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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here  (Read 8327 times)


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JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« on: January 12, 2015, 01:12:51 pm »

This is the latest version of MC20 for Mac.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


20.0.54 (1/9/2015)

1. Changes and fixes from the mainstream. Note that if you are using client side volume leveling over DLNA and are using MC on multiple platforms, all builds need to be >=20.0.52 for this to continue to work.

20.0.52 (12/22/2014)

1. Fixed: The main application menu would often not be shown until the mouse was clicked within the app's window.
2. Fixed: If CD audio files were in playing now list and the CD device was removed, Media Center could crash if a DLNA device queried for the tracks.

20.0.51 (12/22/2014)

1. Fixed: In format conversion dialog, if a target directory was specified along with multiple levels, the converted file ended up in a strange land.
2. Fixed: In format conversion dialog, if a target directory was entered that did not exist or was not writable, the conversion would fail without a helpful message.
3. Fixed: DLNA serving of Ogg, MP3, MP4 files with conversion to uncompressed wave would fail on some devices because of an incorrect transcoded length value.
4. Fixed: Dates were not displayed with the locale settings in system preferences.

20.0.46 (12/9/2014)

1. Fixed: Cmd-Q fix didn't make it into previous build.
2. Fixed: File transfers to external devices (Handheld sync) were much slower than doing it via Finder.
3. Fixed: Some web views were not working (displaying blank page), like "connected media".
4. Fixed: Web Gizmo wasn't working.

20.0.45 (12/5/2014)

1. Changed: Cmd-Q now works properly for exiting the application.
2. Changed: Holding the Control key while clicking the left mouse button now works correctly for bringing up the context menu (right-click menu).

20.0.40 (11/21/2014)

1. Fixed: DLNA: MC as renderer, when receiving a SetNextAVtransportURI, MC was allowing the playlist to grow beyond 2 items which is incorrect. This caused playlist sync issues.
2. Fixed: DLNA: MC as controller, fix bug in event send when changing playlist position 1.
3. Fixed: DLNA: MC as controller timing issue, make sure the first track is playing (for at least 5 seconds) before doing the SetNextAVTransportURI function.
4. Fixed: DLNA: MC as controller, when playlist position current +1 changes send a new SetNextAVTransportURI to devices that support it.
5. Fixed: The change from 20.0.31 (Back out library server hiding when the library is empty introduced in 19.0.71) missed the library server visibility (it was showing the DLNA servers).

Paul S.A. Renaud

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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2015, 02:01:19 pm »

Already in earlier versions, there was mention of erratic skipping of tracks. I am experiencing the same. Especially with one DSD track, which plays fine with another DSD player, but with JRiver (both native DSD as on the fly PCM conversion) a consistent (small but irritating) skipping at certain points in the track. Sounds familar?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2015, 04:08:01 pm »

Already in earlier versions, there was mention of erratic skipping of tracks. I am experiencing the same. Especially with one DSD track, which plays fine with another DSD player, but with JRiver (both native DSD as on the fly PCM conversion) a consistent (small but irritating) skipping at certain points in the track. Sounds familar?
No, I haven't experienced this.  Is it repeatable with the same track?  If so, you could Dropbox it to us and we'll take a look.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center

Paul S.A. Renaud

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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2015, 02:53:16 am »

Where should I send the dropbox link. The skipping is consistent at 1.11 - 1.17; 4.11 - 4.16; 4.22 - 4.30.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2015, 07:43:59 am »

At the end of each song in DSD 128 (more difficult to reproduce with DSD 64) there is a click kind of sound before it goes to the next sound (set-up renderer SMS-100 in DOPE with DSD 128 file).
If you move the cursor to jump a few seconds/minutes forward during a song, you have the same click.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2015, 08:09:10 am »

Where should I send the dropbox link. The skipping is consistent at 1.11 - 1.17; 4.11 - 4.16; 4.22 - 4.30.
johnt at jriver dot com
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2015, 08:19:47 am »

At the end of each song in DSD 128 (more difficult to reproduce with DSD 64) there is a click kind of sound before it goes to the next sound (set-up renderer SMS-100 in DOPE with DSD 128 file).
If you move the cursor to jump a few seconds/minutes forward during a song, you have the same click.
Is this when playing locally, or over the network (DLNA) to the DAC?
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2015, 09:23:16 am »

Is this when playing locally, or over the network (DLNA) to the DAC?
This issue for the click is when playing over the network in DLNA.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2015, 09:30:18 am »

This issue for the click is when playing over the network in DLNA.

I just tried to play locally (on the MacBook directly I mean) but the player is not working correctly whatever the format. It will display one song but the wrong track number. It will not switch correctly and will start sometimes another song that you have asked and not finishing the songs....jumping from song 2 to 5 but displaying 3.... There is obviously a problem here locally ! Not only DSD, looks like everything. Something wrong here.
Not sure where to start in diagnosing this.  Do you have a separate zone setup for playing locally on your MacBook vs. laying over the network to the DAC?
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2015, 09:33:23 am »

Sorry I had shuffle on locally :( never used locally so never noticed the set-up...
Let me try again without it... Just deleted my previous comment . Sorry for the inconveninece.
Just listened locally. There is no click and no issue at all.
The "click" sound is only over DLNA in DSD128.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2015, 01:48:51 pm »

Where should I send the dropbox link. The skipping is consistent at 1.11 - 1.17; 4.11 - 4.16; 4.22 - 4.30.
I downloaded your file and tested bitstreaming to a Mytek Stereo192-DSD from both the Mac and Windows versions of Media Center and could not reproduce the skip problems.  Maybe try a larger buffer - go into Tools / Options / Audio / Audio Device / Audio Settings and try a buffer size of 500ms.  If you're using "integer mode", try turning that off.  If you're using memory playback, try turning that off. Try increasing pre-buffering to 10 seconds.  Power cycle the DAC.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center

Paul S.A. Renaud

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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2015, 01:59:06 pm »

I tried it all but no luck. So far it is only this track with this album. I will give up for the moment.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2015, 06:24:10 pm »

Hi, this release 20.0.54 version gives me a problem: after a few minutes of listening the music stops, JRiver freezes and I have to restart the computer.
I go back to 20.0.52, no problem with this version

ciao from Italy


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2015, 11:41:43 pm »

This version just crashed on a recorded TV program (bad access error.)  Back-leveling to 20.0.52 plays the video with no problem.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2015, 03:34:50 pm »

Hi, this release 20.0.54 version gives me a problem: after a few minutes of listening the music stops, JRiver freezes and I have to restart the computer.
I go back to 20.0.52, no problem with this version

ciao from Italy

Could you provide a log from Help > Logging?  Install 20.0.54 and reproduce with logging enabled.  Email it to johnt at jriver dot com.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2015, 04:46:55 pm »

20.0.54 crashed today, I believe on exit (Command-Q)


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2015, 04:52:50 pm »

Sorry, attached old .crash file - the new ones (total 3 today) are from "JRWorker"


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2015, 08:16:26 am »

Sorry, attached old .crash file - the new ones (total 3 today) are from "JRWorker"
Thanks for the crash report.  It looks like JRWorker is crashing while importing video files.  If we can narrow down which video file or files are causing the crash, you could send us one of them and we'll get the problem fixed.  If it's a nuisance right now, you could de-select video in your auto-import settings.
If you're not sure which files or files are causing a problem, send us a Media Center log file following a crash and we'll find the filename in the log.  Just do:
1. Help / Logging / Enable..
2. make the crash happen
3. restart and go to Help / Logging / Send report...   

Send to johnt at jriver dot com

John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2015, 08:26:41 am »

The crash dump seems to suggest this was an issue which I actually already fixed in the video logic, so it should be resolved in a future build of MC for Mac.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2015, 09:05:44 am »

Hello John

1. Today I still hear the click or crack noise (like when you put the diamond on a vinyl to play it) at the end of each DSD 128 file, with renderer in DOPE.
I cannot hear this noise elsewhere.

2. Once or twice there was no sound although the file was being played; I started the file again and it went OK (that was not particularly a DSD 128, just a more ordinary file). The Macbook was busy so it may be related to other stuff so let me me investigate more on this pattern if it comes back.

3. All in all it is much more stable than before; although my Macbook crashed during the night on its own (MC was not switched on), it does behave OK when I use it with MC20 with this new version. There are may be some other issues with other softwares that I have to check.

4. Last thing: when you start MC, in the console you always have the message telling you "Class xxx is implemented in both yyy folder and zzz folder. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined." Is it normal ?

Thanks a lot !


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2015, 09:42:39 am »

The crash dump seems to suggest this was an issue which I actually already fixed in the video logic, so it should be resolved in a future build of MC for Mac.
Did this have anything to do with ac3 files Hendrik?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2015, 09:50:57 am »

Did this have anything to do with ac3 files Hendrik?

It would happen with any file that had a stream which was not used for playback, ie. multiple audio streams or subtitle streams. Not related to anything more specific.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2015, 01:29:48 pm »

Hello John

1. Today I still hear the click or crack noise (like when you put the diamond on a vinyl to play it) at the end of each DSD 128 file, with renderer in DOPE.
I cannot hear this noise elsewhere.
What is acting as the renderer in this case?  The next build will have some improvement for DoP handling over DLNA so try it out and see if it helps.  One thing I know is that if you're using Media Center as the renderer and you're sending DOP files, you don't want to use cross-fading, silence elimination, or other fancy playback features on the renderer end because it can cause problems with the DOP data.

4. Last thing: when you start MC, in the console you always have the message telling you "Class xxx is implemented in both yyy folder and zzz folder. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined." Is it normal ?
Yes that's normal because of the somewhat unorthodox way we utilize dynamic libraries on Mac/Linux.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2015, 07:40:50 pm »

What is acting as the renderer in this case?  The next build will have some improvement for DoP handling over DLNA so try it out and see if it helps.  One thing I know is that if you're using Media Center as the renderer and you're sending DOP files, you don't want to use cross-fading, silence elimination, or other fancy playback features on the renderer end because it can cause problems with the DOP data.
Yes that's normal because of the somewhat unorthodox way we utilize dynamic libraries on Mac/Linux.

Thanks for your answer. I do not use any options neither on Media Center neither on the renderer. Before this version, DSD 128 files were cut into 2 now they play OK except the transition (or when you jump quickly forward in the song)。So I guess in the fix you did, there is something that is happening at the end of the file that needs to be investigated.
I will wait for the next release and come back to you.
Thanks in advance


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Re: JRiver Media Center 20.0.54 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2015, 10:48:41 am »

Thanks for your answer. I do not use any options neither on Media Center neither on the renderer. Before this version, DSD 128 files were cut into 2 now they play OK except the transition (or when you jump quickly forward in the song)。So I guess in the fix you did, there is something that is happening at the end of the file that needs to be investigated.
I will wait for the next release and come back to you.
Thanks in advance

Some of those options are the default.
Check to make sure they are not set.
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