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Author Topic: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.  (Read 5027 times)


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Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« on: August 02, 2014, 09:59:00 pm »

Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and to MC and am enjoying learning and using this software.  I have been able to go through this forum and figure out most of my problems, but am not able to figure out how to get season and episode numbers into my tv recordings filenames. Can someone please point me in the right direction. Thank you in advance.


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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2014, 11:59:01 pm »

1st check the Wiki. It's not immediately obvious but this should help:
Note that you need the correct meta data tagged for the process to work. Otherwise you can import properties from the filename.

So, try {Right Click / Context Menu} > Library Tools > Rename, Move & Copy Files

Start with "Rename (move files if directory changes)" and check "Filename" and specify the template for naming.

I use the following template for TV shows:
[Series] S[Season]E[Episode] [Name]
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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2014, 08:44:04 am »

Thanks Astromo for the quick reply. I will look at the wiki again and try your suggestion.


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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2014, 09:04:37 am »

Astromo, looked into the wiki and that seems like it is only for moving and renaming files. What Im having a problem with is my recordings. When I set a program to record from my guide I only get  program name and date. I need to get season episode and original play date.  Is this possible?

Also is there a way to tell if it is HD?

Thaks for your help.


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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2014, 10:17:47 am »

In the setup options for the recording, you can add some logic to modify the name.  I think it is on the last page.  I use this for adding the Recorded Date to certain shows.  I am not sure when the episode and season fields are populated, so I am not sure if this will be useful, but it is worth trying.  There are some pretty useful write-ups on how to use the logic for tag on import and the tv show recording tagging seems to work the same way.

Hope this helps,



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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2014, 10:48:47 am »

Alex thanks again for the quick response.  Do you mean under recording options "Apply these tags" ??


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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2014, 11:16:55 am »

I don't remember and I am not at home to see it, but that sounds right.



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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2014, 01:00:21 pm »

Thanks, I tried what you said or what I thought you said but it didnt work.  I get the info in the sidecar file but not in the filename itself.  If you think about it would you post the info to be sure when you get home. Thanks in advance.



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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2014, 01:42:52 pm »

Okay, I've looked everywhere on the forum. I've googled everything I could think of.  Maybe if I explain in a little more in detail.

I'm running mc19 ver 160.  I have a schedules Direct account and it downloads fine.  I can see the information I need in the sidecar file so I know the software knows the data is there.  I just cant seem to get the season and episode data into the filename. Ive tried putting it in the recording options under "Apply these tags" as (Media Sub Type: TV Show and Custom: Episode:[Episode]). All I get in the filename is "Series and Date". 

I'm also using .ts as output. Could this be the problem??

Really I've been working on this for days and would like to get it done so I can move on to the next item..

Any Help would be appreciated.


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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2014, 02:03:18 pm »

I will take a look when I get home and see what I have there.  I know I am adding the recorded date to a recording, so I will see what I did.



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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2014, 06:51:45 pm »

Ok, yes, it is under 'Apply These Tags'.  I am changing the [Name] tag to append the date recorded.  This is the expression I am using to do that:

[Name] :FormatDate([Date Recorded,0],Date)

This puts the Name of the program : the date recorded in whatever tag is identified drop down box.  The formatting I used is to get the Date only portion.  I didn't want the time.

You want to change the filename, so after click add, put Filename(name) in the field option and then put [Series] S[Season]E[Episode] [Name] in the Values box.  I am not sure if this will work, but it should get you close.

I hope this helps,



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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2014, 11:12:53 pm »

Alex. Tried your way but still only getting Series-date.  Are you using jtv or ts file format for your recordings. 

Here is what I did:   Apply these tags
                            Drop down box Filename(name)
                            Value [Name] :[series]-S[Season]E[episode]
Again thanks for your help......   

Does anyone know how this actually works.  What is the sequence of the recording system. 
When does the recording get tagged with the new data. So frustrating!


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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2014, 12:33:09 am »

I'm very sure that file type is not going to make a difference.

If the meta data is identifiable in the .xml sidecar, then it will be there for MC to use. Can you upload an example for us? Just the .xml.

The moving / renaming files function should sort you out.
MC33, Win10 x64, HD-Plex H5 Gen2 Case, HD-Plex 400W Hi-Fi DC-ATX / AC-DC PSU, Gigabyte Z370 ULTRA Gaming 2.0 MoBo, Intel Core i7 8700 CPU, 4x8GB GSkill DDR4 RAM, Schiit Modi Multibit DAC, Freya Pre, Nelson Pass Aleph J DIY Clone, Ascension Timberwolf 8893BSRTL Speakers, BJC 5T00UP cables, DVB-T Tuner HDHR5-4DT


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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2014, 07:52:27 am »

Thanks for your response astromo.

Ive attached the a sidecar.xml file as a text file.  I am new to this forum so I hope I did it right


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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2014, 08:20:19 am »

I know that when I record over-the-air programs,  there is no Season or Episode numbers captured because the OTA stations don't include that info in their broadcast. I only get the series name and the episode title. I go into Standard View and add the Season and Episode numbers, then MC will download the episode description.

I posted about this a long time ago, and there is still no way (as far as I know) for MC to go to "a database" and match the Series and Episode name to download/figure-out the Season and Episode numbers.


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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2014, 08:43:21 am »

Thanks CountryBumkin for the input.  I do not have the same problem as ota.  I do get the series/season/episode info into the database/sidecar.xml. I just am trying to get the recorded video's filename to reflect it.

astromo: I did some testing and when I apply this tag to recording "Filename: [Series]-S[Season]E[Episode]-[Date]" I get this error

"Media Center encountered errors while tagging or moving files. Check that the files exist, are not read-only, and are not in use by other programs.
 Tagging error: The middle-S2009EF-20_28_2009"  (File Attached)

Do you know what this means.  I have the folder for the recordings shared in the workgroup as share(r/w)

Any help is appreciated.


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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2014, 02:51:26 pm »

I know that when I record over-the-air programs,  there is no Season or Episode numbers captured because the OTA stations don't include that info in their broadcast. I only get the series name and the episode title. I go into Standard View and add the Season and Episode numbers, then MC will download the episode description.

I posted about this a long time ago, and there is still no way (as far as I know) for MC to go to "a database" and match the Series and Episode name to download/figure-out the Season and Episode numbers.

Give the Polar Bear a baby seal. Spot on.

crawfofd, your xml file (detail here):
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<MPL Version="2.0" Title="JRSidecar">
<Field Name="Filename">D:\JriverMedia\Recordings\Modern Family 2014-08-07 (1).ts</Field>
<Field Name="Compression">ts video (video: MPEG-2 Video, audio: AC3)</Field>
<Field Name="Bitrate">12157</Field>
<Field Name="Bit Depth">32</Field>
<Field Name="Season">SE</Field>
<Field Name="Aspect Ratio">16:9</Field>
<Field Name="FPS">59.9405389853265546</Field>
<Field Name="Stack Top">-1</Field>
<Field Name="Channels">6</Field>
<Field Name="Stack View">0</Field>
<Field Name="Media Sub Type">TV Show</Field>
<Field Name="Date">41858</Field>
<Field Name="Name">Modern Family (1)</Field>
<Field Name="Sample Rate">48000</Field>
<Field Name="Get Cover Art Info">&lt;XMLPH version="1.0"&gt;&lt;Item Name="LastFailedDate"&gt;41858.98619&lt;/Item&gt;&lt;/XMLPH&gt;</Field>
<Field Name="Duration">73</Field>
shows me that MC has a workable entry for [Media Sub Type].
[Name] = "Modern Family (1)" - so while OK the info is of little value unless you run a process to copy [Name] to [Series] and drop off the (1).
[Series] is empty
[Season] is empty
[Episode] is empty
It's no surprise that you're getting a dud response from MC for a meta data scrape command.

With deals like this where I've subscribed to a show you can pre-populate some of the tagged fields when you set up a record job (last dialogue - Recording Options > Apply these tags (optional)), e.g. [Series] and [Season]. I'm then left with consulting (manually) sources such as for the show's info and doing a match, then manually updating the tag data.

If there's an easier way I'd love to know. The problem is that broadcasters don't have to work to a standard with their transmission of EPG data. If you get it in some standard and usable format, then you're way ahead of the pack.

As my original post indicated, all you need are [Series], [Season] and [Episode]. MC will do the rest of the work. I'm convinced that .ts is not the problem. That's how I roll and I have to intervene manually to get meta data, as explained.

Hopefully now you can stop banging your head against a wall. Less messy when you stop..  ;)
MC33, Win10 x64, HD-Plex H5 Gen2 Case, HD-Plex 400W Hi-Fi DC-ATX / AC-DC PSU, Gigabyte Z370 ULTRA Gaming 2.0 MoBo, Intel Core i7 8700 CPU, 4x8GB GSkill DDR4 RAM, Schiit Modi Multibit DAC, Freya Pre, Nelson Pass Aleph J DIY Clone, Ascension Timberwolf 8893BSRTL Speakers, BJC 5T00UP cables, DVB-T Tuner HDHR5-4DT


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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2014, 08:27:42 am »

Okay I thought I understood what was happening but from the results I've been getting it is obvious I do not. So could someone please explain it to me.  This is what I think is happening:
A program to record will create a folder with the name and date of recording. This folder holds the files during recording. At the same time if you have .ts selected as output format it creates a .ts file in your recording directory. When the recording has stopped the .ts file is closed and the folder is deleted. Than at some point the sidecar.xml file is created. Where does the sidecar get its data? The sequence of the recording process would be a great help in understanding the process. Is this found somewhere??


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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2014, 02:15:07 pm »

This is what the Wiki has to say:
hmmm .. a little dated.
MC33, Win10 x64, HD-Plex H5 Gen2 Case, HD-Plex 400W Hi-Fi DC-ATX / AC-DC PSU, Gigabyte Z370 ULTRA Gaming 2.0 MoBo, Intel Core i7 8700 CPU, 4x8GB GSkill DDR4 RAM, Schiit Modi Multibit DAC, Freya Pre, Nelson Pass Aleph J DIY Clone, Ascension Timberwolf 8893BSRTL Speakers, BJC 5T00UP cables, DVB-T Tuner HDHR5-4DT


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Re: Season and episode numbers not in recorded filename.
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2014, 04:15:10 am »

I posted about this a long time ago, and there is still no way (as far as I know) for MC to go to "a database" and match the Series and Episode name to download/figure-out the Season and Episode numbers.

But "EPG Collector" can look up the Season and Episode numbers based on the Series and Episode names, so I've asked again in this thread why can't MC?

If that is too hard, EPG Collector outputs the Season and Episode numbers using the XMLTV numbering system "xmltv_ns". I have tested this and it looks good. EPG Collector is a global solution for OTA EPG data, so it may work for everyone. It is also capable of including external XMLTV files in its processing, but I don't know if that includes using an external file to do Season and Episode number lookups. Maybe. Hopefully JRiver will consider adding the capability to import the Season and Episode numbers using the "xmltv_ns" system into the correct Season and Episode tags. Yaobing has been doing great work improving other EPG functions in MC20, so perhaps he will do some more improvements for us.  8)

The final option is to get Season and Episode numbers into the XMLTV feed from EPG Collector using the "onscreen" system. I'm now testing what MC currently does, as it only imports the "onscreen" format and is supposed to put that in the Episode tag. This is the least desirable solution as having something like "Season 4 Episode 6" in the Episode tag still doesn't allow MC to look up metadata during import or using the "Get Movie & TV Info" function, without manual intervention first, editing tags. But at least it would make the Season and Episode numbers visible to the user. This is similar to what dturrall has done over here, although his XMLTV source is different, he is converting xmltv_ns numbers to the onscreen system, and then MC is putting that information into the Episode tag.

So, if we all want a better solution, keep an eye out in the TV Cards and TV forum for my posts, and add your support.  :D
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner
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