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Author Topic: nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8  (Read 4887 times)


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nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« on: January 26, 2002, 03:46:41 pm »

I download and install the plugin just fine, but whenever I try to drag my songs into the nomad jukebox, the media jukebox program quits, disappears.  I was able to use the plugin at one time with v.7.2, but that one won't work either now.  I was trying to install the plugin again for version 7.2, but it wouldn't install, that's why I upgraded to 8, and I'm still unable to use this program with the nomad jukebox.  Any suggestions?



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2002, 05:56:49 pm »

Steve is working on it.  I had the same problem.


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2002, 04:56:55 am »


If you want to run MJ v7, you must install Plug-in v 2.0.38 for v7.  If you are unable to get this from our website, email me at and I will send you what you need. If you want to run MJ v8, be sure to get Plug-in version 3.0.4 and be sure you have gotten the standalone drivers from Nomad.  With either of these combinations all should work.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2002, 04:58:26 am »

PS, I meant v 3.5 Plugin for v8 MJ.


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2002, 05:01:08 am »

Version 8 began crashing on me (illegal operation) as soon as I registered the license. This has happened on two of my machines as I attempt to trouble shoot; one of them do not even have the nomad device connected.

V7.2 plug-in would not install.

Could you provide a fix for an otherwise outstanding jukebox?


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2002, 06:11:23 am »


There was a problem with our weblink to the Plug-in that is now repaired.  Would you mind trying to download the Plug-in one more time.

Thanks for you patience.


PS In regards to the license registration, JohnT will respond soon.


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2002, 06:25:53 am »

In regards to the registration problem, please email the "rrg" file to me at and I'll take a look at it. It should be called "MediaJukebox8.rrg" or "MediaJukebox7.rrg" depending on which version you have.

John T.
JRiver, Inc.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin v3.07 in mjb v8
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2002, 01:29:53 pm »

John T promptly fixed my registration problem on MediaJukebox8.rrg - thank you.
Now that MJ8 is running with the Nomad Jukebox plug-in, there is no result or indication of what happens with the files I drag to the device. In fact, it seems that nothing happens. I remember version 7 clearly showed a progress window. What's the scoop? I am using plug-in v3.07


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.7 in mjb v8
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2002, 02:24:26 pm »

(In reference to the string above.)

Okay, okay..I figured it out; the root of Nomad Jukebox Library has to be selected in order to view the queue of files to be transfered.
I guess my main frustration is that nothing seems to happen when I attempt to place files into the DEVICE PLAYLISTS; either from the PC or the device itself. Is that possible?


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2002, 04:17:28 am »


Make sure you have the latest (v3.0.8) Plug-in.  I added a message box that will inform users that they must be at the root level to transfer files. This will hopefully make things clearer.  To add songs to a Playlist, you can drop them on the Playlist.  If you do this, the queued files should show the appropriate path and then upload to the correct location. You can also move files that are on the NOMAD to a playlist by right clicking on the file and selecting "Add to Playlist". Another trick is that if you drop a file on a particular Playist and then use the right click Send-To feature, the Plug-in will automatically remember your last drop target and transfer the files to that target.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2002, 05:59:43 am »

I installed Nomad plugin 3.0.8 but still cannot drag files from Nomad library to Nomad Playlist - the target directory does not highlight and nothing happens.
I am able to drag from PC Libary to Nomad Playlists without trouble (albeit creating a duplicate if the file was already in Nomad).

After reading throughout Interact for an answer, I must agree with other readers that MJ gives you the feeling of "why would'nt it do this, if it does just about anything else?"

MJ is a great product and I am determined to learn to workout all the kinks.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2002, 06:27:22 am »


As I said in the last message, you can also move files that are on the NOMAD to a playlist by right clicking on the file and selecting "Add to Playlist". This should accomlish what you are after.  Please let me know if this is not working or if you are saying that this is inadequate.

The ability to drag and drop files from within Nomad to a Playlist is not trivial and would require a major restructuring of how all Handhelds communicate with MJ. NOMAD Jukebox is one of only a few players that we support where this behavior is relevant. This is why the right click is currently the way to accomplish what you are after. If after using the Right-Click you feel strongly that this is too difficult, we can relook at other solutions, but be assured that the way we handle this now is not a simple oversight.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2002, 07:29:46 am »


Just to be clear, we currently don't support drag and drop from a file that is on a Device back to either the Device or to MJ. Drag and drop is only supported from MJ to a device.


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2002, 09:39:05 am »

That is exactly my goal, but right clicking on the file is not doing it either. When I right click on any Nomad file and select ADD TO PLAYLIST nothing happens, no further option appears to choose WHICH playlist; and the playlist doesn't reflect the change, even refreshing.

I have confirmed that Nomad is connected and showing its Playlist with files that I have loaded with other programs.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2002, 09:47:22 am »


After you right-click and select "Add to Playlist", in the dropbox, either type a new name for a Playlist (if you want to create a new one at that time) or click on the arrow and you should see a list of your current Playlists. You can select the one you want and then hit OK.

In regards to the drag and drop we can think about it some more, but I don't know that it will be included in version 8.

Please let me know if the Right-Click stuff is still not working.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2002, 09:52:50 am »

I replied with my mssg of 01:39:05 P.M. without ever seeing your mssg of 11:29:46 A.M, sorry for the irrelevant response.

For what it is worth, one of the main reasons I looked at a more powerful program like MJ was the ability to organize playlists within the Nomad, a device that is limited by a small screen while on the road like many others. Having this feature will make your program the greatest of the greatest.
See what you can do and thanks for your responses.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2002, 10:20:37 am »


Does the Right-Click "Add to Playlist" fulfill your need for Playlist organization?  



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2002, 01:07:24 pm »

Yes, but it needs to be able to add songs to the Nomad Playlists that already reside in Nomad. It also would help if you could use MJ to listen to songs residing in Nomad. Sometimes I want to weed-out songs that are bad or corrupt but have to listen to it first to confirm. The Nomad screen goes locked when MJ is connected leaving MJ as the only editing interface. It will help to have this feature like the Creative's PlayCenter 2, which is their ONLY good feature.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2002, 04:07:03 am »


To add songs to a Playlist that already exists on Nomad, click on the little arrow next to where the box is where you can type a new Playlist. When clicked, the box should expand and show you the existing Playlists on Nomad.  From this menu, you can select whichever Playlist you want.

In regards to controlling the playing of files on Nomad, we are taking a look at incorporating this.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2002, 07:46:03 am »

I agree with Ivan that MJ should be able to support bi-directional transfers of files with the Nomad JB.  Right now, you can only load music to the Nomad and edit playlists, which is falls short of what a "Do-all" program like MJ should be capable of.  Added capabilities should include (but not limited to):

> The ability to upload as well as download files from and to the Nomad.

> The ability to edit file properties of songs in the Nomad (right now nothing happens when I try to change the any of the files poperties of a song in the Nomad).

> Play control of the Nomad from MJ (ie. Play, Stop, Pause, FF, RW, Next Song, Previous Song) (This means to have MJ be able to start the Nomad playing, not have MJ play the song).

> The ability to have MJ release control of the Nomad without having to exit MJ.

> Volume Control of the Nomad from MJ.

Other wishes, but not as important:

> The ability to change the EAX settings of the Nomad.

> The ability to edit the EQ settings in the Nomad.

> The ability to view all of the File info of songs in the Nomad from MJ.

Ummm  I think that'll do it for now.  Not much to ask for, eh? Next Page


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2002, 12:27:44 pm »


> The ability to upload as well as download files from and to the Nomad.

I should have this one done very soon.

> The ability to edit file properties of songs in the Nomad (right now nothing happens when I try to change the any of the files poperties of a song in the Nomad).

This should work now. Have you tried double clicking on the property you want to edit. Also try right click and select "Rename".

> Play control of the Nomad from MJ (ie. Play, Stop, Pause, FF, RW, Next Song, Previous Song) (This means to have MJ be able to start the Nomad playing, not have MJ play the song).

This one I can't promise yet.

> The ability to have MJ release control of the Nomad without having to exit MJ.

This is done and will be in the next Plug-in

> Volume Control of the Nomad from MJ.


I have to run, but will post more details tomorrow.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2002, 10:17:23 am »


Look for Plug-in 3.0.10 later today.  In addition to what I mentioned yesterday, Downloads from NOMAD to the PC are now enabled with a right-click option when you are viewing files.

The EAX and EQ you mention are tied in with playing files which is still an open issue.

Can you explain this last one...

> The ability to view all of the File info of songs in the Nomad from MJ.

Currently, we allow the viewing of Artist, Album,Genre,Size, and codec. Do you not see these, or do you want additional fields? Nomad only returns these, but if you need more, I might be able to find a way to provide them.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2002, 10:19:27 am »

Before I forget, the disconnect and reinitialize features I mention are available as a right-click option when you have selected "NOMAD Jukebox" in 3.0.10.


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2002, 03:20:35 am »

The connect/disconnect works great!
I can't edit the file properties of the Nomad files though.  When I right-click on the proprty then click remane, the editer lets me edit the property OK. When I close, it looks like the info is being store and MJ re-reads the Nomad library, but the item that was editted, hasn't changed.


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2002, 03:34:20 am »

Steve, I take part of that back...  
I can edit the Artist and Album properties, but not the Name or Genre.
Also, when I open the "Length" field, all cells in that column are blank.  



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2002, 06:40:26 am »

>> The ability to view all of the File info of songs in the Nomad from MJ.
>Currently, we allow the viewing of Artist, Album,Genre,Size, and codec. Do you not see these, or do you want additional fields? Nomad only >returns these, but if you need more, I might be able to find a way to provide them.

OK Steve, that explains why I'm not getting the "Length" data on a song.  Sorry, I thought that was info that was transfered to MJ, and that I wasn't getting it due to my quirky machine.  Would it be to much trouble to view the length with the other properties?


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2002, 01:00:38 pm »


I could only verify the rename problem with Name, not with Genre. I ran out of time today, but will fix this tomorrow. I will also try to get Length in somehow for you.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2002, 03:16:31 am »

Steve, you're the greatest!  I'm not use to having service like this.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2002, 06:39:12 am »

I did a little more playing with changing the file properties of Nomad JB files.  Try to follow me on this.  
Definitely cannot edit the name property of any files.

As for the Genre property, it is really acting funny.  I went one of songs on the Nomad and changed the genre of file A from Slow Rock to Rock.  Seemed to work ok on this file.  Hmmmmm...  Clicked on file B and changed the genre from Rock to Slow Rock.  The genre didn't change on file B, but file A was changed to Slow Rock!  Clicked on file A and changed genre back to Rock.  OK,  Genre changed.  Clicked on file C and changed genre to Slow Rock.  File A changed to Slow Rock and File C didn't change.
So the genre editor is kinda working, definitely not like it should, though.

Will let ya know of anything else I find.  (didn't have a lot of time to play with it)



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2002, 06:52:34 am »


You definitely found a bug. I think I have it fixed. Can you look for v 3.0.11 later. 3.0.11 will also include the Length field.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2002, 07:24:57 am »

Steve, you're the greatest! I'm not use to having service like this.

A lot different than the Sonique camp, eh? I was a Sonique fan as well, but my music collection outgrew it. You know how bad Sonique was a playlist usage! Next Page


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2002, 08:10:56 am »

Yup Doof, you hit the nail on the head there.
If, for nothing else, MJ should be the number one player just for the support. What a great team!

Still like Soniques visuals, though.


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2002, 09:46:57 am »

Chico and Doof,

Thanks for the positive comments.  Chico, can you give me an example of what visuals you like in Sonique?


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2002, 10:31:58 am »

Sheesh!  There's quite a few of them, but here goes:

*Rappa is probably the most used because I like the options for cycling and transitioning my favotites.
*White Cap is my favorite (I know that there is a WA version of this, but I haven't checked it out yet).
Others include: The Rabbit Hole, Smear, Space Thing, Acid Punk, G-Force, Aorta, Faited, Funk'n Easy, Jazz, Liss, Pixel Ballet, and Punkie.

On another note, I did some more playing with the Nomad JB plugin (v3.0.11) and looks like you got the property thing fixed.  Also, thanks for including the length field, looks good.  There is another problem that reared it's ugly head, though.  Whenever I try to open any of the items in the sub-catagories on the tree view under Nomad Jukebox, MJ totally crashes!  If I open Nomad Jukebox, then pick Playlists (or and catagory), when I click on any of the playlists, MJ says, "SEE YA-Bye". The good ol' "Media Jukebox has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down." box pops up. Next Page
The details indicate that there are some files that MJ can't find in the MediaJukebox/data dir.  The files are: -763825, 168, -g, and -e.

Hate to keep ya scratching your head, but consider it job security.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2002, 10:46:41 am »

About the Sonique visuals...
I seem to have problems getting the MJ visuals to work properly in Full Screen mode.  They are always jumpy and seem to have a problem keeping up with the music.  Not sure if I have some settings not right or what.  I am not blessed with a killer machine (400 MHz w/128Meg RAM), but it plays the Sonique visuals in full screen with perfect smoothness, unless I'm editing pics while DLing the latest version of MJ and burning a CD simultaniousely.  The MJ vis's are sluggish in FS mode even if I have every other proggy shut down but MJ.  They do better when viewed internal in smaller modes, but then I have to put my glasses on to see them.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2002, 11:02:47 am »

To try to help vis performance:

Toggle: Vis Studio -> Options -> Drawing Mode (standard / directX)
Increase: Vis Studio -> Options -> Scaling

Let us know if that helps.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2002, 11:23:35 am »


When I added the track length I missed one thing that is causing your problem. It is fixed and will be in Plug-in 3.0.12 which I have submitted to be posted as soon as possible.



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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2002, 11:57:56 am »

3.0.12 looks like you got it all working now!  Didn't have much time to play, but should this weekend. I'll let you know.

Thanks.  I'll give your suggestions a try and see if I can get anywhere with them.

Have a nice weekend!


Ged Hickman

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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #38 on: February 15, 2002, 12:37:40 pm »

Have just installed plug-in (as have just purchased device) The software worked at first but would radomly crash. I have just updated to 8.0.207 and now it crashes whenever i try and access the device, any ideas?


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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #39 on: February 15, 2002, 12:46:59 pm »


Could you start a new thread with your problem. In addition to the MJ version, could you please confirm what Device you have, what version of the Plug-in you have and what Operating System you are running.  Assuming you have Nomad Jukebox and are running Plug-in version 3.0.12 can you be sure you have the standalone drivers installed from Creative.  

I have to take off for the day but will look to help you with this on Monday.




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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #40 on: August 09, 2002, 05:30:13 am »

The version of the driver on the media jukebox site is 3.0.24 and this seems to just cause media jukebox to hang when I click on the jukebox icon and it says I do not have the correct drivers installed. I do have creatives standalone drivers installed. Where can I get the latest version of this plugin?




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RE:nomad jukebox plugin 3.0.5 in mjb v8
« Reply #41 on: August 09, 2002, 10:29:41 am »


Please respond in your other thread.


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