I checked with UInterger instead of integer, it doesn't change.
Here is my test code in VB :
Sub TestMC(ByVal SearchStr As String)
Dim MCA, MJVersion, MJPlaylists, MJSchList, MJFields, CurPLPtr, CurFilePtr, FileList As Object
Dim i, MJNbPlaylists, NbFilePlayList As UInteger
Dim Trouve As Boolean
Dim PLName, FLName, LName As String
' First try to get an already running Mediacenter
On Error Resume Next
MCA = GetObject(, "MediaJukebox Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
'Then, create a new Mediacenter
On Error GoTo 0
MCA = CreateObject("MediaJukebox Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox("Erreur chargement MediaCenter #" + CStr(Err.Number) + " / " + Err.Description)
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0
MJVersion = MCA.getversion()
'Put version in the VBForm
Form1.Version.Text = MJVersion.Version
MJFields = MCA.getFields()
'Put NbField in the VBForm
Form1.NbField.Text = MJFields.GetNumberFields
MJPlaylists = MCA.GetPlaylists()
'Put NbPlaylist in the VBForm
Form1.NbPlaylist.Text = MJPlaylists.GetNumberPlaylists()
MJNbPlaylists = MJPlaylists.GetNumberPlaylists()
CurPLPtr = MJPlaylists.GetPlaylist(0)
PLName = CurPLPtr.Name
FileList = CurPLPtr.GetFiles()
NbFilePlayList = FileList.GetNumberFiles()
'check if GetFile works with 0
CurFilePtr = FileList.GetFile(0)
FLName = CurFilePtr.Name
'check if GetFile works with i = 0
i = 0
CurFilePtr = FileList.GetFile(i)
FLName = CurFilePtr.Name
'check if GetPlaylist works with 0
CurPLPtr = MJPlaylists.GetPlaylist(0)
LName = CurPLPtr.Name
'check if GetPlaylist works with i = 0
i = 0
Trouve = False
CurPLPtr = MJPlaylists.GetPlaylist(i)
If CurPLPtr.Name = "NeedInfoDB" Then Trouve = True
i = i + 1
Loop Until i = MJNbPlaylists - 1 Or Trouve
MJSchList = MCA.Search(SearchStr)
'Put GetNumberFiles of Search in the VBForm
Form1.NbTrouve.Text = MJSchList.GetNumberFiles()
End Sub