Zevele1...are you sure you're your not William Burroughs? How about Terry Southern?
Udo: can't argue with your main point - that there are a lot of people who wander in here without sufficient expertise to deal with beta issues. I'm not exactly a gearhead myself. Wouldn't hurt if JRiver made it clear, maybe on the main 7.2.280 download page.
Yeah, I know - we're all grown-ups, etc. I wandered into that firefight in an earlier thread on saving licenses, and I'm not exactly a determinist myself, but some people do make innocent mistakes, and there's no law against giving them enough data to make an intelligent decision on their own. It's an matter of basic fairness, and I think that some of us are getting a little stiff-necked about it because we know better, even if others don't.
Not so sure on your other point. Seems to be a major difference of opinion on how to distinguish alpha from beta, and how wide-spread the current problems are. My bias, but there seem to be continuing issues with the burner, but that's my problem for the moment, because I took the risk of working with a pre-release build. I knew what I was getting into, at least in broad outline, unlike Stacey, who apparently didn't. (Sorry, Stacey, no insult intended.) Once I know I'm not dealing with a finished product, its my responsibility to monitor the forum to see what the continuing issues are and decide if the game is worth the candle. And enough peope had burner issues so I should have known what I might face.
Still puzzling over the velvet jacket and slippers. Is that an updated parable from the Tao?
"The Tao that can be followed is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the origin of heaven and earth
While naming is the origin of the myriad things.
Therefore, always desireless, you see the mystery
Ever desiring, you see the manifestations.
These two are the same--
When they appear they are named differently.
This sameness is the mystery,
Mystery within mystery..."