If I understand the code snippet correctly, this only refers to the case where an album container would be expected based upon a track as search parameter. I guess this would not affect the overall "search for albums by ARTISTNAME" that always yields a "no search results" resp. the overall search where no album is ever returned?
Not quite, what Bubble is doing in the search is the following:
I put in a search parameter, say "Dark Side of the Moon"
Bubble does a search on
object.container.person.musicArtist with artist set to Dark Side of the Moon which returns no results then bubble does a search on
object.container.album.musicAlbum with artist set to Dark Side of the Moon which returns no results then bubble does a search on
object.container.album.musicAlbum with title set to Dark Side of the Moon which returns the tracks in the album not just the album(s) as a container of containers
Unfortunately this type of search doesn't fit very well with the way MC is constructed internally so the problem is non-trivial.