Firstly, I couldn't think where else to put this. Can I suggest another board, named Other Software?
Some may remember this post from 6233638 about the native resolution of my display, on this thread
There is no such thing as a "1080i display". (OK, technically HD CRTs and ALiS plasmas—but neither of those apply here)
You have a 1024x768 native plasma display. You should not be sending it 1080i, and ideally, you would be sending it a 1:1 mapped 1024x768 signal with video playback—though you will have to override the aspect ratio as that's a 16:9 display.
This is found under Tools → Options → Video → Advanced → Aspect Ratio Correction: 1.33 (4:3) output to 1.78 (16:9)
While I am not certain, I think that some of the professional Panasonic displays may be able to sync to 72Hz for judder-free film playback if you have the right input board and set up a custom output. (I have no idea how to do this with AMD cards—it's built into the Nvidia drivers)
720p is probably best on the desktop still, as I don't believe Windows supports aspect ratio correction.
This certainly helped in giving me a better video experience. However, I have a problem with Amazon Instant Video, in that as it's IE/Silverlight, it's not able to do Aspect Ratio Correction JRiver does, so I get huge black bars top and bottom (25% each!!!!).
Is there anyway what-so-ever of Silverlight being able to any correction?
PS: All the more reason for Amazon Instant to be in JRiver! I've actually emailed Amazon about this!
PPS: Wife's film, not mine.........