Glad I found this before I invested time and money, trialling JRiver, so thanks!
For the developers / administrators, whilst I appreciate that two platforms means twice the work, from your perspective.
From my perspective
- many people end up in a joint PC/Mac environment nowadays, for reasons they may not be able to control
- you are clearly offering to license multiple (same flavour) machines e.g. home / office / portable
- many software vendors recognise this reality and suffer the costs, to meet their clients needs
- The good news is you are actively investing in enhancing JRiver, with many chargeable upgrades, paying once for each version upgrade may make sense. But even if I bought two licences initially, paying twice for each upgrade pushes the proposal into - not affordable territory
so I'll stick with Audivarna on a Mac for playing music - which I am very happy with and VLC on the windows box, which is ok.
I'd be delighted to hear if you change your policies, and having spent 40 years in software development, I entirely respect your current rationale, but for the moment I wouldn't be prepared to invest the upfront and ongoing costs