In Standard View I have made changes to the columns in the Audio>Albums header; both in width and categories.
It lasts for a while then reverts to a trash listing with "Image (large thumbnail) leading off reading from left to right. This category is blank.
Next is "Stack Icon" I have no albums stacked. Nothing shows here either.
Next is "Name", "Artist", "Album", "Rating", "Genre", "Track #", "Duration", "Bitrate", "File Type", "Date", and "Filename".
The columns are not auto-sized or anything that resembles a cognitive width.
No matter what I have tried at some point Media Center will revert to this. I know it does this if I edit the sub-fields" of the "Album" category, but it also does it in what seems randomly. I have saved the view as a new Category, still happens. I've tried overwriting the original; still happens.
I have edited other categories with no known problem or relapse.
Any ideas would be appreciated. I have even tried deleting the old "Album" view and building a view, but sooner or later it happens.