Just in case this is helpful to anyone else...
I obtain albums, they do not obtain themselves.
So when I obtain them, I move them to a subfolder of my Music folder, and those subfolders' names are the names of all the Genres that I want to use (Classical, Rock, etc.).
Then I have rules in Import that automatically add the folder name as another Genre tag, additional to any existing [Genre] tags. So, this preserves any other genre information that is in the tag database and was applied to the files, such as "hair band" for an 80s rock album.
In Import's Folder setting, there are apply tag rules, and I have one line like this one for each subfolder:
if(isequal([filename (path)],_Classical,8),[Genre] ; Classical,[Genre])
( It took some trial and error to get that syntax right, which is one reason I am posting it here to save time for someone else. )
Be sure to uncheck the "skip..." option in order to not lose the existing cute micro genres.
The subfolder names all start with "_" in order that they sort at the top alphabetically.