audiophile quality is not required.

Mark Powell:
Yes please. Provided you will ship to the UK (guoted price plus shipping charge) and it will work on UK/Europe/most other places voltage.

A bit is a bit. If it is 'bit perfect' it will be as 'audiophile' as anything else. Don't include a DAC, I will use my existing $12,000 one. Video is not important.


--- Quote from: Mark Powell on April 16, 2014, 06:31:59 am ---A bit is a bit. If it is 'bit perfect' it will be as 'audiophile' as anything else. Don't include a DAC, I will use my existing $12,000 one. Video is not important.

--- End quote ---

Ouch ! You can get a bit perfect DAC for around $395 ....only audiophile Dacs cost $12k ;-)


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