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Author Topic: Show off some photos... Epic fail :(  (Read 1926 times)


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Show off some photos... Epic fail :(
« on: June 05, 2014, 06:42:09 am »

I was going to meet a friend in a cafe and show him my photos, my new cool laptop w/high resolution screen and great software called JRiver Media Center. Photos are located on my desktop in a MC library, exposed to the world with the MC server. Simple scenario (in my understanding)...

First, I connected to my MC library with its access key. Loading stuck at ~50%. I restarted MC on the laptop, it didn't help. I had to connect to my desktop via remote desktop and restart the MC Server. Hooray, now I was able to connect to the library.

Then, while waiting for the friend to appear, I decided to remove/adjust some of the photos. It was fine, the only issue that I noticed is that all the files were named "GetFile" in the editor. A real problem appeared later, when it appeared that all the changes I made to the photos were lost, because they didn't appear in the library on the desktop.

When it came to running the slideshow, it appeared that photos are loading too long. Wifi is not very fast and photos are big, right. But even previously seen photos were slow, so I understood that MC doesn't do any caching. Too bad.

All right, I'll simply copy all the photos to the laptop, drink some tea in the meantime and then we'll do the viewing properly. So I headed to the MC's "Rename, Move & Copy Files". Once again, I had to do some tricks with names because all the files had name "GetFile". I also noticed that size of the window is incorrect and the Preset... button overlaps some labels, this is due to the screen resolution I suspect. The problem appeared when I pressed OK button. Guess what? No files were copied. However, a new folder that I specified in the Directories fields was created.

How it all ended? I just copied all the files via Remote Desktop and showed with the standard Windows 8 Photos app. Without all the adjustments that I made in photos, of course. So, basically, I did everything that I planned except showing a great photo management app...

Thanks to all who read till the end. I would be glad if someone checks aforementioned issues in MC19, since my copy is already past the trial period and I am not going to buy it until I know that it can handle such an easy scenario.


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Re: Show off some photos... Epic fail :(
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2014, 06:52:54 am »

I'm sorry it didn't work.  Several things might have been going on.

Waking the server might have taken time.

Bandwidth available.  The loading being stuck is probably a bandwidth issue.

Maybe you connected to the DLNA Server, not Library Server.  It will work, but is slow.

Editing a file on a client may not work at all.  But no changes are saved to the server unless authentication is set on the server.


  • World Citizen
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Re: Show off some photos... Epic fail :(
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2014, 07:02:30 am »

Thanks for the prompt reply Jim!
I'm sorry it didn't work.  Several things might have been going on.

Waking the server might have taken time.

Bandwidth available.  The loading being stuck is probably a bandwidth issue.

Maybe you connected to the DLNA Server, not Library Server.  It will work, but is slow.
I assumed that when I add a MC library by using the MC access key, I connect to the Library Server. While DLNA access is supposed to work when devices on one network, which was not the case.
If it's not true, how do I ensure that it's a Library Server, not DLNA?

Editing a file on a client may not work at all.  But no changes are saved to the server unless authentication is set on the server.
So I just enable authentication on the server and editing should work? OK I'll check it. Anyway, a warning when trying to do some editing on a server w/o auth. would save me some time and nerve.
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