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Author Topic: OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold  (Read 1942 times)


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OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« on: February 16, 2002, 12:31:21 am »

Anyone with the Audiogalaxie gold satellite? I mean when you pay $3 a month

Alonso Nefarious

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RE:OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2002, 04:13:03 pm »

Audiogalaxie = nasty bad spyware.

Is Gold not, or is it pay to get spy'd upon?  What does Ad-aware ( say about it?


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RE:OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2002, 10:01:44 pm »

Audiogalaxie IS NOT spyware.When you install it,you have to say no when it ask if you want Gator and no again when it ask if you want an internet accelerator
Scan your computer with ZoneAlarm,remove all spywares if you have any.Install Audiogalaxie as i said and scan again.I would like to know your answer.One spyware you may find is doubleclick cookie.It can be from Audio[this i do not know] from zdnet,emusic and many sites you visit everyday
But you look as a spyware specialist,so since long you had ,from www.doubleclick ,disable the doubleclick cookie
And a spyware specialist know that with a firewall,or spyblocker you can run a software with spywares and block them to access the net
In fact Audiogalaxie is one of very few P2P spyware less


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RE:OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2002, 10:54:42 pm »

Audiogalaxie gold decreases the amount of time that you have to spend waiting to find out that the content you want is blocked


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RE:OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2002, 02:25:50 am »

You have,or you had "gold"?It gives really faster access?I am lucky because very few of the songs i an loocking for are blocked.When it happens,i still can find it with an other spelling.Like bornto run,bor-To-run.It is not working all the time.I will not say Audiogalaxie is the most friendly to run.But it is the one i get the most results and the most downloads/hour
And with MediaJukebox,it is easy to clean the mess i get the good tags
Have a nice sunday

Charlemagne 8

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RE:OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2002, 12:30:56 pm »

>> Audiogalaxie gold decreases the amount of time that you have to spend waiting to find out that the content you want is blocked <<

I think friend MHorton was being sarcastic. is listed as a blocked URL on "SpyBlocker". I couldn't find a list on AdAware.
That's right.
I'm cool.


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RE:OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2002, 01:28:24 pm »

I had Audiogalaxie gold for a day. The content that I was looking for was still completely blocked. All of it. There was just fewer frustrating delays in finding that out. Yes, there's spyware, but it's easy to disable, especially with ad-aware. I'd rather work a smidgen of overtime and buy the CDs that I want than spend that time guessing how someone might have misspelled the name of a tune and then hopeing against all odds that the song was ripped correctly. Although, if what you are looking for is out-of-print, I say screw the labels and get it any way that you are able. The only files that I kept from Napster/Audiogalaxy were from the Lucy Show (alt group, not the firey red head's sitcom) that someone ripped from LP/cassette. Obtained, fortunately, before they were blocked.



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RE:OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2002, 09:53:11 pm »

IT IS NOT SPYWARE!Maybe you have an old version.You can run AdAware,PestControl.If your computer is clean of all spyware,download Audiogalaxie.When you install it,uncheck when asking if you want Gator,there is an other window for a kind of internet accelerator,you have to check the case on the right,the one "no thank you".If you had uncheck all,you may get a message from Audiogalaxie"we make money from the parnet did not choose......"If you do not get this means that you have check "yes" to one of "the offer"
Run Audiogalaxie.Run AdAware,pest control and tell me the result you get,it has to be
Concerning SpyBloocker,they list is not a reliable one.The software has bugs and is not easy to run.
You can monitor all this kind of stuff with your firewall in a very most easy and effective way
I do search for not in print songs,french punk,Sand Rubies.But also for records i have on vinyl.I still buy vinyl
The blocked songs,much of the time,are not if you use an other kind of search
Edith Nylon[french punk]as one song blocked when you seach Edith Nylon.If you seach french punk ,and click on "more songs"on the right ,you get 20 times the same song "free"
Anyway,i will try the gold version for one month.They do not make any money from me,so i can give them $3 a month
I had a try to Bearware{?]-no spyware,but i get much more downloads from Audiogalaxie

To jh
It is not 100% off topics,because you need MediaJukebox to clean the mess and get/do tags...............................


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RE:OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2002, 05:06:31 am »

AudioGalaxy is full of spyware although the program itself is not. Even when you click no on Gator it STILL installs a spyware program called Onflow. I didn't realize that until I ran Ad-Aware.


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RE:OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2002, 06:12:28 am »

Right. onflow. that's the one I was trying to remember. difficult to uninstall. read-only or something, because. it sends ad-aware into an endless search-remove loop that's difficult to stop (it's been a few months, so I don't remember exactly). had to go through a several step process to get rid of it. buy cds.,,, are good places to start. i put audiogalaxy in the same category as Real: take an unspired idea, implement it carelessly, and provide apathetic support=a recipe to attract only those that don't know any better. zevele1--do you own stock in the company or something?



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RE:OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2002, 07:25:23 am »

No,i am not part of Audiogalaxie.But i am not 100% idiot as well.I do not have onflow on my computer.I am very,very stubborn.So ,here is what i did :a clean install of Windows.Adaware =no spy of cause.Install of Audiogalexy.For one hour running Audiogalaxie=Adaware=no spyware on your computer
In fact all of us are right.Audiogalaxie is not spyware anymore,so i am rigth.Audiogalaxie had until not so long onflow/vx2,so you are right
Concerning onflow and vx2,here is a link how to get ride of
Anyway,most of you are using the 2 bigger catastophes in web history:ie and outlook express,so one spyware in a middle of all the pests,trojans,virus you get is not such a big drama
Today is my last day "of a week with Idiot Eternal as my default browser"It is the first time in my life i use it.I have to say that beside the fact to be an higthway to computer infection
it is quite nice and easy to use.And there is some "ie only" programs i really like
But i will back home  this evening,means Netscape and Opera


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RE:OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2002, 07:31:35 am »


maybe audiogalaxy/audiogalaxie gold have improved since I last used them--I don't know

My only interaction with the site over the past year or so has been to log on monthly, go to the Johnny Horton page and point out to the redneck bigots that the racists songs that they're praising and which are attributed to Johnny Horton on the site were actually by someone called Johnny Rebel.  Since audiogalaxy deletes all posts monthly, this dialectic goes on seemingly forever. Audiogalaxy won't take the inappropriate songs off their site, or attribute them to the correct artist. They are on the top of my S*#T list (or the bottom, whichever is the least desireable place for one to be when on a s*#t list).



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RE:OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2002, 07:35:41 am »

>>>>>>>>>>But i will back home this evening,means Netscape and Opera

do you use both? If you go that route, what is the benefit to using opera along with netscape. I've never used either.

Please don't answer here, but instead, post to the thread

they're talking about Opera there



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RE:OFFTOPIC -Galaxie gold
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2002, 07:56:23 am »

I just sent an answer to KingSparta on the"Microsoft......"post about Opera
If i want to be really fair,i did like my week with Ie.But i had to download so much"critical updates" before and during using it,that i do not feel safe with it.
Beside this,i cannot acces Netscape Messenger from IE.And,for sure,I WILL NEVER EVER use outlook express
Concerning rednecks-bigots-racists.I read Texas a book by James A. Lou Reed says  "sad song"
Have a nice evening,if for you it is evening
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