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Author Topic: MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...  (Read 10042 times)


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2002, 01:55:30 pm »


I knew can also just add a virtual folder to the empty burn list and the buttons will reapper.  I was just trying to convey to JRiver how goofy it is.  Anyways, JohnT told me that this feature will be removed and replaced with a # of Copies to burn feature.


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2002, 02:34:03 pm »

Everytime I do an upgrade without uninstalling the previous version, this error always comes up:

Error registering the OCX C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\l3codeca.acm


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2002, 02:49:27 pm »

Anothing thing - Now all of a sudden when I play a CD, it only plays one song then stops.  All the songs from the CD are listed in the Playing Now window, however it doesn't move on to the next song after the previous one is finished.


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2002, 07:14:58 pm »

This is just a nice-to-have idea for future builds...

When you are importing media, it would be nice if you could start from the directory level you last imported from and go up or down directory levels at a time. If you do the drop-down, you just get drive letters.

Your product is very nice...keep up the good work.

Also, any advice on what to use to clean up stuff ripprd from vinyl? I'm using Diamond Cut currently.



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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #54 on: February 03, 2002, 03:49:01 am »

>When you are importing media, it would be nice if you could start from the directory level you
>last imported from and go up or down directory levels at a time. If you do the drop-down, you
>just get drive letters.


Also, after importing then removing some tracks from that list, they never get re-imported (which is normally fine). Any way of forcing a re-import without moving the files somewhere else? (hold ALT down, perhaps)



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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #55 on: February 03, 2002, 04:59:08 am »

Another UNC bug..

When renaming files from properties (Artist - Name - ETC), it cuts off the first \ in the file name and doesn't work.

(2\'s)Computer\Drive\ ends up being \Computer\Drive\


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #56 on: February 03, 2002, 05:30:20 am »

re - not being able to play mp3's........

I've just reinstalled v196 and I'm back and running again. However, if I try to download the latest mp3 and wav input plugins, I get a 'can only add input, dsp or visualisation plugins' message. After that, mp3's or wav's won't play anymore and I have to reinstall.

I've noticed on the last 3 builds, that after installing, the wizard says that not all files could be added and that windows now has to restart. Then the wizard crashes. I'd not had this prob on previous builds - could the two problems be related ??



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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #57 on: February 03, 2002, 06:12:48 am »


Don't Load MJ
Make Sure Music01, And Media Scheduler is not running
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #58 on: February 03, 2002, 06:12:51 am »

When changing sample rate formats, crossfade doesn't work.

Slow stop doesn't work on Audiophile 24/96 even though crossfade does. Same thing goes for the "Microsoft RDP Audio Driver"

Bitrate view doesn't work properly as some VBR mp3s with an avg birate (ex. 252) show in the list as 256.

When chaning file names, sometimes you get asked to confirm and sometimes you don't. Same goes with importing new files. If you drag n drop into "Media Library", it asks. If you drop them in a view scheme header, it don't.


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #59 on: February 03, 2002, 07:07:43 am »


I appreciate you trying to help, but it did'nt fix the problem. So far -

1. Rebooted
2. Ensured MJ, Music01 and Media Scheduler were'nt loaded
3. Installed v196
4. At the end of the install, wizard says that it can't copy all files and wants to restart Windows, then crashes
5. Rebooted
6. Loaded MJ
7. Checked out Plugin Manager - MP3 Input Plugin shows as v1.1 (the buttons for 'about' and 'config' are greyed out)
8. Selected an mp3 track to play - no problem, played ok
9. Stopped play, exited Plugin Manager
10.Went on-line to Input PlugIn Page
11.Selected MP3 version 2.0.25 and downloaded
12.At the end of the download, got a 'only Input, DSP and Vis' plugins can be added'
13.Checked properties of downloaded file - the date/time correspond to the download I just ran
14.Select an mp3 track - it will not play.
15.Try adding the in_mp3_dll through Plugin Manager - get the 'only Input, DSP etc' message

I'll have to reinstall to get going again now. I've been round this loop a lot of times with variations as and where I can, but can't get past the 'only Input etc' message. However, as I've downloaded an 'up to date' file, does that mean I'm actually running 2.0.25 and displaying 1.1 or am I really still running 1.1 ??

Something's obviously wrong somewhere but it's outside of my knowledge. Any help you can offer would be more than gratefully recieved.

Thanks King - Jim


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #60 on: February 03, 2002, 07:12:27 am »


Sorry, forgot an action between points 13 and 14

13.5 Checked Plugin Manager. MP3 Input Plugin shows as version 1.1 ('about' and 'config' buttons are greyed out)

Poison Dan

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MPC issue
« Reply #61 on: February 03, 2002, 07:45:10 am »

When use the explorer shell extension "Add to playing now" on an MPC file, while another MPC file is playing in MJ, playback stops with an "Out of Sync" error.

This bug was not present in previous builds.


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #62 on: February 03, 2002, 07:50:15 am »

Auto sort location isn't working right. Need to click on the header twice to show the list properly.


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #63 on: February 03, 2002, 08:09:10 am »

"- I can see now that filter is on or off in the popup, but is it possible to put the name of the included or excluded playlist in there and SKIP or PLAY type ?"

This sounds like an excellent candidate to go in the, currently unused, MJ Status Bar.

Another thing that would be cool... Anybody who's used WinZip has seen this:

They're basically indicator lights in the status bar. Wouldn't this work well to show to show Continuous and Shuffle status? Obviously we'd want them labeled, though.


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #64 on: February 03, 2002, 08:14:28 am »

to Jolly Jim

I had the same problem and send this to Stacy too. Try this:

When you install the software, choose a different directory. Thats good enough.
The default is ...\JRiver\Media Jukebox. Change this to e.g. Jukebox7 or what soever. I'm not shure, but you must select the "custom or experts" menu during installation to do this.

In addition, you may try is to create this directory first and copy the entire /Data directory out of the beta 8 installation-directory here. I guess, you maintain your libary this way.

Good luck



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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #65 on: February 03, 2002, 08:34:59 am »

If I try to drag the last file in a playlist to another spot in that playlist, MJ unexpectedly quits, no error message.

And you can disregard my reports of the column headers and the next/previous playlist crashing thing. It doesn't seem to be happening at all anymore. Not sure what the deal was...


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #66 on: February 03, 2002, 03:35:06 pm »


1. Cancellilng the Please Wait dialog for 'Gathering information...' on a Media File Properties request does not appear to work anymore.  It did work in some older betas.  All it does now is stop updating the screen (looks like a lockup), but MJ keeps gathering information and always displays the properties for all files requested initially (instead of just showing the properties MJ had gathered prior to pressing Cancel).


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #67 on: February 03, 2002, 06:13:20 pm »

Here's a little oddity...

I was happily importing track info into Library from offline CDs and I hit upon a CD that had a data portion (Buffett Live: Tue/Thu/Sat)...2 strange things happened

1) MJ would not put them straight into Now had to highlight them in Device view and Send to...Playing Now...not a big deal
2) the track times were like 34 hours, etc.

I saw the same thing on Buffett's Beach House On The Moon (I, confess...I'm a Parrothead), which also has a data portion.

Just thought you'd want to know.


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #68 on: February 04, 2002, 07:16:01 am »

Visualizations : Leaving this running for an extended period of time causes MJ to crash. The bigger the vis window, the sooner the crash. A memory leak perhaps? If vis's are disabled or MJ just isn't displaying them for some reason, this problem doesn't occur.

View Scheme : The View Scheme name gets reset to Empty\Unnamed whenever you add a criteria to the scheme, even if you have Autoname unchecked and a name already entered.

Rules (Smartlist, Find Media, View Scheme, etc.) : If you define a rule by location, and put the closing bracket on the end of the location, MJ finds no matches. Removing the closing bracket causes MJ to report the files you'd expect.


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RE:MJ 8.0.196 Beta Available...
« Reply #69 on: February 04, 2002, 11:12:40 am »

I've never used OGG before, so I never paid attention to any OGG related threads, but today I ripped a CD to OGG and all of the OGG's were given filenames like this :

Hans Zimmer - trackMinstrel Boy.OGG

Every OGG has the "track" right before the song title in the filename.
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