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Author Topic: Rename Move and Copy Files  (Read 1012 times)


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Rename Move and Copy Files
« on: May 30, 2014, 07:45:41 am »

I use a somewhat complicated Rename script for my library...

Base Path - E:\

Rule - media\If(IsEqual([Media Type],Audio),If(IsEqual([Album Artist (auto)],/(Multiple Artists/)),audio\Various\[Date] - [Album] If(IsEmpty([Disc #], 1), , (disc [Disc #]/)),audio\Left([Artist],1)\[Artist]\[Date] - [Album] If(IsEmpty([Disc #], 1), , (disc [Disc #]/))),If(IsEqual([Media Type],Video), video\If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], Adult), adult\Left([Name],1), If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], Movie), movies\Left([Name],1)\[Name], If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], TV Show), If(IsEqual([Genre], Sports),sports,television\[Series]\season [Season]), If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], Music Video), music\[Artist], uncategorized)))),uncategorized))

The thing is, my library is growing so large that I now want to store my audio and video on separate drives.  I would prefer not to use presets and instead to just program the drive prefix into the rule, but I have so far been unsuccessful in doing so.  The colon always gets converted to an underscore, and having the Base Path empty results in the path being processed as relative to the current folder.  Has anyone had success in doing something like this?  Any pointers would be helpful.

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Re: Rename Move and Copy Files
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2014, 10:44:09 am »

Nope.  Use presets.

You could also change your setup to import them via UNC Paths instead of by drive letter.
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