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Author Topic: JRemote for iOS7  (Read 46833 times)


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #50 on: May 10, 2014, 07:42:20 am »

In the root view, showing audio, images video, The search buttons' & zone background is transparent, so if you pull down on the list you can see audio, images, video & remote pass though them. If you delve into for example audio, they regain a solid background.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #51 on: May 10, 2014, 07:42:39 am »

See, I greatly prefer 30-second ahead/10-back... (or something close to that) basically ALWAYS.  It is so fast to skip past commercials (and is generally far more accurate, far more easily).  The only times I use seek like you is to jump huge portions of a show (because resume failed for one reason or another -- generally when switching platforms because MC is pretty good about this).

But, I suppose, I've never seen any application that has appropriate seek performance with the kind of media I watch at home (by my crazy because-I-edit-video standards).  H264 is just way too slow, and temporal.  Give me a jog wheel on a NLE and DNxHD or ProRes file though, and I can stop on a dime...

The slide up/down thing is a crude stand-in, and while better than nothing, gets in my way as much as it helps.
Well yes, there probably isn't anything as fast as an NLE because we're dealing with high compression, most people are playing back video from slow hard drives, and video players are typically optimized for smooth playback rather than low latency.
If you disable hardware accelerated decoding on a fast system, and use Red October Standard or a tweaked RoHQ you can get things to be fairly responsive.
The seeking controls that Media Center offer are not, however. It is far quicker to seek through a video using the mousewheel than the progress bar, but MC still doesn't feel as responsive as some other players when doing this.
Playing videos natively on an iOS device should have pretty good scrubbing performance though. Good enough that I would rather use it than buttons which skip a predetermined amount of time.
With a physical remote control, seek buttons would be my preferred option, but not on a touchscreen device.
Years ago when I had a DVR, the model I used let you program any amount of skipping to four buttons, and you could usually get to the start of a program with only three or four button presses.
But then there was updated software released which was able to determine when there was an ad-break and it would skip them automatically, so there was no longer a need for it.
And these days, I don't watch media with advertisements any more so it's not really something I encounter very often. If I'm seeking through a video, it's because I'm looking for a specific scene, or because JRemote doesn't sync bookmark progress with the server and I'm moving between devices.
I still don't see the point of the ±30/60s buttons in JRemote though.
If I'm watching a video on the HTPC rather than the iPad and using JRemote for control—which is basically never—then JRemote is in the "Remote" view, and you can simply swipe left/right on the pad to seek.
There also seems to be space in the remote view for additional buttons in the lower-right, but I don't know if that is specific to how I have my Theater View set up.
If I'm listening to audio, the buttons serve no purpose, and get in the way of the other playback controls.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #52 on: May 10, 2014, 07:46:28 am »

Like the update.  Glad to hear that you've joined JRiver.  A couple of suggestions:
(1) Sample rate: display in kHz -- 96k or 96 kHz easier to read than 96000, and 2.8 MHz much better than 2822400!

(2) Easier access to search box: when displaying albums or artists the search box is visible only at the top of the scroll list and the search icon on the right side of the screen is tiny, even on an iPad Air.  Why not have a dedicated search icon on the fixed top bar of screen or, at a minimum, make the search icon much bigger than the alphabet letters on the right of the screen.  Would help on both iPad and iPhone.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #53 on: May 10, 2014, 11:07:54 am »

Are you talking about the iPhone or iPad version? Settings are always available from the slide-out menu on the iPhone. On the iPad you have to first go back in the left menu and then tap the settings icon. So 2 actions either way.
If you are deep in a hierarchy you can just tap again on your current location in the left menu, and it will navigate to the first view.

I was referring to the iPhone. I figured it out you have to slide at the top or the bottom, not in the middle list area. Now that I know that, its easy.  What might be beneficial is an in app instruction walk through particularly for features that are not obvious.

You should be able to dismiss the search view by just starting scrolling. I know there are some issues here, for example if the list is emty you can`t scroll.
I`ll look into adding a button for dismissal.

Ok, now I see that. that's actually how it works now in iOS7 which I just recently switched to as well. So I don't think anything needs to be changed.

I believe this is because MC takes a bit of time before view changes are available for third party clients.

Its not just view changes though, its dynamic smartlists that in theaterview or regular desktop view, automatically update the files in the lists as soon as you 're-view them'. It really hampers the value of MC in the first place since it has such amazing smartlist capabilities, but these don't work as well in a mobile mode.
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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #54 on: May 11, 2014, 06:46:35 am »

The function to display a cover in full screen from a song that isn't playing, does not work anymore. It was possible in earlier versions by selecting an album, select the metadata and tap on the thumbnail. Is it possible to restore this function? Also, the actual (iPad) time (upper side in the middle) does not disappear when a cover is selected, but is now displayed through the full screen cover. I don't like that.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #55 on: May 11, 2014, 07:56:08 pm »

I found a solution for retrieving the missing mp3 files.  Running a clean file properties on the entire library restored the missing files to JRemote.  This was a new problem for me with this version.  If anyone else runs into this, see above for fix.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #56 on: May 12, 2014, 11:24:45 am »

The new app works great.  Much faster editing of playlists on my set up.  The one feature that would improve the JRemote user experience for me would include having the ability to add songs to an existing JRiver playlist.  I know this comes up on the board from time to time but sure would be a great addition to a great product.

Thanks, Dale


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #57 on: May 12, 2014, 01:54:53 pm »

Thanks for the update.  I like the new look, very sleek. 

I have one question: is it possible to provide support? 


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #58 on: May 12, 2014, 06:04:09 pm »

Everyone: There are some new posts up above here.  I just merged in a separate thread that had been running over on the Mac board, so that they'd all be in one place.  The other thread had some good feedback, though, and I wanted to make sure they got noticed, if you hadn't seen them on the other board.

So, if you weren't looking at the Mac board lately, give this thread a re-scan.
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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #59 on: May 13, 2014, 08:25:52 am »


Thank you for the great update. The GUI is very fast on my iPad2. I just wish you could kindly consider the followings for the next version.

-   The new shortcut to easily reach to the “now playing” list with left swipe action is very handy. However when the pdf booklet of an album is open (inside JRemote) this future (swipe action) does not work. It is not possible to quickly check, for instance, the track number of the song which is playing when reading its booklet. You need to close the pdf booklet, check the list and then re-search for the associated booklet and re-open it to resume reading. If the left swipe action could work when the pdf files are open, that would be really an awesome future.

-   Is it possible to create a shortcut button which directly finds the related folder of the playing track and lists the pdf files in that folder?  I believe this is the easiest way to reach to the pdf booklets.

-   The sampling rate in “now playing” view should be written as 88.2 not 88200 for consistency.

Thanks again and congratulations.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #60 on: May 13, 2014, 06:22:08 pm »

Les Paul
I did not see this addressed anywhere:
1 - iPhone 4 videos will not play in landscape, or I cannot get them to.
MP4 videos work fine, but will not rotate to landscape.
How do I do that.
2 - iPad - I like the +60 and -30 buttons (others as well) but they appear worthless once the video is playing, I no longer see them at the bottom.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #61 on: May 13, 2014, 06:51:56 pm »

Les Paul
One additional item:
I have 2 machines connected locally on wifi.
and I can use my iphone to see and play from either of them
Both have unique jriver keys and one is at 52199 the other is 52196
my problem is I can not remotely view and play from the 52196 computer.
I only can remotely play from the 52199 computer.
When I say remotely I mean away from the local wifi they are both connected to.
I have tried everything I can think of including using the ip address with the :52196 but does not work.
Also use No-IP to maintain my ipaddress.
but using no-ip name I assigned again always takes me to the 52199 computer when they are both on.
Any thoughts?
Thanks again for all your work on this product. It is fantastic.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #62 on: May 13, 2014, 06:56:00 pm »

Yes, an option to turn off the background color animation is ready for the next version. I may also tone down the actual color change.
Nr 3 will be added to an upcoming version.
Not sure what you mean with 1. All screens should already be dark if using the dark theme.

I'm glad to hear about the option to turn off the background color animation. Will it be a more neutral gray which is best for viewing artwork?  Nice job overall though. Just a great app.
Believe In Music GR MI 1973 - 2002


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #63 on: May 13, 2014, 06:58:58 pm »

Great update LesPaul.  Just wonderful.

No requests here.

I trust all future updates will simply continue to make this the best way to control MC and bring MC on the road.

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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #64 on: May 13, 2014, 10:47:26 pm »

Downloaded new app version tonight and having extreme difficulty listening to music. My now playing is not responding to stop or clear playlist or next. Hung up my server twice and had to reboot to fix. Now same problems back again. How do I revert back to version previous to 3.0 as it is unusable as is. Please help!


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #65 on: May 14, 2014, 02:10:58 am »

Important crash report:

Using IPAD 4 IOS 7.1.1, this version of JRemote crashes when I try to play a playlist with JRiver live loopback.

After this crash it is impossible to open the JRemote app again as it opens and closes by itself. The only way to recover is to uninstall the app and installing again.

Note: I have the older version on my Iphone and it is working fine.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #66 on: May 14, 2014, 05:06:54 am »

Hallo Lespaul,

The new informations about the connection errors are great.

It would be very helpfull to have two new options in the settings dialog:
1. Editable Waittimeout in seconds.
because: From WOL my PC starts in about 14-20 seconds until mediacenter is availible. Most of the time i have to retry to estable a connection.

2. disable Remote internet Connections, (if LAN is not availible)
because:  my PC, and i think many others) will never be reachable outside of LAN

Thanks Erwin


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #67 on: May 14, 2014, 12:12:30 pm »

JRemote seems to crash when switching to new album or selection(s) added to current playlist. For instance if I start playing an album and then add another album to current playlist. It will play through the first album and crash when switching to the next one.

This occurs when playing to Bluetooth speakers or headphones using the following settings.
Prevent screen from dimming is enabled
Transcode is disabled
Music I am listening to is high quality FLAC with 24Bit / 96KHz mostly but happens with standard 16Bit / 44KHz albums sometimes as well.
I had posted this in the thread above this one but have not received any responses and it was suggested that I post JRemote questions here.

Any help appreciated

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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #68 on: May 14, 2014, 12:32:11 pm »

After this crash it is impossible to open the JRemote app again as it opens and closes by itself. The only way to recover is to uninstall the app and installing again.

Just to be sure... Did you try clearing the application Suspended state data using the multitasking menu?
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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #69 on: May 14, 2014, 03:09:54 pm »

Important crash report:

Using IPAD 4 IOS 7.1.1, this version of JRemote crashes when I try to play a playlist with JRiver live loopback.

After this crash it is impossible to open the JRemote app again as it opens and closes by itself. The only way to recover is to uninstall the app and installing again.

Note: I have the older version on my Iphone and it is working fine.

I observed the same issue. Both iPad and iPhone 5 with the new version are affected.
Logging in on the PC and clearing the play now list (hence removing loopback from it) restores functionality.
As soon as loopback shows up in play now, the app crashes again and keeps doing it until it is removed.



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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #70 on: May 14, 2014, 06:14:33 pm »

Is there any potential impact with the impending release of iOS 8 in a couple of weeks?
Believe In Music GR MI 1973 - 2002


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #71 on: May 15, 2014, 07:59:31 am »

Downloaded new app version tonight and having extreme difficulty listening to music. My now playing is not responding to stop or clear playlist or next. Hung up my server twice and had to reboot to fix. Now same problems back again. How do I revert back to version previous to 3.0 as it is unusable as is. Please help!

changed my update channels preference in jriver from most stable to latest, downloaded 19.0.134 and problems seem to be resolved with jremote.No more hanging server or playlist issues.

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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #72 on: May 15, 2014, 08:13:56 am »

Is there any potential impact with the impending release of iOS 8 in a couple of weeks?

iOS 8 isn't getting released in a couple weeks.  It will be announced, then a bunch of betas with a Gold release sometime this fall.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #73 on: May 15, 2014, 11:08:31 am »

JRemote seems to crash when switching to new album or selection(s) added to current playlist. For instance if I start playing an album and then add another album to current playlist. It will play through the first album and crash when switching to the next one.

This occurs when playing to Bluetooth speakers or headphones using the following settings.
Prevent screen from dimming is enabled
Transcode is disabled
Music I am listening to is high quality FLAC with 24Bit / 96KHz mostly but happens with standard 16Bit / 44KHz albums sometimes as well.
I had posted this in the thread above this one but have not received any responses and it was suggested that I post JRemote questions here.

Any help appreciated


Is no one else using JRemote with Bluetooth speakers or headset and high resolution music on an iPhone 5?

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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #74 on: May 15, 2014, 12:44:41 pm »

Is anyone having the landscape issue on iphone 5?
Previous msg.................
Les Paul
I did not see this addressed anywhere:
1 - iPhone 5 videos will not play in landscape, or I cannot get them to.
MP4 videos work fine, but will not rotate to landscape.
How do I do that.
2 - iPad - I like the +60 and -30 buttons (others as well) but they appear worthless once the video is playing, I no longer see them at the bottom.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #75 on: May 15, 2014, 02:19:29 pm »

Is no one else using JRemote with Bluetooth speakers or headset and high resolution music on an iPhone 5?

I use it with my little JBL Bluetooth speaker all the time.

No high-res music, really, though.  A large portion of my Library is all FLAC, though I have MC/JRemote set to convert what it streams to medium-quality MP3 anyway (since I stream outside my home network over my WAN connection at home).

No issues.
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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #76 on: May 15, 2014, 08:25:20 pm »


The IOS 7 version of JRemote still has the same glitch as before. When I add a new track to the playlist and then pull the playlist, the last track is not there. I change the zone and then back to the original zone and the last added track appears.



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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #77 on: May 16, 2014, 03:21:07 am »


The IOS 7 version of JRemote still has the same glitch as before. When I add a new track to the playlist and then pull the playlist, the last track is not there. I change the zone and then back to the original zone and the last added track appears.


I guess this could be because of slow network or something. JRemote will reload the list whenever you change it, but won`t retry repeatedly if the call fails.
Can you tell me more about your connection, any other views loading slow?

BTW, There is now a reload option to the action menu to manually reload the playlist if it get`s out of sync


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #78 on: May 16, 2014, 03:24:17 am »

Les Paul
I did not see this addressed anywhere:
1 - iPhone 4 videos will not play in landscape, or I cannot get them to.
MP4 videos work fine, but will not rotate to landscape.
How do I do that.
2 - iPad - I like the +60 and -30 buttons (others as well) but they appear worthless once the video is playing, I no longer see them at the bottom.

I`m sorry, the iPhone rotation problem  was reported earlier, but I forgot to actually fix it. It will be part of the next update.
The +- buttons are only used for remote playback at the moment. All streamed videos use the standard iOS controls.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #79 on: May 16, 2014, 03:33:48 am »

Here is the bug fixes and features for the next version. It was submitted to the store on monday, so should be out soon.

   - Change audio device for each individual zone
   - "App follows server zone changes" added to settings.
   - Copy connection summary to clipboard
       - Color changes in "Now playing" toned down. Also added an option in settings to turn it off.
   - Crash when playlist contains loopback or other unknown types
   - Wrong color in searchfield with dark theme
   - Editable setting fields hard to hit (You can now touch anywhere)
   - Full resolution image not showing when thumbnail tapped in metadata view
   - Audio continues playing when starting movie playback
   - Server address and name dynamically updated even when not using access key



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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #80 on: May 16, 2014, 07:43:07 am »

Thanks for replying. What I mean by trackpad is that you can use your finger on your device to move the mouse cursor around (Rowmote offers something like that).

Until now, when I want to change some settings for example, I have to exit JRemote and open up a VNC Viewer in order to move the mouse through the settings.

Lespaul, may I get info on this from you?


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #81 on: May 16, 2014, 01:59:48 pm »

iOS 8 isn't getting released in a couple weeks.  It will be announced, then a bunch of betas with a Gold release sometime this fall.

Oh, I thought it was already announced and set for release June 2nd but I don't follow that news closely.
Believe In Music GR MI 1973 - 2002


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #82 on: May 16, 2014, 02:39:18 pm »

Oh, I thought it was already announced and set for release June 2nd but I don't follow that news closely.

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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #83 on: May 17, 2014, 06:40:08 pm »

I have been using JRemote on my IPad and IPad Mini for a couple of years; like the update, but have 1 issue:  I use playlists a lot and when I'm on the playing now screen (which is where I usually leave it), the list of tracks and their thumbnails on the left does not seem to automatically scroll and keep up with the tracks currently playing--the prior version did this.

Also, a feature I'd love to see I'd to be able to click on the currently playing cover art and go to full page cover art (which of course it does now) and leave it on full cover art display and have the cover art switch to the next song when the track playing switches to the next song.




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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #84 on: May 18, 2014, 10:01:23 am »

Overall, the new JRemote has been behaving pretty well for me.  I've been using it a while and saving up my feedback, and now I think I have a good idea of what I'm seeing.

1. Occasional Crashiness

I'm not going to go into this much.  It crashes a little more often than the older version.  Not absurdly crashy or anything though.  I'm sure this will improve, and I didn't find any specific reproducible issues.

2. Longer-Running Smartlists/Views Take Multiple Tries to Load

This is a bit more frustrating.  I have a set of Mixes in MCWS that are build on-top-of Play Doctor saved lists.  They're nice auto-shuffling "Playlists" that are in the Audio section of MCWS, so that they can be easily accessed.  But, they take a little longer than a regular view to load.  This delay is VERY slight in Standard and Theater Views on my computer, but is longer over MCWS.  In any case, JRemote doesn't load them right.  It seems like it just "gives up" too quickly.  What happens is:

* I open one of these Views, and JRemote thinks for a bit...

* Around 1/3rd of the time when at home on my LAN, and basically ALL the time when away from home over my WAN, after a second or three it fails.  This makes it show up empty.

* If I "close" (navigate away from) and reopen the view once or twice, then it does eventually fill with contents properly.

I assume it is just timing out a little quicker than I'd like.  Interestingly, once it loads properly, then I can get new contents instantaneously by simply navigating away from the view and then back into it, as usual.  These "refreshes" happen instantly, and don't ever time out.  That might just be the result of the fact that the Smartlists these are built upon have a ~shuffle modifier, though.  I've never checked all 100 tracks of one to see if they match perfectly aside from order.

But, if I force JRemote to close (or it disconnects/closes naturally) and then re-open the Views in question, they behave the same.

I realize it is probably just a timeout thing, but these lists are essentially the ONLY way my Wife uses JRemote (she loves Play Doctor) and she finds it incredibly frustrating.  She just keeps telling me that they don't work (forgetting I showed her patience and to re-open them a few times before) and is annoyed at the new JRemote.  Any way we can have a longer timeout?  I think just another 2-3 seconds would cover the vast majority of my cases.

Or, even better would be some better messaging and an easier way to refresh it.  You can tell the difference easily between a View that is really broken and contains no content and one of these timeout conditions because JRemote shows the "No Content Found" message instantly on any View that is actually broken (MCWS returns results, but really returns zero tracks), and one that timed out thinks about it for a while before giving the No Tracks guess.  What is frustrating (to my wife) is that it just says "no tracks", and that you have to remember how to refresh it by going back > forward > back > forward a few times.  Clearly, because of how it behaves, JRemote continues to listen for and process the results that come in after it times out (that's why the refresh the view dance eventually works, and the view loads instantly when it does).  But, it doesn't fill itself when these results do eventually come in and you have to do the dance to refresh it.  If would be nice if it said something like: "View loading taking longer than expected.  Press button to go back, or wait for results."

And then it actually filled in when the results come in automatically (currently, once you get the "No results" it won't refresh the view in JRemote until you close/reopen the view).
Also had a "circle arrow" button next to the "go back" button that manually requests a refresh (reload the whole thing from the Server).

More stuff in my next post.
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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #85 on: May 18, 2014, 10:22:16 am »

3. Sometimes If You Advance/Reverse Through Tracks, the Cover Art Gets Confused

If I rapidly skip through a number of tracks (forward or back), sometimes JRemote gets confused which cover art it should display.

That's a U2 cover, not LCD Soundsystem!

This seems to happen more often if I use the steering-wheel controls on my stereo to advance/reverse through the Playing Now list (via the standard mechanism through USB which works with JRemote and the Music app and all other similar applications), but I think I can reproduce it with the regular inside-JRemote controls too.

It gets "off sync" and doesn't just show random cover art.  In the example above, a U2 song off of Achtung Baby was in the Playing Now list, a track or two "before" the LCD Soundsystem one.  And, when the track advances, it does change the cover art with it, just to the wrong song (in this case, if I advanced again or let it end, the next cover art shown would probably have been the cover from that LCD Soundsystem album).  So, it isn't just picking random cover art or anything, it gets out of sync with itself.

4. Playback Doesn't Stop When I Turn Off My Car Stereo (or Bluetooth Speakers, Etc)

This is annoying.  With every other audio app on my iPhone, when I have my phone plugged into my stereo via USB, and I turn off the car, the app stops/pauses.  This applies to the Apple and to things like iCatcher (my third-party podcasting app).  JRemote keeps playing and switches to the internal iPhone speaker.

The same thing applies when I use my JBL Bluetooth speaker thing.  It is annoying.  That might be a choice to keep playing or whatever, but I think most people, most of the time would prefer it to stop when they turn off the car (or whatever).  You can always hit play again if you really want it to continue playing, but it is frustrating to have to hit stop/pause every time.

That's the only actual bugginess I can make clear reports on.  Things I'd like?

* My wife would love you (and me a little more) if you could somehow enable a way to do Play Doctor from a song seed, rather than having my pre-set lists.  This is how she really likes to use MC at home. She navigates and find a song she wants to hear, and does Send to > Play > Play (with Play Doctor).

* Streaming video of course.
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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #86 on: May 18, 2014, 11:48:40 am »

4. Playback Doesn't Stop When I Turn Off My Car Stereo (or Bluetooth Speakers, Etc)

This is annoying.  With every other audio app on my iPhone, when I have my phone plugged into my stereo via USB, and I turn off the car, the app stops/pauses.  This applies to the Apple and to things like iCatcher (my third-party podcasting app).  JRemote keeps playing and switches to the internal iPhone speaker.

The same thing applies when I use my JBL Bluetooth speaker thing.  It is annoying.  That might be a choice to keep playing or whatever, but I think most people, most of the time would prefer it to stop when they turn off the car (or whatever).  You can always hit play again if you really want it to continue playing, but it is frustrating to have to hit stop/pause every time.

+ 1.

In addition, I would prefer bigger fonts at the playing now view, at least for the Name field. It's very hard to see what's playing when the phone is docked in the car or wherever.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #87 on: May 18, 2014, 04:09:57 pm »

Great update but please make the volume control only appear if it's active (or have an option) and please don't include those skip times +30sec etc use for audio and clutters the interface. If watching video then they might be useful but could be visible within that contact.

Thanks for your hard work and well done on the new job.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #88 on: May 18, 2014, 11:13:47 pm »

Here is the bug fixes and features for the next version. It was submitted to the store on monday, so should be out soon.

   - Change audio device for each individual zone
   - "App follows server zone changes" added to settings.
   - Copy connection summary to clipboard
       - Color changes in "Now playing" toned down. Also added an option in settings to turn it off.
   - Crash when playlist contains loopback or other unknown types
   - Wrong color in searchfield with dark theme
   - Editable setting fields hard to hit (You can now touch anywhere)
   - Full resolution image not showing when thumbnail tapped in metadata view
   - Audio continues playing when starting movie playback
   - Server address and name dynamically updated even when not using access key

As of late today I have not seen the update. Should this be available now.
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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #89 on: May 19, 2014, 06:59:46 am »

Are we going to have the bugs reported in the old version reported as far back as 2012 fixed?



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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #90 on: May 19, 2014, 09:58:28 am »

I have two problems.

When one song is playing and I select another song in the middle of the last song, I get what seems to be two songs playing at the same time. I sometimes have to exit the iOS app to get it working correctly again. I am on a Mac running latest version of J a River MC and JRemote app.

Also, I have so far found one album that does not play. There is a pop up dialog box saying there is an "audio streaming error" and will not play any tracks from that album. Now here is where it is interesting. The JRiver when I am on the Mac has no problem playing this album. And if I delete and re-add the album, I have the same problem.



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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #91 on: May 19, 2014, 10:07:10 am »

As of late today I have not seen the update. Should this be available now.

He has no control. It was submitted to the App Store.  Now in Apple's hands.

It is usually about a week, from what I've heard.
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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #92 on: May 20, 2014, 08:19:17 pm »

Okay but it's been more than a week. No problem though. Even if he doesn't change the couple of things I would like I still love this app.
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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #93 on: May 22, 2014, 11:43:12 am »

When I play a single album the playlist shows up with out any issues but having it show up on consistent basis for random/shuffle songs/album it is hit or miss.  Mostly miss for me.  Is there a trick that I am missing?



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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #94 on: May 22, 2014, 12:35:37 pm »

I don't know if this was reported above, but if the Server has more Zones than will fit on a single screenful , there's no way to select the ones at the bottom of the list.

This is particularly troublesome since "this device" is always at the bottom.
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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #95 on: May 22, 2014, 03:32:52 pm »

I have a problem when I open from iPad.

Everything I start the app, I get the screen on how to navigate thru and I also lose my views. I don't lose my server info. Does it to both my iPads, air and 3rd gen. Both running 7.1.1
I tried uninstalling and reinstall and trouble still there.

This may be normal behavior and I just haven't noticed it before. So if that's the case, sorry to post this.

This does not happen on the iPhone.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #96 on: May 22, 2014, 05:10:51 pm »

I had to uninstall and reinstall JRemote on my wife's iPhone 5s today because it got stuck in a state where it would crash every time you navigated to the file-level view.

You could navigate through all Categories and everything fine, but the instant you hit the file level it would instantly crash.

Clearing app saved state and rebooting didn't help.  Nuking the app did, for now.  Her install was reasonably "fresh" though... It only "lasted" a few days working properly.
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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #97 on: May 23, 2014, 03:06:01 am »

Just a quick note to say that the next update will be out soon.
I had to pull it shortly after I told you it was submitted because of a bug I found.
Anyway, should be out any time now.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #98 on: May 23, 2014, 03:16:55 am »

Overall, the new JRemote has been behaving pretty well for me.  I've been using it a while and saving up my feedback, and now I think I have a good idea of what I'm seeing.

1. Occasional Crashiness

I'm not going to go into this much.  It crashes a little more often than the older version.  Not absurdly crashy or anything though.  I'm sure this will improve, and I didn't find any specific reproducible issues.

2. Longer-Running Smartlists/Views Take Multiple Tries to Load

This is a bit more frustrating.  I have a set of Mixes in MCWS that are build on-top-of Play Doctor saved lists.  They're nice auto-shuffling "Playlists" that are in the Audio section of MCWS, so that they can be easily accessed.  But, they take a little longer than a regular view to load.  This delay is VERY slight in Standard and Theater Views on my computer, but is longer over MCWS.  In any case, JRemote doesn't load them right.  It seems like it just "gives up" too quickly.  What happens is:

* I open one of these Views, and JRemote thinks for a bit...

* Around 1/3rd of the time when at home on my LAN, and basically ALL the time when away from home over my WAN, after a second or three it fails.  This makes it show up empty.

* If I "close" (navigate away from) and reopen the view once or twice, then it does eventually fill with contents properly.

I assume it is just timing out a little quicker than I'd like.  Interestingly, once it loads properly, then I can get new contents instantaneously by simply navigating away from the view and then back into it, as usual.  These "refreshes" happen instantly, and don't ever time out.  That might just be the result of the fact that the Smartlists these are built upon have a ~shuffle modifier, though.  I've never checked all 100 tracks of one to see if they match perfectly aside from order.

But, if I force JRemote to close (or it disconnects/closes naturally) and then re-open the Views in question, they behave the same.

I realize it is probably just a timeout thing, but these lists are essentially the ONLY way my Wife uses JRemote (she loves Play Doctor) and she finds it incredibly frustrating.  She just keeps telling me that they don't work (forgetting I showed her patience and to re-open them a few times before) and is annoyed at the new JRemote.  Any way we can have a longer timeout?  I think just another 2-3 seconds would cover the vast majority of my cases.

Or, even better would be some better messaging and an easier way to refresh it.  You can tell the difference easily between a View that is really broken and contains no content and one of these timeout conditions because JRemote shows the "No Content Found" message instantly on any View that is actually broken (MCWS returns results, but really returns zero tracks), and one that timed out thinks about it for a while before giving the No Tracks guess.  What is frustrating (to my wife) is that it just says "no tracks", and that you have to remember how to refresh it by going back > forward > back > forward a few times.  Clearly, because of how it behaves, JRemote continues to listen for and process the results that come in after it times out (that's why the refresh the view dance eventually works, and the view loads instantly when it does).  But, it doesn't fill itself when these results do eventually come in and you have to do the dance to refresh it.  If would be nice if it said something like: "View loading taking longer than expected.  Press button to go back, or wait for results."

And then it actually filled in when the results come in automatically (currently, once you get the "No results" it won't refresh the view in JRemote until you close/reopen the view).
Also had a "circle arrow" button next to the "go back" button that manually requests a refresh (reload the whole thing from the Server).

More stuff in my next post.

Good feedback,

I`ll add the following improvements for the next release.

- Increase time-out
- Add a progress bar that shows the actual download progress
- Change the text to inform the user that the request failed
- Add another button to refresh the view when failed.


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Re: JRemote for iOS7
« Reply #99 on: May 23, 2014, 10:23:36 am »

I`ll add the following improvements for the next release.

- Increase time-out
- Add a progress bar that shows the actual download progress
- Change the text to inform the user that the request failed
- Add another button to refresh the view when failed.

Beautiful. Thanks!!
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