I generally keep all of my music files is a single folder on my laptop. So when I installed MC, the Library added all of the music from my iTunes folder. which is a sub folder located in a Music folder. I have about 88,000 songs and most of the artists have played with different back up bands. Each time I ripped a CD, iTunes created a new folder based upon the back up band. For example, I love Elvis Costello, so within my iTunes library there are these artist folders:
Elvis Costello
Elvis Costello and the Attractions
Elvis Costello and the Confederates
Elvis Costello and Steve Nieve.................. You get the idea.
I have several questions (which I think are simple to answer) regarding changing this set up. I am currently using MC Version 19.
1. Can I safely remove the iTunes software?
2. Can I consolidate a single artist (who has several folders) into a single folder, for instance create one master Elvis Costello folder? I also have
several Beatles folders (i.e. Beatles, The Beatles, The_Beatles.....)? Basically I would like one Beatles folder containing all of their albums,
including bootlegs, which are often mislabeled.
3. Once consolidated, can I move all of my music folders into another folder either on a hard drive or an external drive. In other words, eliminate all of
iTunes sub folders, Currently my structure is "Music - iTunes - iTunes Media - Music" and I would like a single Music folder containing artist
sub folders
4. If I consolidate and move these folders, is MC capable of easily identifying the new folders in the reconfigured Library? I tried consolidating folders
in iTunes in the past, and iTunes was unable to locate the music after it was moved.
5. Should I move the folders through MC or through windows?
Thanks for any help.