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Author Topic: Filter Albums by Album Art Resolution  (Read 3027 times)


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Filter Albums by Album Art Resolution
« on: August 17, 2014, 07:48:26 am »

Maybe this topic has been discussed, but I can't find it so I open a new thread.

I'd like to find what albums inside my library has low quality album art (for example less or equal 500x500) so that I can replace it with higher resolution images.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks and bye




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Re: Filter Albums by Album Art Resolution
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2014, 08:17:35 am »

sure. This is what I do.

First, you have to actually import the album art into your library as images (can be temporary, no worries)

I set set up a new pane view like this

this will show up any image that has a width < 600px (set what you want to) and is NOT in path V:\ (here you can either remove this at first, or not include photos whatever

Code: [Select]
[Width]=<600 [Media Type]=[Image] -[Filename (path)]="V:\"

Once you do your changes, redo an autoimport (and I recommend saving the image to the file through library tools (I keep all my cover art in the album folder under the name folder.jpg; you might use cover.jpg or put images in a separate image directory does'nt matter).

Now that they are all fixed you can use a file view under images or run a smartlist and select them all and remove them from the library (do NOT delete them from the disk however).

My work flow (if you are interested) is I rip to a temporary folder, I run this "small image view" and fix them. When I'm done tagging, I transfer using rename move files out of the temp directory. Then delete from the library the covers that appear in the main music area. Set up auto-import to only import images from the temp directory from that point on.

Hope this helps :) Let me know if unclear


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Re: Filter Albums by Album Art Resolution
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2014, 08:46:35 am »

Thank you but, if it's possible, I'd like to have only a view with an expression that groups Art less or greater than 500 without importing art like images.
I keep art in each album folder named as Folder.jpg or cover.jpg.

I created a view and set in "Set rule for file display" Image file is Cover.jpg or Folder. jpg so that It shows only Album with art; I've added Width is less than or equal to 500 pixel but it shows again album with art greater than 500x500 pixel...



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Re: Filter Albums by Album Art Resolution
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2014, 09:27:15 am »

Thank you but, if it's possible, I'd like to have only a view with an expression that groups Art less or greater than 500 without importing art like images.
I keep art in each album folder named as Folder.jpg or cover.jpg.
lets see if I'm following you ... you want to group "Art" less than 500px without importing "art like" images.  what do you mean?? I am going to presume you want to group Album Covers without importing other images?? Do you have other image files in the album folders? (I'd choose either cover or folder.jpg and not both, personally). Or do you just not want to mix other images (photos and such) with album "art"?  Or do you mean you don't want to import images at all?? You must, at least temporarily, import these files in to the database for JRiver to find them  -  (you may remove them later without erasing them from the disk once the images are large enough).

I created a view and set in "Set rule for file display" Image file is Cover.jpg or Folder. jpg so that It shows only Album with art; I've added Width is less than or equal to 500 pixel but it shows again album with art greater than 500x500 pixel...

Did you create the view under the Image part of the tree (or create a new root folder that is not dependant on media type) ?
In you view -- click on the import button to chose the code the wizard generated. Make sure it contains
Code: [Select]
[Width]=<500 You could use the height instead I suppose,  but not both. They are supposed to be square but not always


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Re: Filter Albums by Album Art Resolution
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2014, 10:59:48 am »

This is my situation.
in every album folder I've various images not only album art; I SHOULD have album art named cover or folder. jpg or no image at all.
Actually there's a lot of chaos (es. some files are named Folder.jpeg, there are some Folder.png, etc).
So my goal is to have all album arts named as Folder.jpg and > 500x500.

I'd like to have a view under audio category so that I can see the art with a wrong name or low quality under showed with the related album name and not with image file name so that it would be faster to fix or replace them.

So I created these view named Album Art in "Audio" to see which albums have Folder.* or cover.* or no art (see attached 1 and 1B).
The problem is that if I set [Width]=<500 nothing and it continues showing larger albumart.

If is there a way to show in these view only files that are less than or equal to 500 this would be the final solution for me.

I then Created a view in Images named album art with name and type (see attached 2) and set to display only files named cover or folder (see attached 2B)

The strange thing is that if i watch inside folder there's not folder.jpg group (see attached 3) they're not listed but cover.jpg do (see attached 4)

I hope I explained more clearly what I'd like to do and I hope someone can help me...

Thank you in advance!



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Re: Filter Albums by Album Art Resolution
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2014, 11:48:09 am »


Quickly 'cause I've got to run, this is all doable

But unless someone knows how to write a pretty complicated expression for you (or you retag all of your album art with the name of the album which to me seems like crazy lot of work) its not going to be an audio view grouped by album, its an image view or filter (you can do this in a smartlist too. What you are seeing in the audio view is the cover embedded in the metadata of the file. You also have use parent rules for file display which could mess things up too, depends.

The reason your filter is failing is that you should use "Contains" folder and not "IS" folder from the drop down box. IS is exactly = to. AS you have 4 or five variables this is not going to show anything (or it will show everything) the way to get around this is to just use my example and add a column for file type which will show .jpg .jpeg .png etc.. in a panes view and filter by pixel size. The correct code without checking it would be something like this adding the pixel limiter. I know you need the parentheses

Code: [Select]
([Filename]="Cover" or [Filename]="Folder") and I don't think you can do this in the wizard directly -- you can't use a semi-colon, but multiple criteria OR AND etc I believe needs typing or pasting the code in the import box...

Anyway have to run, I'll look at this tomorrow if someone else doesn't help you out in the mean time. Sorry dinner time approaches :)


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Re: Filter Albums by Album Art Resolution
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2014, 12:09:28 pm »

it is a lot of work to tag album covers with the right info.  i am currently working my way through 15,000 albums (and tagging all the cue, log, pdf booklets, etc. that come with the album)

however, it is worth it as you can manipulate the extra info along with the albums

here's what i did really quickly:

make a new smartlist.  set rules:
media type is image
filename path contains (choose something only your audio folder has.  for me, all my audio is on I: or Z: so i chose the drive may want to choose the folder name like Music)
width is equal or less than 500
height is equal or less than 500

this made an immediate smartlist for me that showed only my album covers, that are less than 500x500.  because i have tagged (about half) of my music file images, i can now sort by album or artists as i choose.

this could be done also with an expression but it would be quite complex.  it's also going to be very hard to manipulate the images very much unless you have at least one useful field tagged.


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Re: Filter Albums by Album Art Resolution
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2014, 07:26:26 am »

First of all thank you for your help!

I finally made this way.
Step 1) I created an audio view with the filter Image file is empty to find which albums have no art at all.
Step 2) I imported the images deflagging ignore special files to show Folder.jpg files.
Then I created a new Library Field called Image Resolution with these expression
If(IsRange([Width],0-500), Low, If(IsRange([Width],501-999), Good, If(IsRange([Width],1000-100000000), Very Good, )))

Finally I created a Images View called Album art (see attached 1) and set to display only image files that are album art (see attached 2)
With these view I can identify art with wrong name and low quality art

In attached 3,4 and 5 you can see what I obtained.

So thank you again, I get back to "work" cause I have a lot of album arts to fix.... ;)




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Re: Filter Albums by Album Art Resolution
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2014, 08:35:21 am »

If(IsRange([Width],0-500), Low, If(IsRange([Width],501-999), Good, If(IsRange([Width],1000-100000000), Very Good, )))

BRAVA Andrea !!! When you want to do things, you do'em right. Good for you, didn't even think of using the range command.


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Re: Filter Albums by Album Art Resolution
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2014, 08:50:05 am »

Thank you!!

This software is soooo powerful...
I think that with the necessary confidence with expression language  (and I have a lot of things to learn about it) not everything but many many things are doable.
Fortunately in the meanwhile there's community help!

P.S. just one thing, you should've written bravO not bravA cause in italy Andrea is a male name!!!  ;)



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Re: Filter Albums by Album Art Resolution
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2014, 08:54:54 am »

P.S. just one thing, you should've written bravO not bravA cause in italy Andrea is a male name!!!  ;)
euuh that qualifies for a big


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Re: Filter Albums by Album Art Resolution
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2014, 03:18:19 pm »

Don't worry it happens very often cause almost everywhere except italy Andrea is a female name..... ;D

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