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Author Topic: JRemote - Help Troubleshooting Audio Streaming Error (Possibly at MC)  (Read 6309 times)


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I'm just bumping an old item that sadly enough i haven't been able to resolve in a long time:

Behaviour has continued to be the same in all versions of Media Center i've tried up until 19: I'm able to browse the library at all times but not able to stream audio to "This device" in either an iPhone/iPad.  Streaming to other zones other than iDevices works just fine.

The error i receive in JRemote is quite simple: "Audio Streaming error: There was a problem playing the current audio file". 

Another piece of background information: i'm confident it's not a JRemote issue since it works perfectly with another instance of Media Center Server on a different computer.  I just hoped that the error message popping up at JRemote would allow me to understand a bit better the origin of the problem. 

As if it wasn't strange enough, i'm able to play MP4 video but no music (!!!).

I've played with every Media Network configuration and have even replicated the settings of the working server instance.  I have disabled and even uninstalled AV to narrow down a potential blocking issue. Nothing has helped so far.

Thanks so much for any help you could provide.




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Re: JRemote - Help Troubleshooting Audio Streaming Error (Possibly at MC)
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2014, 12:29:57 pm »

Try disabling the software firewall on the server machine that exhibits the problem.  If this solves it, you need to add a manual exception to the Windows Firewall.

If you're using some kind of third-party firewall, you might be on your own, but the basic deal is that the Port specified on MC's Options > Media Network > Advanced > TCP Port needs to be open for inbound traffic (and needs to allow outbound traffic as well, though this should be the default).
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Re: JRemote - Help Troubleshooting Audio Streaming Error (Possibly at MC)
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 01:00:32 pm »

Thanks Glynor, i forgot to mention that i did disable the software firewall (third party) to troubleshoot but it's been the same.  I haven't checked if after that Windows Firewall is doing some type of act and blocks particularly MC's audio stream.

It's strange anyway since as i mentioned, the server is streaming images and video but not audio (mp3).

Weird, isn't it?

BTW: WebGizmo works just fine.


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Re: JRemote - Help Troubleshooting Audio Streaming Error (Possibly at MC)
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2014, 01:10:23 pm »

This "streaming" issue from JRiver to JRemote has been talked about in the LARGE JRemote thread located here:

Look at post #505 and #616 (mine).   I still get the same issue - the first song plays, then I get the Streaming Error.

Then in message #505 :

"Oh... and meanwhile I have another problem. When I try to play an album, when a track is finished often it doesn't go to the next track. I see "Audio Streaming Error". But when I push the "Next" button it does play. I am very close to my router and with other apps relying on wifi I don't have problems.
What can I do to solve this ?".


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Re: JRemote - Help Troubleshooting Audio Streaming Error (Possibly at MC)
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2014, 03:20:50 pm »

I realized i didn't ever tried the obvious: Looking at MC's log.  Hope this tells somebody something:

As i said, i'm able to browse my library without an issue so i took the part related to the time i click on a song at JRemote (which is supposed to start playing it at my iPhone):

0006536: 2164: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Start
0006536: 2164: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleRequest: TCP: w.x.y.a: GET: http://w.x.y.b:8080/MCWS/v1/File/GetFile?File=531041&conversion=3&Filetype=key&Playback=2&Token=VLIqjRHM&Zone=10011&ZoneType=id
0006536: 2164: Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: Start
0006536: 2164: Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: URL: /MCWS/v1/File/GetFile?File=531041&conversion=3&Filetype=key&Playback=2&Token=VLIqjRHM&Zone=10011&ZoneType=id
0006536: 2164: Sharing Plugins: CMediaFileServer::RespondToFileRequest: Start
0006536: 2164: Sharing Plugins: CMediaFileServer::RespondToFileRequest: Finish (0 ms)
0006536: 2164: Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: Finish (0 ms)
0006536: 2164: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
0006536: 2164: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Finish (0 ms)
0006552: 3480: General: CMCUICore::SystemPowerManager_UpdateActions: Start
0006552: 3480: General: CMCUICore::SystemPowerManager_UpdateActions: UI Mode: -999; Playing: 0
0006552: 3480: General: CMCUICore::SystemPowerManager_UpdateActions: Finish (result: 0) (0 ms)

Thanks again for any help.


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Re: JRemote - Help Troubleshooting Audio Streaming Error (Possibly at MC)
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2014, 04:11:17 pm »

On the working instance i see a lot of other activity going on in the log when asking JRemote to play a song:

0023375: 144: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Start
0023391: 144: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleRequest: TCP: e.f.g.a: GET: http://e.f.g.b:8888/MCWS/v1/File/GetFile?File=3509550&conversion=3&Filetype=key&Playback=2&Token=IJyds8Vv&Zone=0&ZoneType=id
0023391: 144: Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: Start
0023391: 144: Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: URL: /MCWS/v1/File/GetFile?File=3509550&conversion=3&Filetype=key&Playback=2&Token=IJyds8Vv&Zone=0&ZoneType=id
0023391: 144: Sharing Plugins: CMediaFileServer::RespondToFileRequest: Start
0023391: 144: Sharing Plugins: CMediaFileServer::RespondToFileRequest: Finish (0 ms)
0023391: 144: Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: Finish (0 ms)
0023407: 7180: General: CMCUICore::SystemPowerManager_UpdateActions: Start
0023407: 7180: General: CMCUICore::SystemPowerManager_UpdateActions: UI Mode: -999; Playing: 0
0023407: 7180: General: CMCUICore::SystemPowerManager_UpdateActions: Finish (result: 0) (0 ms)
0023532: 10956: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleRequest: TCP: e.f.g.a: GET: http://e.f.g.b:8888/MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?file=3509550&Type=full&Token=IJyds8Vv
0023532: 10956: Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: Start
0023532: 10956: Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: URL: /MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?file=3509550&Type=full&Token=IJyds8Vv
0023532: 10956: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Start
0023532: 10956: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Start
0023532: 10956: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Filename: C:\Users\Music\3 Amigos - Think I Better Let You Know.mp3
0023532: 10956: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Start
0023532: 10956: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Finish (0 ms)
0023532: 10956: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (0 ms)
0023532: 10956: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Finish (0 ms)
0023547: 10956: Database: JRAnalyzerFile::GetImage: Start
0023563: 8868: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Start
0023563: 8868: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleRequest: TCP: e.f.g.a: GET: http://e.f.g.b:8888/MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?file=320820&type=thumbnail&thumbnailSize=medium&FillTransparency=0F1114&Token=IJyds8Vv
0023563: 8868: Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: Start
0023563: 8868: Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: URL: /MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?file=320820&type=thumbnail&thumbnailSize=medium&FillTransparency=0F1114&Token=IJyds8Vv
0023563: 8868: Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: Finish (0 ms)
0023563: 8868: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 88 bytes


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Re: JRemote - Help Troubleshooting Audio Streaming Error (Possibly at MC)
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2015, 06:14:42 am »

The problem has to be in the jremote interaction with MC since the same music file that gives an error trying to stream in jremote plays fine over a different IOS DLNA player.
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