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Author Topic: JRiver MC18 Crash when streaming Music with Songcast or Catwalk to Linn Akurate  (Read 2674 times)


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When I upgrade JRiver from MC 17 to MC 18 I have following problems: When I stream Music with Catwalk to my Linn Akurate DSM MC 18 get hung up. When I stream with Songcast (Linnsoftware) the computer crashed. The Bluesreenshot points at Driverproblems. Driverupdates, Newinstallation of all Programms, nothing was successful. I used a free MC 20 Version but it doesn't work. So I delete the new MC Version and reinstalled my old MC 17 Version and as by a wonder it works and the music was streamed to the Linn Akurate.
So I payed over 18,-€ for this MC 18 Version. My Linn Dealer told me it's a JRiver problem. So come on Boys tell me what happens with MC 18..............


***Stop: 0x000000D1 (0xFFFFF881049F8FE9, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFF88004281996)

***songcast.sys - Address FFFFF88004281996 base at FFFFF8800427E00, DateStamp 4fe31b7b

Thanks in advance


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If the songcast driver makes your system crash, then its a driver or hardware problem. If any software can make that driver crash your entire system, then that driver is terrible.

Software like MC cannot cause a Bluescreen. Only malfunctioning drivers or hardware can do that.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters
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