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Author Topic: MadVR refresh rate problem  (Read 6320 times)


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MadVR refresh rate problem
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:06:34 pm »

Just noticed a new problem, if I launch MC20 (automatically enters Theater View) and select a NTSC DVD, the refresh rate into my Onkyo receiver shows 60 Hz.  If I now select a PAL movie the refresh rate remains at 60 Hz.  But, if I now close MC20, then run it again, but this time view the PAL movie first, the refresh rate is now 50Hz.  If I switch to the NTSC movie the refresh rate remains at 50Hz.  So it appears MadVR gets the refresh rate correct on the first movie viewed, but not on subsequent movies.  I switched to Red October standard, enabled refresh rate changing (custom) and everything works okay .. I can switch between PAL and NTSC movies and the refresh rate follows correctly.  So the problem must be with MadVR not switching.  Also, when in ROHQ I disable MC20 changing the refresh rate and let MadVR do that.  This does appear to be working okay because whatever type movie I watch first (DVD) the refresh rate does change correctly, it is just subsequent movies (DVD) that don't switch.  Bluray movies switch correctly to 24 Hz.


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Re: MadVR refresh rate problem
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2014, 02:17:54 pm »

I also noticed that if you play a Bluray movie, the refresh rate switches to 24 Hz, then play a DVD, the refresh rate is correct.  For example, if you watch a Bluray then watch a NTSC DVD the refresh rate is 60 Hz (subsequent DVD movies will all now be 60 Hz even the PAL discs).  If you then watch a Bluray again and then watch a PAL DVD the refresh rate is now 50 Hz and all subsequent discs will be 50 Hz even NTSC discs that worked before.  So if you run MC20 and start with a PAL dsc (50 Hz) and then want to watch an NTSC disc (60 Hz) you have to first start a Bluray movie, stop it, then watch the NTSC movie to get the correct refresh rate.


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Re: MadVR refresh rate problem
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2014, 02:20:01 pm »

If you are using the madVR switcher rather than Media Center's (make sure you are not using both) try setting it to change only when the player enters or leaves fullscreen.
You will have to force film mode for NTSC discs to output at 24Hz, and enable the "treat 25p movies as 24p" option for PAL movies to output 24Hz.


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Re: MadVR refresh rate problem
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2014, 02:33:23 pm »

The MC switcher is disabled, only MadVR switcher enabled.
25p to 24p enabled.
Selecting switch on full screen made no difference.



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Re: MadVR refresh rate problem
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2014, 02:38:08 pm »


If you use madVr and set it up to "Switch to matching display mode" and enter the following resolutions (i.e. 720p60, 1080i60, 1080p60, 1080p24) under Devices>Display Modes,
then in MC under Tools>Options>Video>Display Settings you should set "Display Settings automatic change" to OFF. Correct?

Also, should I enter 1080i59, 1080i60, 1080p23, 1080p24, 1080p59, 1080p60 in madVR to cover all possibilities?


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Re: MadVR refresh rate problem
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2014, 04:36:42 pm »

If you use madVr and set it up to "Switch to matching display mode" and enter the following resolutions (i.e. 720p60, 1080i60, 1080p60, 1080p24) under Devices>Display Modes,
then in MC under Tools>Options>Video>Display Settings you should set "Display Settings automatic change" to OFF. Correct?
Yes, you should not be using both the Media Center switcher and the madVR one.

Also, should I enter 1080i59, 1080i60, 1080p23, 1080p24, 1080p59, 1080p60 in madVR to cover all possibilities?
Only enter the rates that you want madVR to use.
Since I use VideoClock I only want 1080p24, 1080p50, and 1080p60. (skip 50 if your display won't do it)


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Re: MadVR refresh rate problem
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2014, 01:58:27 am »

Since this is still an open problem, can we get the software guys at MadVR to indicate they are fixing this or at least looking at it.


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Re: MadVR refresh rate problem
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2014, 06:26:14 am »

Since this is still an open problem, can we get the software guys at MadVR to indicate they are fixing this or at least looking at it.
madVR's display mode switcher doesn't have any known issues that would be causing this, it's something particular to your setup.
Are you testing DVDs with menus, or ripping to a format like MKV?
Sometimes the menus are coded to a different refresh rate from the film, and don't switch correctly when you start playback. (my understanding is that the disc is at fault here)


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Re: MadVR refresh rate problem
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2014, 11:23:03 am »

Sometimes the DVD Navigator also doesn't know which refresh rate a movie is at, and you're screwed anyway.
Playing DVDs with menus is full of limitations and short-comings, unfixable ones at that (at least from our side).
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: MadVR refresh rate problem
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2014, 12:28:35 pm »

I think it is with MadVR because:

a) If I use Red October standard, everything works okay,

b) If I use PowerDVD, everything works okay

c) If I use Red October HQ then it doesn't

So with MadVR:
  DVD 1 (PAL): refresh rate shows 50Hz
  DVD 2 (NTSC): shows 50Hz
  Watch Bluray: shows 24 Hz
  Go back to DVD 2: shows 60 Hz

This is repeatable and with the different PAL, NTSC dvd's .. so I don't think it is anything with the menus.  To me it looks like the refresh rate is setup once when the first movie is viewed and then forgets to switch after that .. this occurs with any DVD.  I have to start a Bluray movie (or restart JRiver) in order to get it to switch the refresh rate correctly.

If you have a diagnostic of some sort, I can run it here because this is an easily repeatable problem.



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Re: MadVR refresh rate problem
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2014, 01:50:14 pm »

As I understand it:
a) If I use Red October standard, everything works okay
Uses the information in the library [FPS] tag, not the DVD Navigator.

b) If I use PowerDVD, everything works okay
Uses its own DVD Navigator, not the Microsoft one.

If I use Red October HQ then it doesn't
Uses the information provided by the Microsoft DVD Navigator.
It's not that madVR is at fault, it's that it is being supplied bad information.
Try ripping to MKV and see if that works correctly.
If that doesn't work correctly, it's likely a configuration issue rather than a DVD Navigator one.


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Re: MadVR refresh rate problem
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2014, 02:22:55 pm »

If you use the MC builtin refresh rate switching, then it doesn't care if you use RO Std or RO HQ, and it will always switch based on the FPS tag in your library.
Thats really the only mode we officially recommend you to use, too, and the only mode we have control over.

If you play directly from optical media (or ISOs for that matter), it has to try to determine this when opening the disc, and at that time you once again end up with the DVD Navigator having to tell us the refresh rate, and the fact that we cannot rely on it.

Any other problems with the refresh rate on DVDs go back to the Microsoft DVD Navigator, over which we have no control, and there are also no plans to write our own.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: MadVR refresh rate problem
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2014, 05:09:01 pm »

I disabled MadVR switching display resolution and enabled MC switching, it works perfectly.  The reason I used the MadVR switching function was due to a few earlier posts recommending that when using MadVR you should use its switching and disable MC.  From the explanation above I can see now the problem is likely with DVD Navigator passing the wrong information.

But, how does MC get the FPS tag data?  Is it when it imported the movie or when it first viewed it?  And, if it gets it wrong, is there a way to change the FPS field?

I also noticed that when disabling the MadVR switching function that it also disables the 25fps to film mode function.  Is this now handled by the MC switching function?  Some 25fps material is video and some film .. can I specify in the tag which to use?

Thanks heaps for assisting on this and clarifying what the problem is.


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Re: MadVR refresh rate problem
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2014, 06:36:38 pm »

No need to reply to that last post.  I see these questions have been asked before in the forum (just had to search for them) and the subject has been thoroughly addressed.

Thanks heaps.
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