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Author Topic: DLNA remote app not synchronized with what MC plays  (Read 2356 times)


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DLNA remote app not synchronized with what MC plays
« on: October 14, 2014, 07:02:04 am »


in the recent days, I have tried to use MC as DLNA/UPnP server, driving it with a DLNA app on Android, this due to some lacks in Gizmo.
So, I have selected MC as library server, and my music player (Naim Uniti) as UPnP renderer. Adding an album in the playlist, and starting the playlist, works well.

The issues come when the current track is changing: the remote app still displays the name of the first track (but with the (rigtht) duration of the second track), while my Uniti displays the correct (new) track name.

Then the behaviour varies, from time to time: sometimes, each track is played twice, with one track name late the first time, and the right one being displayed the second time. Sometimes, the music stops after 2 or 3 tracks, and I have to tap on "play" again.

And sometimes all works well, I have been unable to understand what makes the circumstances different.

I first thought that my Android app was sucking, but I have tried really a lot (30, maybe), still experiencing the same issue, and I am starting to think that the culprit could be MC itself.

Maybe the server "forgets" to send a signal to the app when the current track changes, or send it to late?

This does not appear with Android Gizmo, no with Android EOS, I suppose because they drive MC through MCWS.

This also happens when using MC as DLNA renderer (in this case, using the optical output of the PC toward my Uniti).

Any idea ?

I am currently using the version MC17. Is that a known issue that could have been solved in MC 20 ?

Many thanks in advance for any hint.


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Re: DLNA remote app not synchronized with what MC plays
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2014, 07:54:28 am »

Any idea ?

I am currently using the version MC17. Is that a known issue that could have been solved in MC 20 ?

Many thanks in advance for any hint.


I really can't say as I don't know the app you are using. However, my friend has a Naim superuniti like yours. He is using JRemote on an Ipad and only has issues on upgrades to the app or sometimes upgrades to MC. Not sure how android apps work frankly, but in IOS, what he does is remove the app from memory, not just closed, then restarts the app. Maybe on an Android you have to cold boot the device somehow?? (hard boot) not sure what the name is  :P  Anyways this sort of works things out for him.

Also I know that there are a lot of changes to DLNA and zones (which will help with your Naim. Whether it will help with your android app liaising with MC I can't tell you. Why don't you try the upgrade for a month and see (the difference between 17 and 20 is really worth it!). Just remember the other post which I answered -- don't go straight to version 20 from 17 unless you really know what you are doing. :)


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Re: DLNA remote app not synchronized with what MC plays
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2014, 08:20:56 am »

I have the same issue when I use MC as DLNA player, so the problem lies more likely between the server and the android app.

And yes, I made some reboots, installations, deinstallations :-).

I have tried BubbleUPnP, Audionet AMM, Ark MediaCenter (was it ArkMC ?), among many others. They all have the issue.



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Re: DLNA remote app not synchronized with what MC plays
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2014, 09:04:25 am »

I have the same issue when I use MC as DLNA player, so the problem lies more likely between the server and the android app.

And yes, I made some reboots, installations, deinstallations :-).

I have tried BubbleUPnP, Audionet AMM, Ark MediaCenter (was it ArkMC ?), among many others. They all have the issue.

Me again and off-topic, but you know my on my friends set-up he uses the Naim for internet streaming and things, but the best sound config was his htpc=>optical in on the superuniti (actually not totally true, I couldn't really here the difference between the SPDIF coax and the optical  :D) . However using JRiver as the server and renderer and controller (or a remote for the controller) is IMO, way better than using the Naim through DLNA. When you say using JRiver as a dlna player, I'm assuming you mean you direct connect it and have the media server turned on.

Ok it does become a very expensive DAC, but you do get a Naim amp in there. ANd it becomes simple -- not to mention you get gapless, the processing  and all of the DSPs if you ever need them from JRiver. If you set it up this way it should work with version 20 or its the apps fault. Just don't add any additional upnp servers in the chain (except maybe for internet streaming maybe) and you should be fine.

Try it its free (don't pay for it though; once you buy it you bought it ;) ). Once it works then you can pay for the license.


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Re: DLNA remote app not synchronized with what MC plays
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2014, 09:15:45 am »

When you say using JRiver as a dlna player, I'm assuming you mean you direct connect it and have the media server turned on.

And when saying "optical", I was actually meaning "SPDIF", sorry: we both agree that the "best" is probably to send  the data, under numerical format, through a cable to the Naim, and let the Naim convert it to analog.

The only reason why I tried to enable DLNA server on MC was to use another remote than Gizmo. There has been a rather long thread about this yesterday. :-)


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Re: DLNA remote app not synchronized with what MC plays
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2014, 10:44:00 pm »

I have the same problem with krmasson's.

- Renderer : Resolution Audio Cantata Music Center
- Server : JRiver MC20 MAC
- Controller : JRiver MC20 MAC

"Each track is played twice and sometimes stopped."

When I use JRiver MC20 MAC as DLNA Server only and use other control point S/W (i.g. Bubble UPnP), no problem occurred.
I guess the problem is caused by MC20 itself.

Urgent fix is required.
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