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Author Topic: 'Delete from handheld any files not in sync list' doesn't appear to be working  (Read 7050 times)


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I have my Pono player internal drive set up to sync from a single smart playlist.  The problem is when I change the criteria of the smartlist to remove things from the smart playlist, they don't get removed from the pono player drive when I sync it.  When the smartlist gets bigger, the new files do go to the player on sync.  Am I missing something?  I want the files on the player to always be the same as in that playlist.



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What i did - and i freely admit it's a bit kludgy - is i created a Playlist Group dedicated to the internal drive on the PonoPlayer, and another Playlist Group for my SD card - then i add whatever playlists (smart and dumb) to each of those playlist folders, and check the Options on sync so that on only those respective Playlists Groups is what's synced.  Then after i make changes to the playlists, when i connect the player to sync i select all and delete the existing files shown in the respective playlists - then hit sync and it puts the updated version of that playlist on the player/SD card.  As far as i can tell - the remove files not on sync list doesn't actually do anything whether checked or unchecked.     


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I've done exactly the same thing.  The problem is that by deleting all the files and then syncing, it replaces everything on the player even if you've only changed a few files - for me that's a ~100GB transfer, and takes a long time!   What I've started doing is manually deleting the files from the pono player I know should be gone after updating the smart playlist contents (rather than deleting everything) - If I delete a few too many that's ok as it resyncs them as you say.  But yeah, it's ugly - I really wish that feature worked.  Is there a place to submit a proper bug report?

What i did - and i freely admit it's a bit kludgy - is i created a Playlist Group dedicated to the internal drive on the PonoPlayer, and another Playlist Group for my SD card - then i add whatever playlists (smart and dumb) to each of those playlist folders, and check the Options on sync so that on only those respective Playlists Groups is what's synced.  Then after i make changes to the playlists, when i connect the player to sync i select all and delete the existing files shown in the respective playlists - then hit sync and it puts the updated version of that playlist on the player/SD card.  As far as i can tell - the remove files not on sync list doesn't actually do anything whether checked or unchecked.     


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« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2014, 12:57:06 pm »



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Petegas - i like that partial delete idea.  my current delete/reload is going on 9+ hours!  ugh.


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Same here.  Doesn't work.

I don't like any of the workaround ideas.  I like the idea of them fixing it.


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I created a support ticket here, not sure if there is a better place.


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Does  any one know if this issue is known and planned to be fixed in a future version? I am pretty sure I have seen it working in an earlier version. Believe it stopped working for me since 2.0.40


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I thought this was working in one of the previous versions as well, but just updated to the .50 release and it's not working.  Ended up deleting the album not on the playlist manually as I did not want to rewrite the entire storage.  Definitely a bug that needs to be fixed.  Somewhat related to this is if I recheck the sync, it just hangs at 0% forever without really doing anything.


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Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
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