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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 19.0.123 for Mac -- Available Here  (Read 3902 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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JRiver Media Center 19.0.123 for Mac -- Available Here
« on: April 02, 2014, 09:48:27 pm »

This is the latest release of Media Center 19 for Mac.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

19.0.123 (4/2/2014)

1. Changed: Reinstated standard Mac Quit menu option.
2. NEW: Support for 64 bit VST audio plugins in DSP Studio.  From "Manage Plug-ins / Add VST" select the Plug-in package ending in ".VST" (usually in /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST).

19.0.122 (3/17/2014)

1. Fixed: The date tag was being read incorrectly in WMA files.
2. Fixed: WMA lossless wasn't working.

19.0.121 (3/12/2014)

1. Fixed: Duplicate menus were being shown if you activated the left-most item and dragged over one of the other items.
2. Changed: Got rid of "Quit" menu option which was redundant with "Exit" option on File menu. Cmd-Q still works for exiting program.
3. Fixed: WMA files showed incorrect bitrate in player display window.
4. Changed: Retina Mode (View -> Size -> Retina Mode) will now stay enabled between program runs.  Before you had to enable it each time you started Media Center.
5. Fixed: In Retina mode, main menu dropdowns would partially cover the main menu.
6. Fixed: In Retina mode, the blurred 'alpha' background behind menus was offset from the actual location of the background.
7. Fixed: In Retina mode, the DSP Studio windows looked funny - the window was much too big with lots of empty space around the DSP options.

19.0.120 (3/4/2014)

1. NEW: WMA decoding.  Window Media files can now be imported and played.  Tags are read-only at this point.

19.0.119 (2/27/2014)

1. Changed: Changed UDP socket Accept function to use 'select' rather than 'kqueue/kevent'.  Trying to eliminate application hang at shutdown.

19.0.118 (2/24/2014)

1. Fixed: License restores were not working with build 117.

19.0.117 (2/19/2014)

1. Fixed: Playback of AIFF files with unknown 'chunk' types over library server would fail to play.
2. Fixed: MC license no longer needs to be restored whenever the Mac computer name changes.
3. Fixed: Fill properties from filename using Template was showing full path rather than just filename.
4. Fixed: Enabled filesystem statistics gathering function.
5. Fixed: Allow : in filename (was filtered out by windows code).
6. Fixed: Remove special treatment of UNC style paths (windows code).
7. Fixed: Remove special treatment of . in pathnames, i.e. foo./bar (windows code).
8. Fixed: SACD ISOs were always detected with external changes and their metadata re-imported during auto-import, overwriting any changes in the library.
9. Changed: Updated Japanese language file (thanks Tsuchiya Kazuo).
10. Changed: Updated Chinese language files (thanks kelijun).
11. Fixed: Added list member null checking to file stacks code.  MC was crashing on running stack error checking.
12. Fixed: Potential crashes in BufferingInternetReader. Seen on Mac when playing high-def files with memory playback on Library Server clients.
13. Changed: Updated Slovak language file (thanks Peter Lukac).
14. Fixed: Directory presets in some dialogs had the wrong (Windows) type of directory separator slashes.

19.0.103 (1/10/2014)

1. Fixed: iTunes playlists were not importing correctly.
2. Fixed: Debug logging was always re-enabled at startup regardless of user setting.
3. Fixed: Added right-click menu in display view to allow display type and cover art style choices.
4. Fixed: Empty directories were not getting removed following file deletions.
5. Fixed: Very small FLAC files were failing playback (e.g. Test silence files smaller than 64k bytes).

19.0.100 (12/20/2013)

1. Changed: Several improvements to Retina support.
2. Fixed: When exporting playlists with relative paths, the wrong (Windows) type of directory separator slash was used in filenames.
3. Fixed: Typing or modifying a filename path in the tag window would cause the wrong type of directory separator slash to be placed at the end of the path.
4. Changed: Apple IR remote handling can now be disabled/enabled with Options / General / Advanced / Media key mode.
5. NEW: Command-H is now supported for hiding the application.
6. NEW: Better support for multiple monitors with differing resolutions.

19.0.88 (12/6/2013)

1. Changed: Support the separate play/pause button on the newer aluminum Apple remote.
2. NEW: Retina display support enabled with Views / Size / Retina Mode. Reverts to standard mode at program exit.
3. NEW: Support for WavPack and Musepack input plugins.

19.0.84 (12/2/2013)

1. Fixed: Memory leak in build 83.

19.0.83 (11/27/2013)

1. Fixed: The display would not update after extended playback when Spectrum Analyzer was enabled in the player window. This would make the UI appear to be frozen.
2. NEW: The Apple Remote (white plastic) is now supported (play/pause, ff/rew, next/previous, volume up/down).

19.0.76 (11/18/2013)

1. NEW: Visualizations in the player bar at the top of the program are now shown during playback.
2. Changed: Copy and paste cover art was working for image data only.  Now artwork files/URLs can be copied from Finder or web browsers.

19.0.75 (11/14/2013)

1. Changed: This build includes debug symbols which will show up in crash dumps to ease debugging.  Regular builds have these stripped out.

19.0.74 (11/12/2013)

1. Fixed: A bug in the menu tracking system could cause crashes.

19.0.73 (11/11/2013)

1. Fixed: Frequent crashes due to a threading bug introduced in build 71 with the way JRTools objects were created.

19.0.72 (11/7/2013)

1. Fixed: Media Network was broken in the previous build. A crash would occur when thumbnails were sent to a remote device.

19.0.71 (11/6/2013)

1. Fixed: Alphabetic sorting of lists could be incorrect in some situations with some locales.
2. Fixed: At application startup, JRTools objects were not getting created in the correct order - possible cause of crashes.

19.0.68 (11/1/2013)

1. Changed: Auto update now launches the downloaded DMG updater.
2. Changed: Improved support for integer mode on devices that use multiple output streams.
3. Fixed: Back slash in filename caused file to not import.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Sonicus Caelumus Tremendamus
Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.123 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2014, 04:50:38 pm »

This has and still occurs with both .122 and .123

Is there anything that can be done?

Custom 71A HP amp, Schiit Jggy dac, HD-800-Jmod, AOIP digital data feed, custom wiring and mains power feed, Mac Pro 4cpu 16GB ram SSD's


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.123 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2014, 02:18:44 pm »

The manage plugin feature doesn't work for me. Nothing Happens when I select the vst.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.123 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2014, 03:34:11 pm »

The manage plugin feature doesn't work for me. Nothing Happens when I select the vst.
What's the name of the VST?
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 82
Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.123 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2014, 05:56:53 pm »

tried a whole bunch



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.123 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2014, 09:44:37 am »

I did some testing on these. 

TB_IsoneSurround appears to be a legacy plugin which is not available anymore but I currently have their TB_Isone.vst plug-in installed and working on my system.

I requested a link to a demo of EQuality.vst but haven't received an email yet.

I installed "FabFilter Pro-Q.vst" and it seems to work ok (screenshot below).

Not sure why they're not working for you, unless they might be older 32 bit versions of these VST's?  I haven't tested 32 bit support which uses the older Carbon GUI framework.

John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 82
Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.123 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2014, 11:15:30 am »

When you select the plugin should it open right away or do you have to select it on the left menu?

I think Fab is the only one I didn't try. Gonna try again later.

Thank you.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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  • Posts: 4627
Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.123 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2014, 11:25:34 am »

When you select the plugin should it open right away or do you have to select it on the left menu?

I think Fab is the only one I didn't try. Gonna try again later.

Thank you.
I does need to be selected in the left menu.

I tested the "TT Dynamic Range Tester.vst" and this one crashed the installer and looked in Media Center like nothing happened.  Maybe this is the problem you're seeing.   Looks like it's not handling install failures nicely.  I'll fix that so it shows an error message rather than just silently failing.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center
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