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Author Topic: MC crashes from Theater View when backspace is pressed on MCE remote?!  (Read 3507 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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I use my MCE remote in Theater View and I'm very happy with the browsing and playing music and so on.

Odd thing is that if I press the "back" button on the remote MC will just crash and disappears. And when I start MC again I get the "you should disable stuff" startup screen. Regardless of this bug(?) I can navigate all I need with the arrow keys, left right and so on. This behavior is when Media key mode is set to automatic.

If I change Media key mode to App commands MC does NOT CRASH and all is fine.

But still, should it really crash when set to automatic? A bug?

Secondly, why is the MCE remote's "i" button ("right click") not doing anything in MC? I really really really miss that. I hate hate hate to pickup the mouse to get to the right click menus.

On MC19 build 124


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I assume "backspace" is the little arrow pointing left on your remote, the actual "back" button?

Can you tell us which remote you have exactly? Not all remotes called MCE are actually 100% identical. If you're unsure, you can look at the back sticker on the remote and see if it says something like RC-5 or RC-6.

Do you have other applications installed that can respond to the remote? Maybe Windows Media Center? Make sure JRiver isn't running in the taskbar. Can you check whether the back button on your remote functions as expected?

I'll test something myself when I get home, I have an RC-6 MCE remote.


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I tested this with my remote last night, which isn't a MCE remote but it emulates keyboard commands via Girder.  Pressing Backspace did not crash Theater View, and worked as expected.

I meant to, but forgot, to test the MCC Back command.

Not sure how helpful that is, since it isn't using MC's real "remote" functionality at all, but it doesn't appear to be "general" to the Backspace key.
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Quote from: InflatableMouse on Today at 04:54:01 am
I'll test something myself when I get home, I have an RC-6 MCE remote.

Sorry I'm unable to test tonight (its occupied by a superior species I dare not argue with  :P )


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Sorry I'm unable to test tonight (its occupied by a superior species I dare not argue with :P).

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Ha ha.


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  • Galactic Citizen
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I tested with a normal keyboard and MC crashes when I hit the normal backspace key on it too.

But it's only when WMC is minimized running in the background. So my bad. Sorry!!!!

No doubt our cat here at home is the superior species. At least according to the cat. I almost wrote "our cat" but she isn't ours. It's the other way around, clearly we are hers. She demands we be thankful for being allowed to live in her flat. And to feed her. And pet her. Normal cat grandiose behavior  ;D
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