While i've had no trouble using the grouping functions with Gizmo (via MC19), i'm still unable to change the actual display names for the video files themselves. Can someone show me how to use an expression for a video file name without also grouping the files?
DETAIL: I'm trying to change the display name of videos in Gizmo. I know that i can go into the "Customize views for Gizmo", select my Video->Movies - Recent, and edit the categories on the right. I've had plenty of success editing said categories with Expressions. But if i try to create an Expression in which i skip the Grouping line and go straight to the Display line, it ignores it and still just displays the regular movie name.
For example, let's say i want my movie title to also indicate whether the movie had been watched or not. Since i'm not sure how to do checkmarks at the moment, i'll just use O to indicate not watched, and X to indicate watched. My expression is:
if(isequal([Last Played, 1], never played, 1), O, *) [Name]
If i put that into *both* the Grouping and Display boxes, i get a situation where every movie is grouped by its watched status and name. This means that you have to first click on that group, and then it shows you the single item in the group - the movie you just clicked on. In other words, it makes selecting a movie from the list a two step process.
Am i missing something, or is the display name of the movie just hard coded to show only the name itself?