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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here  (Read 12064 times)


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JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« on: July 23, 2014, 03:33:05 pm »

This is the latest release of Media Center 19 for Mac.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

19.0.154 (7/23/2014)

1. Fixed: MC will no longer use colons in the name when saving files on Mac.
2. Fixed: On OSX 10.6.8 systems running on older hardware, MC could crash on playback.
3. Fixed: When startup location was set to Drives & Devices, an annoying/repeating "Error creating CDManager control" was shown on MC startup.

19.0.152 (7/18/2014)

1. Fixed: In place edit controls now respond to arrow keys.
2. Fixed: Date created field wouldn’t update correctly. M4A format files are re-created during tagging so will still show a current time for 'date created' after tagging.
3. Fixed: Stopping music when in integer mode would often not release the audio device.
4. NEW: DSD encoding support.
5. Fixed: Menus were not displayed right away when launching the program.
6. Fixed: Menus now display the command symbol instead of "Ctrl" for shortcuts.
7. NEW: Handheld device syncing support.  Supports USB mass storage devices.  Does not support MTP mode.
8. Fixed: Some MC components specified a higher SSE level than some older Mac computers support.  May have caused crashes on some older systems.

19.0.144 (6/26/2014)

1. Fixed: m3u8 playlists were not importing.
2. Fixed: Paste tagging was not working.
3. Changed: Improved messaging when a license for the wrong platform is restored. Now, if a user tries to install a Windows license on a Mac, a clear error message is displayed.
4. Fixed: Multi-channel .wma files now work on Mac.
5. Fixed: The caps lock key was not working.
6. NEW: Media Server mode can now be enabled (Tools / Advanced Tools / Media Server...).  This runs Media Center with no UI and displays an icon on the status bar at upper right.
7. NEW: Media Center can now be started automatically at login time (Tools / Options / Startup / Run on Mac startup).
8. Fixed: Dialog boxes now respond to Escape and Enter keys.

19.0.131 (4/30/2014)

1. Fixed: Web radio stream playback was eating up way too much cpu.
2. Fixed: System sleep is now always disabled while Media Center is playing, including DLNA playback.
3. Fixed: XML playlist exports from iTunes were not importing because of 'file://localhost/' embedded in filenames.
4. Fixed: File rename & copy was producing duplicate library entries when processing filenames containing international characters.
5. Fixed: M3U playlist exports from iTunes were not importing because of line ending issues.

19.0.124 (4/8/2014)

1. Fixed: Some WMA lossless files would play at wrong speed and/or with static.
2. Fixed: Installing non-supported VST plugins (e.g. older 32bit only ones) would cause PackageInstaller to crash and no error was shown in Media Center.
3. Fixed: When adding a new VST plugin, the file selection dialog would show up behind Media Center.

19.0.123 (4/2/2014)

1. Changed: Reinstated standard Mac Quit menu option.
2. NEW: Support for 64 bit VST audio plugins in DSP Studio.  From "Manage Plug-ins / Add VST" select the Plug-in package ending in ".VST" (usually in /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST).

19.0.122 (3/17/2014)

1. Fixed: The date tag was being read incorrectly in WMA files.
2. Fixed: WMA lossless wasn't working.

19.0.121 (3/12/2014)

1. Fixed: Duplicate menus were being shown if you activated the left-most item and dragged over one of the other items.
2. Changed: Got rid of "Quit" menu option which was redundant with "Exit" option on File menu. Cmd-Q still works for exiting program.
3. Fixed: WMA files showed incorrect bitrate in player display window.
4. Changed: Retina Mode (View -> Size -> Retina Mode) will now stay enabled between program runs.  Before you had to enable it each time you started Media Center.
5. Fixed: In Retina mode, main menu dropdowns would partially cover the main menu.
6. Fixed: In Retina mode, the blurred 'alpha' background behind menus was offset from the actual location of the background.
7. Fixed: In Retina mode, the DSP Studio windows looked funny - the window was much too big with lots of empty space around the DSP options.

19.0.120 (3/4/2014)

1. NEW: WMA decoding.  Window Media files can now be imported and played.  Tags are read-only at this point.

19.0.119 (2/27/2014)

1. Changed: Changed UDP socket Accept function to use 'select' rather than 'kqueue/kevent'.  Trying to eliminate application hang at shutdown.

19.0.118 (2/24/2014)

1. Fixed: License restores were not working with build 117.

19.0.117 (2/19/2014)

1. Fixed: Playback of AIFF files with unknown 'chunk' types over library server would fail to play.
2. Fixed: MC license no longer needs to be restored whenever the Mac computer name changes.
3. Fixed: Fill properties from filename using Template was showing full path rather than just filename.
4. Fixed: Enabled filesystem statistics gathering function.
5. Fixed: Allow : in filename (was filtered out by windows code).
6. Fixed: Remove special treatment of UNC style paths (windows code).
7. Fixed: Remove special treatment of . in pathnames, i.e. foo./bar (windows code).
8. Fixed: SACD ISOs were always detected with external changes and their metadata re-imported during auto-import, overwriting any changes in the library.
9. Changed: Updated Japanese language file (thanks Tsuchiya Kazuo).
10. Changed: Updated Chinese language files (thanks kelijun).
11. Fixed: Added list member null checking to file stacks code.  MC was crashing on running stack error checking.
12. Fixed: Potential crashes in BufferingInternetReader. Seen on Mac when playing high-def files with memory playback on Library Server clients.
13. Changed: Updated Slovak language file (thanks Peter Lukac).
14. Fixed: Directory presets in some dialogs had the wrong (Windows) type of directory separator slashes.

19.0.103 (1/10/2014)

1. Fixed: iTunes playlists were not importing correctly.
2. Fixed: Debug logging was always re-enabled at startup regardless of user setting.
3. Fixed: Added right-click menu in display view to allow display type and cover art style choices.
4. Fixed: Empty directories were not getting removed following file deletions.
5. Fixed: Very small FLAC files were failing playback (e.g. Test silence files smaller than 64k bytes).
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2014, 06:15:48 am »

I have a view set up as categories using details, not thumbnails. (artist, then album, etc)

When I double click on the artist line to see the albums, jriver shows every album by every band on my library.

I had to go back to 152.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2014, 07:58:39 am »

I have a view set up as categories using details, not thumbnails. (artist, then album, etc)

When I double click on the artist line to see the albums, jriver shows every album by every band on my library.

I had to go back to 152.

I set up a new artist category and changed it to details view from thumbnails.  When I double click on an artist, the albums from that artist show up below just as expected.  Any way yours might be different?
Adam Thompson, JRiver


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2014, 10:46:47 am »

Yes, try customizing views by Artist and then Albums.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2014, 03:30:38 pm »

Yes, try customizing views by Artist and then Albums.

I can reproduce this now.  It's cross platform.  Thanks for the report.
Adam Thompson, JRiver


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2014, 04:48:12 am »

I have built a customized view by genre, subgenre,... With this built it is lost and the kind of displaying the view is not correct. I had to go back to build .152. 154 doesn't work for me.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2014, 01:01:50 am »

I am running 19.0.154 and it keeps activating the output conversion in DSP studio. I turn it off in order to have the original file type played. About 2/3 of the time it is reactivated when I turn Media Center on again. Very frustrating.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2014, 10:54:51 am »

I am running 19.0.154 and it keeps activating the output conversion in DSP studio. I turn it off in order to have the original file type played. About 2/3 of the time it is reactivated when I turn Media Center on again. Very frustrating.

What's probably happening is you're trying to play a format that your DAC won't accept.  By default, MC automatically changes it to a format it accepts.  Go into [Options > Audio > Advanced > Auto configure output settings on playback error] and set it to "No".  You may need to make some changes to DSP studio to change the sample rate MC outputs to one your DAC accepts.  The next build will have the option to "Ask" whether or not you'd like to automatically change the output settings.
Adam Thompson, JRiver


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2014, 11:49:08 am »

I have a view set up as categories using details, not thumbnails. (artist, then album, etc)
When I double click on the artist line to see the albums, jriver shows every album by every band on my library.

This has been fixed and will be in the next build.
Adam Thompson, JRiver


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2014, 03:23:50 pm »

What's probably happening is you're trying to play a format that your DAC won't accept.  By default, MC automatically changes it to a format it accepts.  Go into [Options > Audio > Advanced > Auto configure output settings on playback error] and set it to "No".  You may need to make some changes to DSP studio to change the sample rate MC outputs to one your DAC accepts.  The next build will have the option to "Ask" whether or not you'd like to automatically change the output settings.

I noticed this happening when I started the app without anything playing. The DSP studio playback settings would be engaged on restart. There is a good chance that my DAC could be part of the problem though. The USB connection is flakey. I'll have to do some more experimenting...


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2014, 01:51:54 am »

10.6.8 playback problems on older MacBook are gone in the new 19.0.154

Many Thanks!


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2014, 04:42:36 am »

Analyze Audio Dialog:

ENTER closes the dialog instead of starting the analyze process.
ESC works as expected (closes the dialog).

"Analyze" should be the default button (and be recognizable as such).


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2014, 03:26:36 pm »

This has been fixed and will be in the next build.

Great..... I have the exact same issue as the OP and reverted to 144. 



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2014, 02:29:17 pm »

I'm having an issue where the interface stops updating.  At some point scrolling, selecting, etc work, but the UI is frozen.  ...So I can play, stop and advance tracks, but there is no visual indication of what is playing, and any scrolling/page-up/page-downs do not update the UI.  Strange, no?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2014, 09:42:06 pm »

I get the dreaded spinning beach ball when I try to copy artwork to clipboard and paste or even load from file. 
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  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2014, 04:43:53 pm »

This has been fixed and will be in the next build.

Hi Adam,
Not using any customized views. All containers in my library now seem to include all albums... So this is similar, but also a bit different.

I go to Audio...Genre...Rock...and then artist and albums... and every artist contains every album in the library. Also, all genres include all other genres.

Should I re-import the library? Revert the level of MC?

EDIT: reverted to 152, and everything is fine again... so something isn't right with general browsing in 154.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2014, 10:00:33 am »

I have two licenses. One installed on an iMac and one on Macbook air. My iTunes music library is on my Synology NAS 213+. My entire music collection is in Apple Lossless (ALAC). My Music Network Player is a Devialet 250. Here's the problem: When I listen to a playlist (m3u imported or manually on the spur of the momement) for a few minutes (time varies) one of the musical pieces starts playing very quickly like the chipmunks singing. This problem was not present in the previous version of Mac JRiver. What can I do to remedy the situation?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2014, 03:45:56 pm »

You should fix the text on the header of Drives & Devices on MC19 for Mac.  It refers to a bunch of things that it can't do.
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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2014, 12:00:25 am »

Colons ":" in filenames are not replaced with underscores "_" as they should.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2014, 01:37:44 am »

On 2 Macs with .154, while MC is starting PackageInstaller flashes up briefly on the dock then disappears. Looks like the same thing happens shortly after the GUI appears too, for an even shorter time. But this second one might be another instance of MC itself (I managed to right-click, show in Finder in the instant it appeared). On a Mac with .144 this doesn't happen. I downgraded one Mac to .144. Got the PackageInsaller in the dock briefly the first time I started it, but hasn't done it subsequently.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2014, 04:44:16 am »

Three weeks on and still no fix for the library issues.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: August 16, 2014, 06:25:46 am »

I am demoing JRiver Mac 19.0.154 and having an issue.  There are some songs which do not show Japanese/Chinese characters properly (A screenshot showing garbage characters is attached).  Songs which are ripped by iTunes or XLD are fine but songs which are ripped by dBpoweramp have garbage characters.  I tried JRiver Windows and confirmed that there is no issue with all the songs.  Hopefully, JRiver can fix this issue at the next version.

Awesome Donkey

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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.154 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2014, 09:41:54 am »

It's probably too early to mention this, but clicking Select font in 10.10 Yosemite Developer Preview 5 causes MC to crash.
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