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Author Topic: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!  (Read 265875 times)


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #450 on: April 20, 2015, 02:00:14 am »


I often use shuffle to listen to music.
Within EOS you can tap on an Artist or a genre. tap on the dotted line right in the corner and then select shuffle.
If you select some complete albums you just have the choice of play and different add options.
I miss shuffle here. Is it possible to implement that?



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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #451 on: April 20, 2015, 09:49:51 am »


In v4.7 I added the functionality you've requested. When you're looking at a list of files, you'll now see Play All and Shuffle All actions on the action bar.
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #452 on: April 20, 2015, 10:19:52 am »

Oh, I see. shuffeling within the playing now screen.
tha.s fine. Thanks


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #453 on: April 20, 2015, 10:35:28 am »

Oh, I see. shuffeling within the playing now screen.
tha.s fine. Thanks

I wasn't referring to Playing Now, although you do have the ability to shuffle from there as well. If you navigate to the list of tracks in an album, you'll see two new action items: Play All and Shuffle.
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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« Reply #454 on: April 20, 2015, 10:41:46 am »

That's not what I mean. I was looking for: going in a genre, there selecting some albums and than selecting shuffle.
When you tap on just one genre. You can select shuffle.


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« Reply #455 on: April 20, 2015, 10:51:29 am »

That's not what I mean. I was looking for: going in a genre, there selecting some albums and than selecting shuffle.
When you tap on just one genre. You can select shuffle.

Ah, gotcha. That's right, when you select a single item you'll have options to "Play (Shuffled)" or "Add (Shuffled)", but these items are removed once you select multiple items. This is because those options don't make as much sense in context: these buttons could only shuffle the first album then add it to the playlist, shuffle the next and add it to the playlist, and so on. So you'd end up with the albums playing sequentially (although the tracks for each album would be in random order), instead of a randomized list of all of the tracks for the selected items. However, as you've already discovered, there is a solution: you can add all of the tracks you want, then use the Shuffle option available from Playing Now.

Sorry for the confusion!
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #456 on: April 24, 2015, 01:24:43 pm »

I'm using eos for a while and I really like it. Great Job!

I'm also interested in audio tagging functionality within eos. It would be really great if there were some further tagging features:
1) Every tag should be editable
2) Ability to see empty tags so that they can be modified
3) Ability to setup tags that should be shown

Any chance for those feature requests?


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #457 on: April 24, 2015, 08:09:46 pm »

I'm using eos for a while and I really like it. Great Job!

I'm also interested in audio tagging functionality within eos. It would be really great if there were some further tagging features:
1) Every tag should be editable
2) Ability to see empty tags so that they can be modified
3) Ability to setup tags that should be shown

Any chance for those feature requests?

Thank you! Glad to hear you like eos.

I know that certain tags within MC cannot be edited. Creating an exhaustive list of the non-editable tags didn't sound like fun, so I restricted the editable list to the most common tags I edited. I can remove this restriction, but do note that attempting to edit a non-editable field will likely cause issues!

Requests 2 and 3 are related. There's no way to get a list of "empty tags" that should be shown on the page. MCWS only provides fields that contain values so empty tags aren't shown, and MCWS doesn't provide a way to get a list of all possible fields in the library. This is problematic because your library can contain custom fields, so no remote can know what fields to show unless they contain values.

I could add a way to define a list of fields that should always be shown on the Edit File Info page. This would solve your problem of empty fields not appearing. But it would mean that these fields will always appear on these page, even if they weren't appropriate.

How does that sound?
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #458 on: April 24, 2015, 11:06:17 pm »


    All is great with your app, but I just started using JRiver's internal volume control and while I can use my Samsung Note 8's volume controls (but only from the now playing page), the zones area sliders or the widget on my system home page to change the volume, I would like to adjust the volume from any page within the app. would it be possible to put either a volume slider or shortcut to one in the Blue band (in the blue/orange colour scheme) at the top?



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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #459 on: April 25, 2015, 01:46:00 am »

I will confirm by trying Gizmo on the same tablet.

I have found that Gizmo does the same thing. What happens is too many volume button changes (or too quickly) in a row can cause the volume level to go fractional. There is an extra delay in getting a MCWS response when this occurs.


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #460 on: April 25, 2015, 04:06:29 am »

Thank you! Glad to hear you like eos.

I know that certain tags within MC cannot be edited. Creating an exhaustive list of the non-editable tags didn't sound like fun, so I restricted the editable list to the most common tags I edited. I can remove this restriction, but do note that attempting to edit a non-editable field will likely cause issues!

Requests 2 and 3 are related. There's no way to get a list of "empty tags" that should be shown on the page. MCWS only provides fields that contain values so empty tags aren't shown, and MCWS doesn't provide a way to get a list of all possible fields in the library. This is problematic because your library can contain custom fields, so no remote can know what fields to show unless they contain values.

I could add a way to define a list of fields that should always be shown on the Edit File Info page. This would solve your problem of empty fields not appearing. But it would mean that these fields will always appear on these page, even if they weren't appropriate.

How does that sound?

I didn't know that MCWS does not support those functionality. That's too bad.

Your suggestion sounds good. I think, if a user define a custom list of fields for tagging, that user should know were those fields are appropriate.
I would appreciate this feature!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #461 on: April 25, 2015, 04:10:16 am »

I could also make MCWS include empty fields optionally, controlled by a parameter maybe, if thats something that could help.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #462 on: April 25, 2015, 10:46:26 am »

I could also make MCWS include empty fields optionally, controlled by a parameter maybe, if thats something that could help.

Hendrik, this would be excellent! I could definitely make use of this functionality. Thanks for offering!
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #463 on: April 25, 2015, 10:54:59 am »

I would like to adjust the volume from any page within the app. would it be possible to put either a volume slider or shortcut to one in the Blue band (in the blue/orange colour scheme) at the top?

The Zones action should be available from the action bar of any screen, and that screen does have volume sliders. I'll change the hardware volume key behavior so that you can use those to change the volume from any screen.
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #464 on: April 25, 2015, 03:11:23 pm »


Quote from: Soul_Rvr911 on April 19, 2015, 11:53:02 am
By "too big", I meant that your device's display isn't big enough to fit the entire image. So if your display is 1080p (1920x1080) and you have cover art that's 1200x1200, the image will be scaled down to 1080x1080 to fit on the screen.

In portrait mode the album art fits nicely on the screen. It appears (and I’m just guessing here) that the image scales to the screen width. I use your creation in landscape mode and here it appears to me to be somewhat unwieldy, requires unnecessary scrolling and loses some of its visual appeal. Would it be possible to scale the image to the screen height in landscape mode? That way the user is presented with a full image of the album art and not just a portion of it.

Oh, and thanks for pointing me to the view customization menu. I didn’t realize that would also affect eos.



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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #465 on: April 25, 2015, 04:02:16 pm »

now that ive been playing with eos more. (galaxy tab 7 in widescreen mode) ive noticed when one hits file info that the cover art is very large as well, and needs scrolling.

here what it looks like in portrait view (galaxy s4)

and once in widescreen/landscape mode (galaxy s4)



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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #466 on: April 25, 2015, 09:05:03 pm »

The Zones action should be available from the action bar of any screen, and that screen does have volume sliders. I'll change the hardware volume key behavior so that you can use those to change the volume from any screen.

Thanks for that. The added functionality of the volume keys will be helpful. Not so keen on the Zones key as it does change the way it behaves if it is used multiple times quickly and can be confusing. I have JRiver limited to 85% of volume and I think that is confusing the volume slider in the zones area. Also the reason I would prefer a volume control in the "blue bar" is so I can tell at a glance what the volume is. I only play full albums not playlists and some of my music files come from early CDs which are a lot quieter than later ones and the later ones can be horribly loud if I don't check the volume as I select them. I realize that there is probably a setting to equalise the levels across all files but I would rather not do that.


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #467 on: April 25, 2015, 09:26:29 pm »

Also the reason I would prefer a volume control in the "blue bar" is so I can tell at a glance what the volume is. I only play full albums not playlists and some of my music files come from early CDs which are a lot quieter than later ones and the later ones can be horribly loud if I don't check the volume as I select them. I realize that there is probably a setting to equalise the levels across all files but I would rather not do that.


really effects those of us with kickstands...kickstand manufactures tend to think its more feasible to have the power button within reach over the volume buttons which lacks all sorts of sense being you will most likelly be having the screen on the whole time the device is in widescreen/kickstand mode...wouldn't it behoove the kickstand user to have access to his volume keys? have you guys seen the galaxy tablets (bought one for my dad) you have to fiddle faddle around searching for the volume buttons because they are moving away from raised buttons...pita


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #468 on: April 27, 2015, 12:56:09 pm »

In portrait mode the album art fits nicely on the screen. It appears (and I’m just guessing here) that the image scales to the screen width. I use your creation in landscape mode and here it appears to me to be somewhat unwieldy, requires unnecessary scrolling and loses some of its visual appeal. Would it be possible to scale the image to the screen height in landscape mode? That way the user is presented with a full image of the album art and not just a portion of it.

That's correct, the image always scales to screen width. I can't easily change the dimension it scales to, but I can probably give the art a max height, or make its size constant.

Not so keen on the Zones key as it does change the way it behaves if it is used multiple times quickly and can be confusing. I have JRiver limited to 85% of volume and I think that is confusing the volume slider in the zones area. Also the reason I would prefer a volume control in the "blue bar" is so I can tell at a glance what the volume is. I only play full albums not playlists and some of my music files come from early CDs which are a lot quieter than later ones and the later ones can be horribly loud if I don't check the volume as I select them. I realize that there is probably a setting to equalise the levels across all files but I would rather not do that.

I can't add a volume slider to the toolbar (blue bar). What do you mean about using the Zones key: "it does change the way it behaves if it is used multiple times quickly"?

The volume sliders aren't taking into account the effect of a Volume Limit that's set in MC. If you've limited the volume to 85% in MC and drag eos' volume slider to 100%, MC's volume will end up at 85% (as you'd expect) but eos' slider stays at 100% until the page is refreshed. There's no way for a remote to know what the volume limit is, but the new volume is returned after the call to set the volume. I should be able to update the slider with this value, although it would make the slider appear to jump erratically if you try to set the volume outside the allowed range.
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #469 on: April 28, 2015, 02:34:40 am »

[I can't add a volume slider to the toolbar (blue bar). What do you mean about using the Zones key: "it does change the way it behaves if it is used multiple times quickly"?

The volume sliders aren't taking into account the effect of a Volume Limit that's set in MC. If you've limited the volume to 85% in MC and drag eos' volume slider to 100%, MC's volume will end up at 85% (as you'd expect) but eos' slider stays at 100% until the page is refreshed. There's no way for a remote to know what the volume limit is, but the new volume is returned after the call to set the volume. I should be able to update the slider with this value, although it would make the slider appear to jump erratically if you try to set the volume outside the allowed range.

Okay, I hope you can follow this.
Start in Now Playing screen - Set volume to 85% (which I set JRiver to as my maximum)
Go to Zones - slider shows 85% as it should
Increase volume slider to 100%, which actually does not change the volume.
Go back to now playing screen, a touch of the tablet's volume key shows 83%, which has gone down because I touched the down key. All is as it should be, so far.

Start again in now playing set volume 85% (max)
Go to Zones - Slider shows 85%
Move slider - 12% - 22% - 39% - 61% - 90% - 100% The increases are not important as an exact level ie does not have to be those numbers, it just needs multiple movements. Volume is significantly lower than the previous 100%
Go back to Now Playing and touch the volume down button to display level (which will presumably drops it 2% also) This shows a level of 37%

After doing the volume reduction and multiple increases the 100% level varies when I go back to Now Playing, I just did it again and it showed 55% when the Zone slider was at 100%.

If I go back to the Zone slider after checking in the Now Playing section it does show the correct level, in this case 55%

And that's what I mean about the slider in the Zones performing erratically.



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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #470 on: April 28, 2015, 02:16:44 pm »

Okay, I hope you can follow this.
Start in Now Playing screen - Set volume to 85% (which I set JRiver to as my maximum)
Go to Zones - slider shows 85% as it should
Increase volume slider to 100%, which actually does not change the volume.
Go back to now playing screen, a touch of the tablet's volume key shows 83%, which has gone down because I touched the down key. All is as it should be, so far.

Start again in now playing set volume 85% (max)
Go to Zones - Slider shows 85%
Move slider - 12% - 22% - 39% - 61% - 90% - 100% The increases are not important as an exact level ie does not have to be those numbers, it just needs multiple movements. Volume is significantly lower than the previous 100%
Go back to Now Playing and touch the volume down button to display level (which will presumably drops it 2% also) This shows a level of 37%

After doing the volume reduction and multiple increases the 100% level varies when I go back to Now Playing, I just did it again and it showed 55% when the Zone slider was at 100%.

If I go back to the Zone slider after checking in the Now Playing section it does show the correct level, in this case 55%

And that's what I mean about the slider in the Zones performing erratically.

I can't duplicate this, but I suspect that the volume requests are being completed out of order. When you release the volume slider, eos makes a request to MC and tells it to change the volume to that percentage. Normally these requests don't take very long so there's no issue. However, Android is power-conservative, and shuts down Wi-Fi connections after a time. Alternatively, your device could just have spotty coverage. In either case, there are no guarantees about what order the requests will complete, so the volume ends up being set to whatever request winds up finishing last. I don't know how other remotes are architected, but I suspect that they'll all exhibit the same behavior.

The percentage that shows up in the toast, which appears after using the volume keys to change the volume, is the value that comes back from MC; the toast's volume will always be correct. As I mentioned, the slider doesn't currently use this value, so you can drag the slider passed the volume limit and it will (incorrectly) remain at that value. I also expected the volume sliders to be refreshed automatically when going back to the Zones page, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'll fix these issues in the next version.
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #471 on: April 30, 2015, 09:34:58 pm »

Let me know if this is the correct way to get info on EOS.  Purchased the app today it works great, but I'm having a problem with volume.

Everything works smooth except I get no sound (but I think I know what's happenenig if you give a solution).

First, when i hit play, the song starting playing, but I don't hear anything...
If i switch to zone (all this [Zone] is new to me), i have to choices Default or Player)

If i choose player it starts playing the song with no volume.
If I switch zone to default, I get an error message:  A Media Player is incorrect (1)...  It does play or anything.

Then what I noticed was when I choose Zone Player... I looked over at my PC and it was controlling that instead, meaning I could change standard to display, but I am still not getting any sound.

Finally, so this may help in coming up with a olution.  With the free Gizmo, I have to options Home or Server....  If I choose Home everything is controlled from my Tablet (Samsung S) no problems whatsoever.   But I wantted to ppearance and functionality of EOS.

it's alot but wanted you to get the hold picture.  So it seems, I can only run from the Server using EOS, which again doesn't give me any sounds. 

Any ideas


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #472 on: May 01, 2015, 12:42:07 am »

try opening eos, once connected to library then click on zones/top right corner 3 square boxes in shape of pyramid/or 3 horizontal lines then zones (in text)  . once there tap to the left of the D where it states device, (you should see it add a check mark. then try playing something in your library...hear anything? also have you tried volume buttons on phone itself?


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #473 on: May 01, 2015, 01:06:43 am »

Let me know if this is the correct way to get info on EOS.  Purchased the app today it works great, but I'm having a problem with volume.

Everything works smooth except I get no sound (but I think I know what's happenenig if you give a solution).

First, when i hit play, the song starting playing, but I don't hear anything...
If i switch to zone (all this [Zone] is new to me), i have to choices Default or Player)

If i choose player it starts playing the song with no volume.
If I switch zone to default, I get an error message:  A Media Player is incorrect (1)...  It does play or anything.

Then what I noticed was when I choose Zone Player... I looked over at my PC and it was controlling that instead, meaning I could change standard to display, but I am still not getting any sound.

Finally, so this may help in coming up with a olution.  With the free Gizmo, I have to options Home or Server....  If I choose Home everything is controlled from my Tablet (Samsung S) no problems whatsoever.   But I wantted to ppearance and functionality of EOS.

it's alot but wanted you to get the hold picture.  So it seems, I can only run from the Server using EOS, which again doesn't give me any sounds. 

Hi drc,

Thanks for purchasing eos! You've come to the right spot for support.

MC comes configured by default with a zone called "Player", which represents media currently playing in MC. Any additional DLNA devices it detects will also be added as zones, and you can even add custom zones manually for different audio devices on your computer.

However, from the sounds of it, you haven't configured any other zones, so you should only have the "Player" zone available in MC. So, on eos' Zones page, your choices are "Device" and "Player". "Player" refers to MC's default playback zone, and "Device" will stream content from your media server to your device (which is the equivalent of Gizmo's "Here"). If no zones are checked on the Zones page, eos will default to controlling MC's default zone. (Note that the items that you see on eos' Zones page are the same items that you'll see in Gizmo under "Choose Where To Play", except as mentioned "Here" is replaced with "Device" in eos.)

Your post makes it seem as though you're trying to play music on your JRiver server and control the playback from eos. So on eos' Zones page, you can either check the box for "Player" or you can leave all of the checkboxes unchecked. Then, ensure that the volume slider for Player is at a reasonable volume - and that it isn't at 0% - and try playing a track. Let me know if this works for you!
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #474 on: May 07, 2015, 09:43:25 am »

Feature Request:  Could EOS detect if you are on WiFi, and have different transcoding options depending on whether you are or not?  Email aps for example can be set to only download attachments on WiFi.  Have EOS not transcode audio when on WiFi, but receive all audio as 128 mp3 when not to save on data?  I make a lot of changes like this manually now, but it would be nice if EOS did it automatically since I sometimes forget to change my settings. 


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #475 on: May 19, 2015, 11:02:57 pm »

Just bought this software today.  Really happy how easily I can switch from playing on the TV to playing on my tablet.
I also like the fact that it seems to be much snappier than Gizmo

A few questions

1) Does EOS use the same views as Gizmo - Seems to, just would like to confirm
2)  Is there any way to change the thumbnails for Custom Views.  EG.  I have a root item called Kids, and within there is "Audio" "Movies" and "Video".  To which they have default folder like icons.  Might be a JRiver question?
3) Is there a how to in order to get JRiver on Chromecast then controlled by EOS?

Many thanks and once again, great APP!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #476 on: May 20, 2015, 09:16:13 am »

Just bought this software today.  Really happy how easily I can switch from playing on the TV to playing on my tablet.
I also like the fact that it seems to be much snappier than Gizmo

A few questions

1) Does EOS use the same views as Gizmo - Seems to, just would like to confirm
2)  Is there any way to change the thumbnails for Custom Views.  EG.  I have a root item called Kids, and within there is "Audio" "Movies" and "Video".  To which they have default folder like icons.  Might be a JRiver question?
3) Is there a how to in order to get JRiver on Chromecast then controlled by EOS?

Many thanks and once again, great APP!

Thanks for the feedback! Glad to hear you're enjoying eos.

In response to your questions:

1) Yes, eos uses the same views as Gizmo. These are configurable from MC's Options --> Media Network --> Advanced --> Configure views for Gizmo & WebGizmo...

2) These thumbnails are controlled by MC, but there's no way to change them at present.

3) Not sure what you're asking for here. You can Cast content from your MC library to your Chromecast, but you can't cast MC itself.
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #477 on: May 20, 2015, 08:22:14 pm »

Hey all,

I've just pushed v5.0.5 of eos to Production! Change notes:

New in v5.0.5:
Now Playing footer! See what's playing, play/pause & skip tracks while browsing your library
Send TV flow! Long press on a TV channel and press "Send TV" to stream TV to a remote zone
Change remote volume from any screen with the hardware volume keys
New Setting to confirm app exit when pressing back
Added a hint to the file list header to indicate that cover art is clickable

Sliders on the Zones page not updating properly
No more annoying "no connectivity" toasts
Set a maximum height for the cover art on the File Info page, to reduce the amount of scrolling required when viewing the page in landscape.
A few crashes

Let me know if you experience any issues with the new Send TV functionality. I haven't been able to test it myself because I don't have a TV tuner, but it was working for a few of my Alpha testers.


Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #478 on: May 23, 2015, 09:18:39 pm »

Thanks very much for the any screen volume change addition ......... works a treat. One more request from this PITA, maybe a volume level indicator in the now playing footer?? Just a thought .........


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #479 on: May 27, 2015, 08:36:53 pm »

Feature Request:  Could EOS detect if you are on WiFi, and have different transcoding options depending on whether you are or not?  Email aps for example can be set to only download attachments on WiFi.  Have EOS not transcode audio when on WiFi, but receive all audio as 128 mp3 when not to save on data?  I make a lot of changes like this manually now, but it would be nice if EOS did it automatically since I sometimes forget to change my settings. 

I've added a new setting that will allow you to choose the Audio Conversion Mode to use when no Wi-Fi connection is detected. Note that if eos is currently playing, the current track and the next track are already being buffered at the old conversion mode, so changes to your Wi-Fi connectivity status will not impact the conversion mode of either of these tracks. The new conversion mode will only start taking effect for the track after the next track (e.g. - if the current track is 4, then tracks 4 and 5 are being buffered, so the new conversion mode will take effect for track 6 once track 4 finishes playing). Instead of adding a proper Wi-Fi connectivity listener, I'm simply checking whether Wi-Fi is connected when I need to create the URL for the file, and I'm switching the conversion mode based on the result. In that sense it isn't really "dynamic", but from your description it sounds like this solution should suffice!

Thanks very much for the any screen volume change addition ......... works a treat. One more request from this PITA, maybe a volume level indicator in the now playing footer?? Just a thought .........

I've added a volume indicator underneath the playback control buttons on the Now Playing bar.

Both of these changes will be in the next version of eos (v5.1), which I've just pushed to Alpha. I hope to have it in Production by the end of the week.


Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #480 on: May 30, 2015, 05:08:56 am »

Kewl, thanks very much!!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #481 on: May 30, 2015, 07:32:04 am »

Question, it doesn't play music... Get error message:

Media Player Error: 1

got the trial version looked good, so i purchased the full veersion, it will not play any songs, looks good.

Test against the Gizmo app, it plays all songs with no problem.  i was hoping a upgrade would olve the problem 

Any idea?  Lastest Anroid Tablet (Samsong S).  192kps musiv coding.



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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #482 on: May 30, 2015, 07:47:06 am »

Try setting conversion.  The media player may not play that format.


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #483 on: May 30, 2015, 12:19:17 pm »

Question, it doesn't play music... Get error message:

Media Player Error: 1

Any idea?  Lastest Anroid Tablet (Samsong S).  192kps musiv coding.

Try setting conversion.  The media player may not play that format.

JimH is correct: the most likely explanation is that the format you're trying to play isn't supported on your device. On the Settings page you'll find a setting for Audio Conversion, try changing it to one of the MP3 values and trying playback again.
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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #484 on: May 30, 2015, 12:20:35 pm »

Hey everyone,

I've just pushed v5.1.2 to Production! From the change notes:

New in v5.1.2:
Added volume display to the Now Playing bar. The volume display will follow the current volume zone, if one has been specified on the Zones page

Added a setting to use a different audio conversion mode if no Wi-Fi connection is detected

Made file list header's year text italic

Removed Play All action from file lists

Fix a crash that would occur attempting to re-open the app if it had been removed from memory by the device


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #485 on: May 30, 2015, 07:56:17 pm »

now that eos allows us to add our TV stations via the view created in JRiver/Gizmo views -;topicseen#new

Is there tweaking that could be done that would allow us to place tv stations under Videos? (Not Nest)

With EOS's expand drawer feature, it always lands those of us with tv stations on tv stations upon connection or Pressing home.
From jremote's screenshot you notice it does show TV stations but it's under Videos, And EOS it's above Audio.
In JRiver/Gizmo settings I have established it cannot be nested underneath videos if so it will not show up. So i removed TV stations from under Videos (Nested) and placed it under Video and above playlists.

Thank you for considering


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #486 on: May 30, 2015, 08:09:14 pm »

Is there tweaking that could be done that would allow us to place tv stations under Videos? (Not Nest)

The order of items in eos' drawer is the same as the order in MC's "Customize views for Gizmo & WebGizmo" settings. I just re-arranged these items on my own server to confirm this works as I expected. Note, however, that the only time the drawer list is fetched is after the initial connection is made to the server - e.g.: when the app first launches, or after switching servers. So make sure that items are in the correct order in MC, then restart both MC and eos for the changes to appear.

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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #487 on: May 30, 2015, 08:18:48 pm »

just verified server settings. here's screenshot.
JRemote seems to be honoring the layout, and eos isnt for my devices.

NOTE: every time one re-arranges in JRiver Server... one MUST force kill server, or reboot system to see changes.



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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #488 on: May 30, 2015, 09:07:01 pm »

Sorry to EOS... it was user error.

While watching series with GF on HTPC, I was on eos’s playing now of CLIENT (HTPC) and that moved the tv stations above audio.
When I gave the jremote test on same device (IT AUTO CONNECTED TO MAIN SERVER…NOT CLIENT) it showed tv stations below videos above playlists. but once i changed JRemote server to HTPC, then it moved TV Stations above Audio just like EOS did.

Maybe JRiver could have a look into tweaking clients that are connected to servers so this doesnt happen?
Would be appreciated.



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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #489 on: May 31, 2015, 02:58:12 pm »

Just pushed v5.1.3 to Production. Two changes:

  • This build fixes a crash that I saw reported in my Play console that would occur if no servers had been configured - which unfortunately included initial installations.
  • I've changed the icons used in the navigation drawer. Instead of retrieving icons from MC, I've included icons in eos that are a better match for the material design theme.

Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #490 on: June 04, 2015, 08:16:32 am »

I've added a new setting that will allow you to choose the Audio Conversion Mode to use when no Wi-Fi connection is detected. Note that if eos is currently playing, the current track and the next track are already being buffered at the old conversion mode, so changes to your Wi-Fi connectivity status will not impact the conversion mode of either of these tracks. The new conversion mode will only start taking effect for the track after the next track (e.g. - if the current track is 4, then tracks 4 and 5 are being buffered, so the new conversion mode will take effect for track 6 once track 4 finishes playing). Instead of adding a proper Wi-Fi connectivity listener, I'm simply checking whether Wi-Fi is connected when I need to create the URL for the file, and I'm switching the conversion mode based on the result. In that sense it isn't really "dynamic", but from your description it sounds like this solution should suffice!

This is perfect!  Thank you.  Exactly what I was looking for and something I had wished for in Gizmo forever.  One more small (maybe) request:  Would it be possible to add it for Video conversion as well?

  • I've changed the icons used in the navigation drawer. Instead of retrieving icons from MC, I've included icons in eos that are a better match for the material design theme.

Not sure how I feel about this.  While the new icons match EOS better, I liked the consistency with MC.   Would it maybe possible to download your icons from somewhere so that I can try them as Custom Art in MC? 


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #491 on: June 04, 2015, 01:22:46 pm »

One more small (maybe) request:  Would it be possible to add it for Video conversion as well?

Yeah, this should be possible.

Would it maybe possible to download your icons from somewhere so that I can try them as Custom Art in MC? 

eos uses the Subway icon set, which was created by Pixle. I purchased them for commercial use in my app, but they're free for personal use. You can find them here:
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!

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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #492 on: June 10, 2015, 07:44:48 am »

I'm still having constant issues when I leave my house (Wifi) and get in my car (4G), eos just can't reconnect unless I close the app and reopen it. Any ideas on this one?


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #493 on: June 10, 2015, 09:44:20 am »

I'm still having constant issues when I leave my house (Wifi) and get in my car (4G), eos just can't reconnect unless I close the app and reopen it. Any ideas on this one?

Yes, this is a limitation of the app. It doesn't listen on connectivity status changes; when you leave your Wi-Fi network it's still trying to connect to your server by using your LAN IP address, which will fail. The only way to get it to switch IPs is closing and re-opening the app.
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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #494 on: June 10, 2015, 10:02:15 am »

an auto connect would be nice in the future for those less savvy.


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #495 on: June 10, 2015, 03:44:52 pm »

Yes, this is a limitation of the app. It doesn't listen on connectivity status changes; when you leave your Wi-Fi network it's still trying to connect to your server by using your LAN IP address, which will fail. The only way to get it to switch IPs is closing and re-opening the app.

That's unfortunate. How about that bookmark feature so I can resume exactly where I left off?


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #496 on: June 11, 2015, 03:01:44 pm »

That's unfortunate. How about that bookmark feature so I can resume exactly where I left off?

I might have a way to support bookmarking: I could add a long-press to the Stop button on the Playing Now page. If you stop playback using a long press I could store the current position, and attempt to resume at that position the next time you hit the Play button. Of course, if you change tracks, the bookmark will be cleared. But if you stopped playback this way and then killed the app (e.g. - to switch between Wi-Fi and mobile networks), you'd be able to resume where you left off.

How does that sound?
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!

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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #497 on: June 11, 2015, 05:18:46 pm »

That sounds helpful but something that automatically remembers where you are in case of a disconnection would be better.

Also, some sort of reconnect button would be better than having to manually close and restart the app.

But beggars can't be choosers, thanks!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #498 on: June 11, 2015, 10:30:00 pm »

That sounds helpful but something that automatically remembers where you are in case of a disconnection would be better.

I just tested this scenario on my own device and it isn't possible to determine when a disconnect occurs because the media player doesn't produce any errors. When I disconnect from Wi-Fi all I see are notifications that the media player is attempting to buffer the track - which is a normal occurrence since it's streaming the file - before it gives up and starts playing the next track, which has only partially been buffered. It's only when trying to buffer the 3rd track that an error occurs, but by this point it's too late to try and create a bookmark because the position in the original track has been lost.
Check out my JRiver remote application eos, available for Android and BlackBerry 10!


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Re: eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!
« Reply #499 on: June 11, 2015, 11:46:54 pm »

I just tested this scenario on my own device and it isn't possible to determine when a disconnect occurs because the media player doesn't produce any errors. When I disconnect from Wi-Fi all I see are notifications that the media player is attempting to buffer the track - which is a normal occurrence since it's streaming the file - before it gives up and starts playing the next track, which has only partially been buffered. It's only when trying to buffer the 3rd track that an error occurs, but by this point it's too late to try and create a bookmark because the position in the original track has been lost.


I do not think bookmark should be in exact spot, something close will be sufficient.

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