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Author Topic: Library Sync or Update  (Read 3187 times)


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Library Sync or Update
« on: September 09, 2014, 10:56:51 am »

Hi All,

New to JRiver... so excuse the newbie question.

Perhaps this has already been addressed, but all the posts I read seemed quite complicated and they always seem to go off the topic to different discussions. so I wasn't able to find a specific answer to my setup.

I have few questions, very specific for TV watching.

I'm using MC for playback and have not used for Live TV yet.

1. My recordings are being done by Windows Media Center. How can I keep the TV Shows (recordings) in sync under MC?

2. Sorting the TV Shows, by the latest episode and not based on the library

3. Getting information for the Recorded show, (as I did under windows media center - shows details about the episode)

4. Viewing TV guide with different color codes (windows media center shows different colors so its easy to scan the TV guide and see shows, movies, news and sports separated)

5. Is there a quick way to clean up the TV Guide, so you can deleted the 2500 extra channels that are useless.

Thank you All in Advance


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Re: Library Sync or Update
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2014, 11:26:56 am »

hi and welcome

my excuses in advance really have to run so don't mean to sound abrupt. I do not watch TV, so can't help you with 4 or 5

1. My recordings are being done by Windows Media Center. How can I keep the TV Shows (recordings) in sync under MC?
you are "recording" to a specific folder - I presume Name of Show/Season/Episode maybe lets call it a main directory TV.

Configure AutoImport to include that folder, and include checking Update for External changes and the other options you want. Manually run this import, or wait and it will eventually be done for you.

2. Sorting the TV Shows, by the latest episode and not based on the library
read up on Views in the Wiki. set a reverse sort order on episode or date.

3. Getting information for the Recorded show, (as I did under windows media center - shows details about the episode)
select media "tracks" right click =>Cget Movie TV Info. You can also set this to this on import - I prefer to do this manually your choice try both ways.


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Re: Library Sync or Update
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2014, 01:03:34 pm »

hi and welcome

my excuses in advance really have to run so don't mean to sound abrupt. I do not watch TV, so can't help you with 4 or 5
you are "recording" to a specific folder - I presume Name of Show/Season/Episode maybe lets call it a main directory TV.

Configure AutoImport to include that folder, and include checking Update for External changes and the other options you want. Manually run this import, or wait and it will eventually be done for you.

read up on Views in the Wiki. set a reverse sort order on episode or date.

 select media "tracks" right click =>Cget Movie TV Info. You can also set this to this on import - I prefer to do this manually your choice try both ways.

I have configured it this way, but it's only as good as the last import, it does not auto update as new recordings are being recorded by windows media center. The only way it seems to refresh is if I delete the entire library and re-import. But it does not seem to update constantly, so I'm looking for a way so that it's up to date by the second, constantly monitoring the recorded folders which are split across three drives total of 9TB.

I've tried number of ways to sort, but my results have not been consistent. I keep seeing shows that are not based on time and date. And btw another issue I'm running into is that I'm seeing my TV shows under the movie listings and they don't show under the TV Shows, which is really strange.

I have very specific folders, for TV Recordings, and completely separate physical drive for Movies and separate for Music. Total of 5 physical drives. 3TB for movies, 1.5 TB for music, and 9TB for TV recordings.

Each folder during the import is specified as TV recording, music, movies or home videos. But under the Theater View, everything is mixed up. I have tried this numerous times. I even have the setting to select specific file types meaning. TV recordings are only .WTV or JR files. Movies are only MKV or VOB files. Music is only MP3 or FLAC. Home videos are only .mov or MP4 files etc... I mean how much more specific can one be to tell the software to separate the content to display properly.

Again, same issue here, I want this process to be automatic, so when I'm scrolling through the list of shows, each show would show the summary. It would be absolutely pain in the behind to do this for every show each time I want to watch something.

Mind you I'm coming from Windows media center, and all of these functions exist without customization. And since I've been using that setup for the past 4 years, it's kinda difficult to give up these easy to use features. But since I'm spend $50 on this product I want to be able to use it as my primary Media center and not flip back and forth just to listen to music, which is what I'm doing right now.



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Re: Library Sync or Update
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2014, 03:33:39 pm »

1) Question is there a reason you are not recoding in JRiver? There would be no need to sync

2) you mention you need synchronisation "up to date to the second" ? good luck on that. why would you need that? or are you just venting

Autoimport is not auto sync, perhaps I mislead you. It will watch the folders on a low priority basis. You have a lot of drives could take ten minutes could take a couple of hours. Thats why I manualy hit import .. you should NOT erase the library, it will only add new files or files that have been changed externally. If this is too slow for you take off the tagging options and analysis options and do them later.

3) theater view "views" are done separately from standard views. If you were not aware of that they go through the options panel to theater veiws. You can import STandard View set-ups if you wish.

4) I don't understand you when you are  talking about file suffixes ? where are you specifiying this? did you create tagging rules to do this in the autoimport configuration? Did you set up theater veiw to filter these? If not these have to be tagged by someone or some software. I don't know what metadata WMC writes to sidecar files, but you may have to adjust the view to correlate to the information or tag name used. Don't forget these video files can't embed the tag information like audio files, so you will have to look at the tag information that has been imported and see what has gotten messed up. Otherwise, can't tell if its an import issue or the views are not set up correctly in theater view. Could you post a screen shot maybe of the tag window and maybe the config of a theater view that is not working?



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Re: Library Sync or Update
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2014, 06:40:49 pm »

1) Question is there a reason you are not recoding in JRiver? There would be no need to sync

2) you mention you need synchronisation "up to date to the second" ? good luck on that. why would you need that? or are you just venting

Autoimport is not auto sync, perhaps I mislead you. It will watch the folders on a low priority basis. You have a lot of drives could take ten minutes could take a couple of hours. Thats why I manualy hit import .. you should NOT erase the library, it will only add new files or files that have been changed externally. If this is too slow for you take off the tagging options and analysis options and do them later.

3) theater view "views" are done separately from standard views. If you were not aware of that they go through the options panel to theater veiws. You can import STandard View set-ups if you wish.

4) I don't understand you when you are  talking about file suffixes ? where are you specifiying this? did you create tagging rules to do this in the autoimport configuration? Did you set up theater veiw to filter these? If not these have to be tagged by someone or some software. I don't know what metadata WMC writes to sidecar files, but you may have to adjust the view to correlate to the information or tag name used. Don't forget these video files can't embed the tag information like audio files, so you will have to look at the tag information that has been imported and see what has gotten messed up. Otherwise, can't tell if its an import issue or the views are not set up correctly in theater view. Could you post a screen shot maybe of the tag window and maybe the config of a theater view that is not working?

Hi Arindelle,

Perhaps poor choice of words, "up to date to the second", what i mean by that is when you configure the auto-import, it states right there that the library will stay in Sync. Coming from WIN MC, which keeps track of the folders, even if you delete the files from outside of the WIN MC, i.e. from windows explorer, just because sometimes its easier to select 50 or 100 files and delete rather then clicking through the menu. Soon as you go into the WIN MC interface the libraries are up to date, and that's what I'm referring to.

In the case of JR MC, since I'm not at a point where its configured for full time use. I have to rely on my trusty WIN MC for now, which btw has been recording shows for past 4 years, flawlessly. Having said that, I'm thinking until I get get all the bugs worked out I try to use the JR MC as front end and while WIN MC records in the background. But if the library doesn't updated, I can't play the shows through JR MC.

I deleted everything and started all over again today. In the auto import, I've classified each folder for media sub type as either shows or movies. So I'm hoping that will solve the mixing of the movies with my shows.

If that works, then I need to figure out how to get the shows to appear with chronological order, so the most recent show recorded shows at the top.

Then there are the other few things I mentioned, like color coding of the guide for easier category recognition etc...

Keeping in mind I've been using the WIN MC, solely with Remote. And only use the keyboard if installing or configuring something new on the PC. Which my wife doesn't want to deal with, and nor do I for that matter. I solely want to use the JR MC with remote and want it to be foolproof for full time true HTPC, as it has been for several years. Hopefully this answers your response of why I'm not using JR MC for everything right now.

Thanks for your help


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Re: Library Sync or Update
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2015, 10:58:08 pm »

I know a plugin from another music player, which connects to the Last.FM database and shows various information about the currently played artist. For example.
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