IT IS NOT SPYWARE!Maybe you have an old version.You can run AdAware,PestControl.If your computer is clean of all spyware,download Audiogalaxie.When you install it,uncheck when asking if you want Gator,there is an other window for a kind of internet accelerator,you have to check the case on the right,the one "no thank you".If you had uncheck all,you may get a message from Audiogalaxie"we make money from the parnet did not choose......"If you do not get this means that you have check "yes" to one of "the offer"
Run Audiogalaxie.Run AdAware,pest control and tell me the result you get,it has to be
Concerning SpyBloocker,they list is not a reliable one.The software has bugs and is not easy to run.
You can monitor all this kind of stuff with your firewall in a very most easy and effective way
I do search for not in print songs,french punk,Sand Rubies.But also for records i have on vinyl.I still buy vinyl
The blocked songs,much of the time,are not if you use an other kind of search
Edith Nylon[french punk]as one song blocked when you seach Edith Nylon.If you seach french punk ,and click on "more songs"on the right ,you get 20 times the same song "free"
Anyway,i will try the gold version for one month.They do not make any money from me,so i can give them $3 a month
I had a try to Bearware{?]-no spyware,but i get much more downloads from Audiogalaxie
To jh
It is not 100% off topics,because you need MediaJukebox to clean the mess and get/do tags...............................