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Author Topic: MJ8 Nomad Jukebox plugin crashes program  (Read 832 times)


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MJ8 Nomad Jukebox plugin crashes program
« on: February 05, 2002, 04:23:23 am »

Still not fixed.

Anyone else concur that the plugin works or not for them?


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RE:MJ8 Nomad Jukebox plugin crashes program
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2002, 05:39:58 am »

Nomad Jukebox plugin 3.0.7, MJ8 8.0.196, on WinXP Professional, Nomad JB 20G, FW3.94, latest Creative drivers.

Seems to be working for me for the most part, but it is SLOW, dog-slow, to load/display Jukebox contents (~2400 tracks) - 40-60 seconds, I'd guess.

Compare to JBCommander using the JBDirect SDK, which does the same task in about 10-15 seconds.


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RE:MJ8 Nomad Jukebox plugin crashes program
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2002, 07:20:21 am »


I will try to improve the speed. We do not have a 20 GB Nomad here to test so the speed has not been too bad.  I will take your word on it and try to optimize where I can given the design of MJ.


Give me some details on OS and how it is not working


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RE:MJ8 Nomad Jukebox plugin crashes program
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2002, 02:29:09 pm »

Here's the system info panel:

Media Jukebox PLUS 8.0.198

CPU: Intel Pentium III 558 MHz MMX
Memory: Total - 261 MB, Free - 81 MB
OS: Microsoft Windows 98 SE

Internet Explorer: 6.0.2600.0000
ComCtl32.dll: 5.50.4807.2300
Shlwapi.dll: 6.00.2600.0000
Shell32.dll: 4.72.3612.1700

Do I need to have the Nomad Drivers installed? (I don't use playcenter and my 3rd party utils don't require the driver)


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RE:MJ8 Nomad Jukebox plugin crashes program
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2002, 04:57:24 am »


Yes. You must get the standalone drivers from Creative's site in order to run our Plug-in.
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