The Ogg Vorbis tagging system is definitely better than any ID3 tags, largely because it was designed into the ogg filetype, and isn't a hack like ID3 is. Media Jukebox allows the tagging of ogg files (right-click on the song or a highlighted group of songs, and select "properties" from the pop-up menu), and it's currently the only post-encode tagger that I know of which will work on ogg files and allows processing of multiple files at once. In Winamp, you can tag ogg files, but only one at a time, and it's a pain to have to type in the album and artist name 10 or 20 times. However, the Media Jukebox interface for ogg tagging is the same as used for ID3 tagging, which limits ability to ideally use the ogg tagging system as it was designed. Not too big of a deal. A bigger issue is explained as follows:
one feature of the ogg file's header is that the release date of the encoder used to create the file is listed. For example, ogg vorbis rc2 encoder, released 8 August 2001, puts the file header "Xiphophorus libVorbis I 20010813". Similarly, rc3 encodes have the date 20011231 (or 20011217 for oggenc, which was compiled December 17th but is still the official rc3 encoder). The problem is, when I update tags in Media Jukebox, it changes the date on rc3-encoded files to 20010813, so the files appear as if they were encoded with vorbis rc2. It would be good if Media Jukebox fixed this bug so that the encoder release date field of the ogg tag is not modified when tagging with Media Jukebox. Thanks.