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Author Topic: Gizmo 20.0.30  (Read 2749 times)


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Gizmo 20.0.30
« on: November 05, 2014, 08:15:32 am »

This is the latest version of Gizmo (JRiver's Android application).  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


The build will move to the Play Store at a later date, after testing here.
It's on the Play Store now.

20.0.30 / 91 (November 05, 2014)

NEW: Support for PonoMusic World.
Changed: Video Playback hides the navigation bar and soft buttons completely on Android 4.1 and above, using the full screen for playback.
Fixed: Library Item names scale properly with devices font settings.
Fixed: Playing over ChromeCast properly sets the "Played" status of media.

19.0.135 / 90 (May 27, 2014)

NEW: Gizmo can control the volume of the ChromeCast.
Fixed: Playing Now was broken when remote controlling Media Center with a long Playing Now list.

19.0.134 / 89 (May 16, 2014)

Fixed: Streaming video to ChromeCast was not working if HTTP Live Streaming was turned off in Gizmo settings.
Fixed: Gizmo was not working properly on Android 2.2/2.3 in the previous version.

19.0.133 / 88 (May 8, 2014)

NEW: Support for streaming to ChromeCast.
Fixed: Further increased stability when seeking in Videos.
Changed: Increased the size limit of playlists from 100 to 1000 tracks when controlling a remote Media Center server.

19.0.114 / 87 (February 3, 2014)

Fixed: Video could show in the wrong aspect ratio on some Android versions.
Fixed: Seeking in streaming Video could result in playback aborting and returning to the library browser.
Fixed: Seeking to the same position twice (ie. back to start) could fail.

19.0.113 / 86 (January 31, 2014)

NEW: Support for streaming video from Media Center using HTTP Live Streaming (requires MC 19.0.113 or newer, and Android 4.0 or newer).

19.0.110 / 85 (January 28, 2014)

NEW: Ratings are shown and can be changed on the Playing Now screen.
Fixed: Browsing Album folders with extra large thumbnails could result in an out of memory condition causing Gizmo to hang.

19.0.108 / 84 (January 21, 2014)

Changed: The seek bar will only act after releasing the handle, allowing for more precise seek control (especially with video).
Fixed: Trying to seek in a file currently being written to the cache could cause Gizmo to hang.
Fixed: The On-Screen Android Navigation Bar would not hide again during video playback when it was manually shown by interacting with the screen.
Changed: The Playing Now screen will show the title of the file which was last playing when in "Stopped" state, if any.

19.0.107 / 83 (January 15, 2014)

NEW: Gizmo reacts to headset Play/Pause commands from simple one-button cable headset controls (ie. the default headsets from many phones).
NEW: Playback is automatically paused when a headset is disconnected, to avoid potentially unwanted "noisy" playback.
NEW: Optimized Playing Now view in landscape orientation.

19.0.88 / 82 (December 6, 2013)

NEW: Updated Playing Now buttons.
Changed: Added the ability to disable playback caching in Options.

19.0.50 / 81

NEW: Added ability to customize the number of files that get downloaded ahead in a playlist.
Fixed: Cache pruning was not working properly in some cases, causing the download cache to grow too large (should be capped at 512MB).
Changed: When silently reconnecting, Gizmo will issue wake requests (previously it only issued wake requests when connecting manually).

19.0.41 / 80

NEW: Repeat mode is optional (in Menu > Options > Repeat mode).
Fixed: The list of zones would not appear with build 40.

19.0.40 / 79

Changed: Gizmo uses the mime type application/octet-stream for audio file transfers to avoid ISP or carrier blocking (requires MC 19.0.39 or newer).

19.0.39 / 78

NEW: Added lock screen controls while playing on the device.
NEW: Bluetooth track information is provided when playing on the device (using AVRCP).
NEW: Bluetooth controls work while the screen is off.
Fixed: Web radio streams that were stored in the library or playlists were not playable on the device.  
Faster: When clicking the header to switch modes while connected to a dead server, the menu of choices will appear much faster.
Fixed: In some cases 'Error communicating with server' could show incorrectly on the screen.

19.0.38 / 77 (September 12, 2013)

Fixed: The cache downloader could crash in some cases.

19.0.35 / 76 (September 4, 2013)

NEW: Added thumbnail size option (menu button at top right > Options).
NEW: Added a screen lock option to keep the screen on (dim or bright) while Gizmo is showing (useful for tablet installations).
Changed: The volume up and down commands work when playing on the device (for cases when there are no hardware volume buttons).
Changed: Bluetooth play and pause commands will trigger the play/pause button (for devices without a play/pause button).
Changed: Stopping playback stops the read-ahead caching system from working ahead.
Fixed: Playback stats are fired when playback starts instead of when the cache reads-ahead for a file (requires MC 19.0.35 or newer).
Fixed: When playing a video, playback would sit at a black screen instead of return to the browse screen in 19.0.32.

19.0.32 / 75 (August 28, 2013)

NEW: Added the ability to 'Play (with Play Doctor)' from anywhere in the audio browse tree.
NEW: When a server call fails, the program will retry a few times.
NEW: The program will attempt to automatically switch the server IP address as it transitions from wifi to data.
NEW: File playback caching uses ranged requests so an interrupted download is resumed instead of restarted.
Faster: When there is no wifi or ethernet, connecting to a server will skip local addresses.
Changed: Audio playback loops the playlist until stopped (unless the playlist is only one track).
Changed: Added a system so that partial cache entries (from a crash or other problem) will never get used.

19.0.31 / 74

NEW: Improved cache system so that the playback of the first file also plays from cache (but playback still starts immediately).

19.0.30 / 73

NEW: Playback on device uses a caching system that reads-ahead and keeps files between runs, increasing reliability with weak connections.
Faster: Browsing switches screens faster.
Faster: Android 4 devices load thumbnails concurrently for improved performance.
Faster: When connected to MC19, thumbnails load faster.  

18.0.180 / 72

Changed: Errors communicating with the server show an information bubble, but don't cause the program to automatically reconnect to the server.
Changed: When acting as a remote, an error communicating with the server to get information about what's playing will look more transparent.
Changed: When playing on the device, the program will retry for up to 10 minutes to open the URL to better handle sporadic connections.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Gizmo 20.0.30
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2014, 08:21:40 am »

This version has a bit of a hidden secret feature. Please note that its temporary and may go away if/when we decide on a more intuitive way to solve this problem.

If you create a "Gizmo Display Name" database field in MC, then Gizmo will use it to replace the usual [Name] in file listings.

For me, I made the field an expression, and create nicely formatted names for TV episodes, including their episode number and watched state.
If anyone cares, this is the expression my field uses, episode number for tv shows, watched for tv shows/movies, ordinary name for anything else.

Code: [Select]
ifelse(isequal([media sub type], TV Show), [Episode]. [Name]Delimit(Watched(2), , / ), isequal([media type], Video), [Name]Delimit(Watched(2), , / ), 1, [Name])]
Again, please note that this feature is subject to change, and just a "quick fix" to allow basic customization of Gizmo file listings.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Gizmo 20.0.30 year file display
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2014, 04:29:55 pm »

Good morning. 0:30 South Africa tome. I wanted to create a search in MC to load on my android phone that will allow me to search albums by year.  

I am close but once I load a list of year albums, the albums then come up by year in thumbnails. I then select a year thumbnail and instead of being able to choose an album then a list of songs that pop up, it goes straight into a list of all albums and their songs listed one after the other.

Please assist with file display programing.



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Re: Gizmo 20.0.30
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2014, 06:20:10 am »

If you create a "Gizmo Display Name" database field in MC, then Gizmo will use it to replace the usual [Name] in file listings.


But the custom tag seems to be interpreted only at some places: for instance, it is visible in the library view, but not in the "PLaying now" view, where it would be also useful...

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