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Author Topic: A Weekend Without JRemote (and a Request For an Offline Cache)  (Read 5918 times)


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A Weekend Without JRemote (and a Request For an Offline Cache)
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:55:07 am »

I went away for the weekend upta camp (as they say here) and there was NO cell service of any kind (the closest was Off Network EDGE about a 25 minute drive away).  And, no wired Internets there at all.  We did have power and running water though, so we were sitting pretty.

In any case, I couldn't use JRemote.  Had to use the (gasp) Apple Music app.  It was terrible.  Not only was my selection obnoxiously limited, but I kept accidentally playing tracks when I didn't want to (because I couldn't put it in "add to list" mode, natch).  JRemote is so much better.

Made me realize that I'd really, really, really love some kind of caching system for JRemote so that it could be useful for offline playback.

I know the API stuff is a little weird in that you can't just save the stream coming in live during playback and cache that.  But with the background updating feature in iOS, and WiFi at home, I'd love to be able to choose certain Smartlists in my MC library and have them re-sync nightly to my iOS device when they're at home, on wifi, and plugged in.  It works brilliantly for my Podcatcher app (which always has my latest episodes now in the morning).  Then JRemote could just have a "offline" mode that shows only lists and files that are locally cached (and in online mode use the local cached copy instead of streaming when possible).
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Re: A Weekend Without JRemote (and a Request For an Offline Cache)
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2014, 02:52:35 am »

Hi Glynor,

We are definitely interested in adding offline playback to JRemote.
I am currently working hard on the android version, so have delayed some of the big features for iOS.

Offline playback requires a few things as far as I can tell:

1. Able to download a selected file, album or playlist.

Need a "Download" option on the popup menus, a multithreaded download queue and an interface to monitor progress.
As you say, iOS7 supports downloading files in the background now.

Additionally, we could provide an option to add files directly from iTunes when connected by USB.

2. A local file browser and database

JRemote would have to maintain a local database with metadata and locations for the files.
Additionally, we need to implement a local view structure. Initially this could be artist, album and track views, but there are many possibilities here.

I will probably start to work on this feature sometime soon, but a complete implementation should not be expected until next year.


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Re: A Weekend Without JRemote (and a Request For an Offline Cache)
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2014, 07:28:20 pm »

I was just about to ask about this.  Would like this to work similar to the way Plex does, as long as you have access (local or internet) to your library you can save an offline version of any video for use later when you are offline.


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Re: A Weekend Without JRemote (and a Request For an Offline Cache)
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2014, 03:42:12 am »

Why not use the local files that are on the device already?
Many other apps just use the "iTunes Library" of the apple music app.

And when you are on the way: Don't forget the daylight skin for in-car use that you promised long time ago  :).


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Re: A Weekend Without JRemote (and a Request For an Offline Cache)
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2014, 11:24:26 pm »

+1 to all that Glynor said.  Offline mode is one of the most wanted features so please!!  :) Android users can wait  ::) haha
Happy licensed MC 15-19 User :)
Mac version early bird
My english is not perfect! My native lang is spanish


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Re: A Weekend Without JRemote (and a Request For an Offline Cache)
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2014, 06:48:35 pm »

Why not use the local files that are on the device already?
Many other apps just use the "iTunes Library" of the apple music app.

This would NOT be ideal, because I'd still have to sync to the phone through iTunes (and suffer through all of those limitations).  One of my goals is to UNINSTALL iTunes.  Or, at the very least, shut down my crazy MC to iTunes syncing contraption.

In an ideal world, I could pick and choose certain Playlists and JRemote would do background updating (when my phone is asleep, plugged in, and connected to WiFi) and re-sync the lists every night while I sleep.  It could, of course, also cache a copy of the Library (to provide views to navigate through and whatnot).  That stuff would always be available, even if JRemote couldn't reach the server, and when you can reach the server, it wouldn't have to bother streaming those files.
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Re: A Weekend Without JRemote (and a Request For an Offline Cache)
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2014, 03:29:37 am »

In an ideal world, I could pick and choose certain Playlists and JRemote would do background updating (when my phone is asleep, plugged in, and connected to WiFi) and re-sync the lists every night while I sleep.

But the world isn't ideal, sorry.
I'm waiting since the beginning of JRemote for such a miracle, but it isn't happening.

Syncing with iTunes is the smaller evil for me, if it would be implemented.


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Re: A Weekend Without JRemote (and a Request For an Offline Cache)
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2016, 11:46:28 am »

Just wanted to see if there was any progress on the above?
Would be an awesome feature for many users.


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Re: A Weekend Without JRemote (and a Request For an Offline Cache)
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2017, 01:48:21 am »

Realise this is an old I prep for an 11 hour flight, I find I'm having to use lossy Spotify playlists downloaded to my iPhone as JRemote still doesn't have offline caching.
Way back Les Paul said he was going to work on - does Les Paul still work at JRiver?
Would still love to do this.


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Re: A Weekend Without JRemote (and a Request For an Offline Cache)
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2017, 02:41:04 pm »

I vote with my two hands for the same feature.

Al ex

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Re: A Weekend Without JRemote (and a Request For an Offline Cache)
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2017, 04:08:51 pm »

Definitely yes!
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