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Author Topic: How takes care of support?  (Read 608 times)


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How takes care of support?
« on: February 14, 2002, 09:54:17 am »

I have to raise this topic gain, because there were a lot of unanswered questions in these threads (Or at least, we don’t know whether someone took a look at all), since  there is no response from J River.

Example: I posted a problem a couple of days ago about crashing during property updates.  Result: no respond.  
I posted a similar problem today; once again: no respond (till now).

Sometimes, I understand, its takes a little, to find the answer, but at least a short confirm would help a little.

Today, you’re talking about world domination a lot. I think, this might be a little input to this, because I like the product and I know from other bugs, that your people are concerned about this. If one raises an problem or bug, give a little feedback, because I and probably many other feel uncomfortable, if you don’t know about your message ever reaches it’s destination.



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RE:How takes care of support?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2002, 10:05:49 am »

If you don't get an answer it means:

1.  The people reading don't know the answer and are waiting to see if anyone else does.
2.  Your question got overlooked.
3.  Not enough information was provided.  OS, version of MJ, specific details.

For #2, try bumping your message to the top again by adding a blank reply ("bump").

And, while I'm at it, a personal note.

I'm tired of people complaining about support.  Here's why:

1.  $24.98 isn't much money, surely not enough to be indignant about.
2.  You aren't buying JRiver when you pay the $24.98.  You are buying the right to use the program.
3.  I personally monitor this forum and respond to questions at night and on weekends.  
4.  MJ developers also do.
5.  You have a lot of really bright and experienced users here.  If you treat them well, they will give back 110%.

So enough with the complaining, OK?
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox
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