Firstly, thanks Arindelle, you have clearly put a lot of effort into your reply, it's most appreciated, however my understanding of MC is letting me down in even understanding some of your replies, so Ive put a few questions below and would appreciate a little more of your time for clarification please:
1) Use of ALAC- Ive read a lot about the various file systems, and would prefer to use FLAC, but i will be downloading files to my IPOD, so assume I have to use a compatible system.
2) I'd love to use Gizmo, but I'm using Bubble because Gizmo, which I also have, seems to have 2 limitations;
a) does not allow me to drill down and play individual tracks after I have searched by album, it only has an option to play the entire album
b) I cannot find any way to display lyrics in Gizmo,
Bubble however will do provide both these functions.
3) Ive att a screenshot showing typical artist and auto artist use, is this looking OK? I use parenthesis to input the value ="artist"" but this does not show in the file itself. But now I cannot see how to post a screenshot in this forum...but both artist and artist auto fields show artist.
4) I cannot see for the life of me how you got to the screen you have shown in your screenshot. I can get to the 'manage library fields' screen, but then I don't have the 1erase option you seem to have, What am I doing wrong?
Thanks again for your help here, apologies if you feel I'm wasting your time with what probably seem like basic questions, however this whole MC programme interface seems to be extremely complex, and aimed at 'superusers' like yourself.
First, I don't know if Bubble upnp is totally compatible with JRiver or not .. I know many people on this forum use it though. So what Bubble is showing I can't say .. the ALBUM ARTIST field or the ARTIST field. But one thing I don't get is why you are using alac and even aac files, basically for apple platforms, whereas Bubble is an android platform when you could use FLAC which has more flexibility with metadata ... (which could be part of your problem; honestly I'm not sure
ALBUM ARTIST is a key field; JRiver has another keyfield called ALBUM ARTIST (auto) which you might want to check out . It almost looks like AAC metadata is showing only the artist (which comes up with Bubble) wheres as the ALAC files are showing the album artist ... it looks to me like you have used a parenthesis instead of brackets which sort brings me to this (potentially erroneous) conclusion. Have you checked what is actual in the ALBUM ARTIST field in the tag window?
The easiest way to auto-populate a field is by going to OPTIONS=>Library & Folders=> Manage Library Fields. Convert the field to Calculated data field and click on the magnifying glass. chose a field and it will paste it in for you. [Artist] not =(artist). (see attached screenshot) The question is do you really want to do this or not! What do you do with compilation albums? I have a feeling this is somehow linked to your issue, check the tag window to be sure.
Now this should not be a problem, but again not sure how Bubble works on changing libraries. Now if you are using AAC files strictly to sync with portable players (or maybe to stream to them??), so when you are at home you are really only listening to the lossless library, ok I understand. But otherwise why create two libraries (could that be an issue with Bubble -- not sure probably not). However, it is very easy to just create views that filter out one file type or could filter by path/location too.
So my apologies, but it sounds more like a Bubble issue than a JRiver one. And I would seriously think twice about using the Album Artist field in that way - artist and album artist are often the same but not always. JRemote (android version is coming eventually) and Gizmo won't give you these issues if your Album Artist fields are filled out correctly.
May a Bubble user could recommend something (might want to change the title and it would be better in the remote forum I think