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Author Topic: How to get Oppo 103 to show up as a playback device in JRiver  (Read 6431 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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How to get Oppo 103 to show up as a playback device in JRiver
« on: September 06, 2014, 03:36:40 pm »

I've got a new Oppo 103, and, I have used JRiver on a desktop for many years.

I can see JRiver playlists from the Oppo and navigate those playlists via the Oppo remote and the Oppo on-screen file navigation tree. This is functional, but, not a particularly nice browsing method for my large library.

I can see and navigate JRiver playlists using WebGizmo on a different computer in the house. WebGizmo asks for the key that enables it to locate JRiver. WebGizmo gives me the choice of playing back on the computer on which I'm running WebGizmo, or, on the desktop that is running JRiver.

I can see and navigate JRiver using JRemote on an iPad. JRemote asks for the key that enables it to locate JRiver. JRemote gives me the choice of playing back on the iPad, or, on the desktop that is running JRiver.

My question: what do I need to do in order to get WebGizmo or JRemote to give me the option of using the Oppo as the player? I'd like to navigate my library with JRemote on my iPad and have playback come from/through the Oppo.

"Use Media Network to share this library and enable DLNA" is checked
"DLNA Server (share your media with other DLNA devices) is checked
"DLNA Renderer (allow other DLNA devices to Control Media Center" is checked
"DLNA Controller (control other DLNA devices)" is checked


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Re: How to get Oppo 103 to show up as a playback device in JRiver
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2014, 04:29:01 pm »

We prefer JRiver and JRemote to J River and J Remote.  They work better with searches.  I changed a few above.

Focus on one remote and get it going before you move on to playback to the Oppo.

There are a few threads about Oppo here.  You could search for them.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: How to get Oppo 103 to show up as a playback device in JRiver
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2014, 04:39:08 pm »

There are a few threads about Oppo here.  You could search for them.

I already did that and didn't find an answer.  The question is how do I push to an Oppo 103 using JRemote controlling JRiver (MC20)? (Put differently,how do I get the Oppo to show up in the player list?)


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Re: How to get Oppo 103 to show up as a playback device in JRiver
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2014, 05:20:17 pm »

Did you get JRemote working in both directions, leaving the Oppo out?  That should be the first step.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: How to get Oppo 103 to show up as a playback device in JRiver
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2014, 05:32:23 pm »

Yes. I have zero issues going from MC20 into my DAC via USB out, and controlling everything via JRemote.

My issue isn't so much JRemote, as that I can't figure out how to "push" to the Oppo from MC20. (I can "pull" and "browse" from the Oppo, but not the other way around.)

With USB out to my dac I go to the Audio Output settings on the Audio page and the drivers for my dac show up under the Output Mode driver selection and settings page. For the Oppo, nothing shows up on any page that allows me to select it as the device being "played to" or "pushed to."


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Re: How to get Oppo 103 to show up as a playback device in JRiver
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2014, 06:12:24 pm »

My issue isn't so much JRemote, as that I can't figure out how to "push" to the Oppo from MC20. (I can "pull" and "browse" from the Oppo, but not the other way around.)
That says that the Oppo isn't a DLNA Renderer.  Try an Internet search to see what other people say.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: How to get Oppo 103 to show up as a playback device in JRiver
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2014, 08:32:31 pm »

That says that the Oppo isn't a DLNA Renderer.  Try an Internet search to see what other people say.

Lots of other posts where people report using the Oppo as a DLNA renderer ... as an example


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: How to get Oppo 103 to show up as a playback device in JRiver
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2014, 07:34:35 am »

Answer from the Computaudiophile forum. Perhaps this will help others.

Okay, I lied a little. I tried it out using my laptop as the JRiver DLNA server. If I were running JRiver in full, when the Oppo is turned on, the Oppo BDP-103 always shows up in the left hand window under Playing Now as a player underneath my laptop "player". If I were to use JRemote to access my laptop, I can set JRemote to select what songs to play on Oppo BDP-103.

However, if I were to launch JRiver Media Server but not JRiver the full-blown software, things are a little different. When I turn on the BDP-103, JRiver Media Server and JRemote clearly did not recognize the existence of BDP-103. However, as you pointed out, if I were to use the BDP-103 to access JRiver Media Server, Oppo can find all the albums and playlists. So once I've allowed Oppo to access JRiver Media Server as a DLNA server, JRiver recognizes the existence of the BDP-103. So if I were to relaunch JRemote, it can now control JRiver Media Server to play directly off the BDP-103. So it seems that if you're running JRiver Media Server, Oppo needs to wake up the server to remind the server of Oppo's existence before JRemote can control it. If you're running JRiver Media Center, the software automatically recognizes Oppo's existence so JRemote can control it.

At least that's how things are running for me.


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Re: How to get Oppo 103 to show up as a playback device in JRiver
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2014, 07:50:33 am »

Thanks for posting that.  I added a link to your post.


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Re: How to get Oppo 103 to show up as a playback device in JRiver
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2014, 09:38:32 am »

Another thread at AVSForum
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